Doe (2018) Poster


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Already Been Done Before In John Doe
omendata21 August 2019
The reviewers who think this is terribly original have obviously never seen the superlative series John Doe with Dominic Purcell which is still one of my favourite Scifi-Mystery series of all time .

Having said that this is not bad at all for a low budget movie; they took the idea from the John Doe series and expanded upon it and unlike the series (sadly) we do actually get an ending with everything explained which was not entirely original either but this is well above average viewing material.

Acting from all was pretty superb and although it does feel like a tv movie or episode of CSI at times it pulls it out of the bag and gets an above average 6/10 from me!
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Solid sci-fi
tellstar18 August 2019
Interesting SF film that is largely a detective story. The film offers engaging actors and doesn't promise more than it can deliver. Had the courage to engage my interest throughout simply through storytelling, instead of relying on violence and over-the-top action, which so many films do.
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If you knew Doe like I know Doe. Not stellar, but still pretty good.
S_Soma9 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
DOE is not entirely original in its ideas or presentation but, in an effort to avoid complete spoilers as much as possible while still at least trying to say SOMETHING, it is an excellent version of what it is. As a hint, it shares thematic attributes with, for example, A CLOCKWORK ORANGE.

The plot: a homeless-looking man wakes up on a park bench with no recollection of who he is or any other contextual information about his life. Attempts to identify him draw a blank.

Unusually, this man, who chooses the name John, shows an astonishing ability with languages. He admits to knowing 30-something languages, although the reality, which he hides to avoid being thought a freak, is that he knows hundreds of languages.

Over the course of the next 8 years, John builds a remarkable life for himself. He obtains two PhD's that are language-related, writes a book, becomes a college professor in languages, marries the sister of the detective who tried to find out who he was, and has a little girl. In short, he builds a pleasant and rewarding life.

And then one day a badly disheveled, dirty and apparently profoundly unhinged man shows up in his lecture room after class and claims to be another variant of whatever John is. This man, Lucas, doesn't have an ability with languages like John, but is instead a math genius at a level likely exceeding Einstein. Well, one John may be a fluke but two is a pattern, and this man is showing terrible signs of physical and mental degeneration. And when John goes to visit Lucas at his hotel to dig into the situation more deeply, it's a very short meeting; with a semi-automatic paintbrush, Lucas paints the walls with the contents of his head right there in the hotel room.

This begins a journey of discovery for John to uncover who and what he is with the underlying motivating concern that he may end up like Lucas.

Most of the meat of DOE is John's search of self-discovery and it's a passable mystery ride.

Some of the details of the discoveries are a little weak: happening to pass under a blacklight, John discovers what are apparently the left-over shadows of tattoos which must have once covered most of his body. One of the core elements of the mystery is the fact that John's memory has not only been erased, but his life history in databases and files has been so thoroughly obliterated by somebody or something that for all practical purposes, John never existed before that day he woke up on the park bench.

However, thinking about it as a viewer, it's practically inevitable that John was going to pass beneath a blacklight sooner or later; blacklight stamps are ubiquitous at all sorts of entertainment venues. That he would discover these tattoos was therefore also almost inevitable, and since practically every law enforcement agency in the country all but makes a fetish of tracking tattoos for their criminal content, this is a giant red arrow for John to follow in discovering his previous life. According to the storyline, virtually the first informational door opened but a crack on the mystery of John's origins immediately coughs up everything about his history.

So the plot line is a little low rent and the overall movie is not the stuff of blockbusters, but it's a good, solid watch and while the individual elements of the story are not new in and of themselves, to the best of my knowledge, DOE represents a unique instance of them being combined in this particular way.

Given the details of the situation, the stark contrast between John's discovered past, replete with the literal stains of evil all over his body, and the decent, moral and useful person he now believes himself to be, the angst and shame is so thick you could cut it with a knife. The reality of John's past is also significantly and uniquely painful given the nature of his family circumstances.

Be aware, the movie has a sad ending in that John's ultimate destiny was a foregone conclusion before the story began. We and John just didn't know it when we started this trip. But, for at least 8 years, John did have a nearly perfect life which he never would have had had circumstances not taken him down this unusual path.
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Sad but overall good
nare-6586127 November 2020
Very good story line and actors. Tatiyana was great in thiis so we're the lead actors. Ending was very sad! Give it a chance you will love it!
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Not a bad film
sarahryansr6 August 2019
Really enjoyed this film definitely worth a watch.
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More like, "Doh!"
rsvp32115 August 2019
I enjoyed it, I am so fed up with the current Hollywood garbage that I'm finding these "indies" films often superior.

This one has an interesting story, could have developed into something a lot more unique - esp for the ending, but it is what it is...

My only serious critique is the dialogue, and I blame the director for it. There is so much silence between the words, either while one actor is slowly saying his part, or before the next actor starts speaking. If you add up all the empty audio, I'm sure it would be ~twenty minutes for the movie! Pick up the pace!

