Supervized (2019) Poster


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for all those that fears aging and death
ops-5253520 July 2019
Its a story about a bunch of superheroes that lives in a geriatric home for old superheroes, its about how young rascals tries to steal the superpowers from the old ones before they die.

if you look into this with the expectation of a superhero flick, then youre going to be swindled. its anyway, a funny take on the genre, with some nice special effects, and a humble,pranky and in situ humour that made me laugh.

the cast cosists of a bunch of superstars from the silver screen, and for many of them it the final countdown of their acting careeres, nut they do deliver. the screenplay and direction though are far under par, especially the story that are very undeveloped.

the grumpy old man will recommend this flick for all of us that has pivoted half a century, its funny after all
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Just shoot me
nogodnomasters4 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Aging superheroes retire to the punny Dunmanor. If they can't control their superpowers anymore they get "downwardly managed." Tom Berenger suspects the powers are being harvested and then sold to local kids as a drug. Everyone thinks he is just getting old until. . .

As someone who is old and watches superhero films, I was the target audience. The film and actors went through the motions but didn't have a good bite. At one point in time we get a monologue of too many superheroes crowding the market. I found it watchable and borderline entertainment.

Guide: F-word. Brief sex. Old male sagging butt nudity.
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Pure Camp - just for fun
thejdrage26 November 2021
Don't watch if you're in a serious film mood or mode. This is pure camp. Enjoy it for what it is. Fun seeing the older actors being, ah, silly. They did it well! Could it have been better? Yep. Who and what couldn't? Repeat: It's camp. It's just for fun. Get the popcorn and suspend all belief. Be silly - they certainly are!
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nice movie on a low budget
MajBlade230 January 2021
Well nice to see these guys in a movie -bad script but hey it is what it is! can tell they must have got a big tax break filming in Ireland. worth a watch dont judge it to harshly
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A great idea!
Racingphan22 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
A great idea, but so poorly executed. A great cast of actors are left floundering around a tepid, weak script, terrible production values, and huge plot holes.
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Take it no more seriously than a Bugs Bunny cartoon and you will be entertained.
TxMike4 March 2021
The IMDb rating (5.0 right now) is about right. It is an interesting concept but executed just so-so.

This is the concept, a bunch of former super heroes are now in their 70s and retired to a special home in Ireland. They still each have some of their powers but nowhere near when they were in their prime. The script takes the easy way out with body function jokes and similar dialog. The gist is someone wants to steal their remaining fractions of superpowers for nefarious purposes.

I can't call this a particularly good movie but as a time-killer from Amazon streaming it has some entertainment value. About the same as watching a Bugs Bunny cartoon.
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A terrible waste of talent!
nigel_cummings22 July 2019
With a cast like this, Supervized could have been a blockbusting success of a film. Unfortunately, lame scripts, poor direction, cheap effects and utterly ineffectual character development, means its nothing more than a mildly amusing, cheap, slightly comedic super hero spoof,. It palls after the first 4 minutes, livens up slightly in the middle and then goes for an atrociously bad ending. What a sad day it is, to think the great talent featured in this terrible film, may well count this as their last acting performances on their way to their graves!
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Despite the naysayers...
PaulsLaugh5 January 2021
...this is an entertaining movie if not taken seriously. And the old age superhero gimmick works mostly due to the funny dialogue between a hero's dream-team out to avenge the death of one of their retirement home comrades. The special effects are set at 1970s TV mode and the cast play it straight for maximum tongue-in-cheek. Younger geeks won't get it, but us older ones will. 8/10 alone for the heart put into this project.
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What a great premise.
deembastille7142 January 2021
This had great potential but i had to stop watching because of the POOR ACTING AND EXTREMLYANNOYINGDELIVERY by the HEADMISTRESS OF THIS old retirement community.

THE NO SPACING BETWEEN those words above is done intentionally. I had to stop watching it because of her.

I wish you movie directors would take into consideration HOW some of the actors or portrayal of characters COME ACROSS so they dont deter from the story or make the story unwatchable.
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jaggcmi12 January 2021
Not you're average super hero movie. However, it's got plenty of heart and character. Keeps your interest piqued. Irish influence makes it even more unique.
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It was cute.
gooeyjello7 February 2021
It was nice to see she old film friends, and it was a cute easy watch. Wouldn't pay to see it though.
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Better than a 4.9
animalnutt2 October 2020
I actually think this movie is about a 6.5 out of 10, but have it a 10 to help bring the rating up, because it definitely deserves better than a 4.9.
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I enjoyed it but i am an old fan boy
iamjamalwhite19 August 2019
Not for someone who doesn't have a comic book collection. I liked it. The end was a bit rushed. There were some jumps in logic. Overall a fun ride
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Wasted Concept
davidlohr4 January 2021
This could've been a great film. It started off alright and then quickly went downhill. What a shame.
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Starts off slow but Happy ending
katwomansz17 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Looks low budget put some good affects near the end. Not many laughs but more human interest story. Filmed in Ireland in cool castle.
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Cineanalyst4 January 2021
One good thing about getting older is that someday I might forget I saw this lackluster entry in a crowded field of superhero burgers--and even a crowded field of superhero comedies. Although not offensively so, "Supervized" is a bad movie. It looks like a straight-to-video release, to a VHS tape, that is. Somewhat reminiscent of "Sky High" (2005), but worse and with old folks in a home instead of school kids. The jokes are uniformly flat, the effects are cheesy, and I don't know why the title is misspelled. The plot about a conspiracy to steal the superpowers of elderly heroes residing at a nursing home isn't entirely awful for much of the runtime, but it all falls apart in a nearly unwatchable climax. The cast of stars from the 1980s deserved better care than this in their old age.
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Up, Up and...! Where's my inflatable toilet ring?
S_Soma21 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The panoply of possible special powers possessed by superheroes is virtually infinite. Depending on the superhero, they can fly, shoot lasers from their eyes, teleport, shove the moon back into orbit, bend steel with their bare hands, summon dark forces from a darker dimension, exhibit superspeed, communicate with sea creatures, have x-ray vision, walk through walls, control fire or ice, or maybe just crush things. If you can think of a superpower, some superhero could have it or do it.

Except, apparently, avoiding old age. Apparently THAT happens to everybody, even superheroes. And if you can't completely control your bowels, how can you be expected to do any better with your superpowers? 'Tis a cause for concern all right.

And thus we have the premise for SUPERVIZED: a collection of geriatric superheroes languishing in a rest home not unlike one that any of us might find ourselves in in our "golden" years. And in Ireland, for some reason. Simply imagine any mundane geriatric ailment that any average person may experience and apparently it's extra funny if a superpower is involved. Gassy? There's a superhero in SUPERVIZED who can turn his personal gas into a jet of flame and thereby scoot along in his wheelchair. You just have to worry about anybody who might be pushing the wheelchair when he decides to let go, I suppose.

If you're a geriatric superhero who doesn't seem to be able to control