Excellent for background noise, if you're multitasking.
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Very sad movie
bvgal-0979927 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Actually mystery suspense but its so sad. Idk who decided to write and create this film but its a very sad depressing concept. Nobody gets or wins at end. No heroes. But it's well acted, directed well, but such a depressing movie.
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Worth a watch
squidfish14 June 2021
The story is interesting enough to keep you engaged, the acting is ok, the dialogue is a little clunky in places with no really memorable lines ... its a solid 6. Entertaining enough to fill a couple of hours.
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Cool concept, poorly executed.
travis-a-greene9 November 2020
"Doe" plays out a little bit like an episode of Black Mirror. The concept is great(I won't spoil it) most everything else is not. The characters are 2D. The acting is often laughable due in part to a script with the emotional depth of most video game scripts. Doesn't quite make it to the "so bad it's good" territory. It's just a mildly interesting scenario with a very generic adaptation.
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Solid indie sci-fi thriller
jamesalmos8 August 2019
I'd call this one an above average entry into the low-budget sci-fi thriller category.

The Good: 1) Intriguing premise - not 100% original, but an interesting turn on more-common themes 2) Acting is better than expected from a low-budget film 3) Same goes for the cinematography 4) Manages not to give away the rest of the plot during exposition 5) Mathew St. Patrick (and Timothy Davis, for that matter)

The Bad: 1)Props in a couple scenes scream of high school theater 2) Obviously couldn't afford/secure better shooting locations, which hurt some scenes a bit 3) Tatyana Ali's character was flat; really wasted her presence

This isn't a movie you're going to rush to tell your friends about, but you also won't be wasting your time watching. It's a compelling enough narrative outright. You just have to be able to de-hollywood your expectations to get the most out of it.

Full disclosure: I know someone who was involved with this film, so I gave an unearned extra star here.
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compugor13 October 2020
Drawn out, unsavory and annoying, the slow reveal leaves a bad taste with no satisfaction. The wife character, played by Tatyana Ali, is irksome throughout, adding to the frustration of the storyline. Disjointed imagery of rabbits is never adequately explained and only adds to the flawed execution of the outlandish premise.
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Good and captivating
axeltf-0880819 August 2019
I got this relatively unknown movie recommended to me, and upon watching it I was captivated. The best part is easily the story, it is unique and interesting. Main character is great, and fits perfectly in the rest of the film. Just overall a really good and original indie film, worth seeing especially if you're tired of soulless blockbusters for 300 million dollars and connected movie universes etc.
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When lives are reprogramed.
revba20 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This movie since it did start out in an investigative manner (I truly appreciate that) but turned out a poor outcome at the end. It would be an extra touch if some flashbacks as to how the leading man and woman met since he had no memory. This could have added to the victims of this storyline. Casting was good.

Otherwise when Man (biotech company) plays as if he is a god and pretends it is all for the sake of permanent rehabilitation it never ends well.
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qui_j28 September 2020
The formula for this movie must have been a) Hire a lot of out of work, B grade actors, b) Get someone in High School to write the script and c) produce it as cheaply as possible. Just could not warm to the concept or the story. The poor quality script isn't helped by terrible acting.
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ops-525356 August 2019
This is a film for the lovers of weird narratived stories and plots, its not for me but maybe for you. if some more reviewers could elaborate some more....
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Impossible plot
cjstanford-650976 August 2021
The plot is evident in the first 10 minutes, "Who was this man before he lost his memory" and how awful will be his efforts in discovery the truth. Like all these "lost identity" stories the protagonist gets to the end of his journey, but the ultimate story is SO stupid! There would have been dozens of better, cheaper, less illegal and valid ways for the "villains" to have achieved their goals. In fact, it's almost as if the "villains" brainstormed to find the most improbable plan with the most risk and lowest return.
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Pretty Standard Sci Fi. Been Done Before.
wandernn1-81-68327413 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
So here we have the story of man who wakes up and doesn't remember who he is. John Hutton. He does however remember how to speak 37 languages. Earns 2 PHDs in languages.

And he teaches, and a guy approaches him in his classroom and says You're the language guy? I'm the numbers guy. Another guy that doesn't recall who he is but he knows a lot of math.

After finding out he's had extensive facial reconstruction that he does not remember, he goes to talk to the Numbers guy in his motel. Numbers guy puts a gun to his head and pulls the trigger. So what is going on here? What is Hutton involved in??

So Hutton starts looking into this numbers guy. He runs into other people searching Numbers' motel room. He starts working with his Bro in Law to find out who he is.

They run into some white supremacists. They find out that Hutton used to be a criminal who is listed as DEAD. So what happened to him?? He has visions of ripping or cutting up rabbits .

As they get closer to the truth, talking to Hutton's ex warden etc, Hutton has more flashbacks, more memories, and headaches.

Then finally he finds out that he was a test subject, and programmed to self terminate aka suicide. Just like the others. Apparently these super powers of memory for languages and numbers and such was an unintended side effect of these experiments that were conducted on death row inmates. REPROGRAMMING, The Executive, Mira Sorvino, calls it.

And at the end, COP BRO IN LAW hands over all the evidence and recorded audio that Hutton got, and the plot is exposed.

This really is just a simple story that has been done before .. Nothing really new. It was pretty well acted and well shot / directed etc but really nothing better than average. 5/10
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Indy Gem
timothyfoia10 August 2019
Great independent film that feels and looks amazing. Good music , excellent pacing , intriguing plot and good acting. Plenty of thought provoking content to keep a conversation going long after the movie is over. If you like Cerebral Thrillers with twist and turns this is for you. Hope to see more films like this in the near future.
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Terrible movie!
davidcoble1111 October 2020
I can generally find something I like about most movies I see, this movie had nothing I could put in the pros list. DOE has no redeeming qualities and should never have been green lighted. I'm pretty sure a freshman at an uncredited film school could come up with a better story.
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What happened here
theravenontopofthehill23 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I am slightly confused about this movie.

I liked the sci fi part of the movie, the rehabilitation process that is. I liked the concept. I liked the mystery of the many gifted individuals. I've also liked the journey for the main character to find himself even if slightly boring, in the end, the movie was a good background distraction.

I am quite frustrated at two things. One being that the other gifted individuals and their respective gifts are rapid stepping stones for the main characters, almost making them unnecessarily complicated fluff. Then there is the ending; the reactions of the main character are illogical in light of the greater good that was demonstrated in the rehabilitation process, in all honesty I stopped watching near the end, the main character was viewed acting in a selfish manner and bringing to a stop a new era, thus leaving me with an interrogation, was the movie made against this process of rehabilitation? Was it trying sheepishly to show off a possible reaction of the rehabilitated individual? Was it showing traits that even the "best" rehabilitation could not erase? Or does it only tells a cold story of a failed plot?

Another slightly annoying thing: The rabbits have no context and seem to be an abstract imagery of how the main character feels about his identities.

Not a clear cut movie, imagination is needed and meaning can be argued.
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This storyline has been done before a lot better.
Carol_R13 August 2021
This storyline was much better done in Babylon 5, Season 3, episode 4, "Passing Through Gethsemane". I guess I don't see John as a victim or a sympathetic character. Some good acting but a bad ending because at the end the movie missed the entire point of the storyline.
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Must watch!!
mikeymikes-6701227 September 2020
Great movie! Definitely a gotta watch film! Keeps you on the edge of your seat the whole time!
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Great Concept!
mikedawnirish7 August 2019
Loved this film for its originality of concept and script. The direction was unique in the way it handled any hint of violence. Good, strong actors. Highly recommended over most new films I've rented. I didn't feel cheated by this film. Watch it soon!
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Sometimes it's better not to know the truth
Woodyanders23 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
John Hutton (a fine and likeable performance by Timothy Davis) wakes up one day with no memory of who he is, but somehow has acquired the ability to speak dozens of languages fluently. John teams up with his private detective brother-in-law Carl (superbly played by Matthew St. Patrick) to uncover the secret of his true past identity.

Director Justin Foia relates the compelling story at a constant pace, adroitly crafts an intriguing aura of mystery, grounds the premise in a plausible everyday reality, and builds a good deal of tension. The smart script by Justin and Timothy Foia offers a potent and provocative exploration on the themes of redemption, second chances, and the moral consequences of big companies doing scientific experiments on society's most disposable and undesirable people. Davis makes for a strong and sympathetic protagonist; he receives sound support from Tatyana Ali as John's sweet and concerned wife Rachel, Mira Sorvino as a cold business-like corporate executive, Aaron Farb as the jittery Lucas, Anne Leighton as angry felon Emmaline, Faithe Herman as John's adorable daughter Jordan, Stacey Oristano as the grief-stricken Hollie, Steven Swadling as paranoid former prison warden George Hayes, and Josh Crotty as despicable racist biker Cage. The uncompromisingly downbeat ending packs a devastating punch. A real sleeper.
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Less is so much more
jazzstyle18 February 2023
As a writer myself, my first hat's off are to Landon Reagan, for having the idea for the story, then Justin and Timothy Foia for so craftily putting it on the pages. From then on, it's everyone, director to prop master, to the guys who set up gear and clean up after craft services. In music, we can feel when we all come together; what we call a tight set or being in the pocket. It's magic when it all falls together. That's what I felt in this film; every second of every frame was absolutely necessary. I didn't find one moment when I thought a judicious bit of editing could have helped. Add an interesting story, stellar acting, excellent production values, and a script that asks more questions than it tells us, and I'm in for the ride. Finally, there's the underlying theme of the film, which I think is really worth considering. It's in the script. Do you really want to know? Once the clapper hits that bell frame, you can't unring it. It's a question worth exploring, and I think it was addressed and answered in an intelligent and meaningful way in this film.
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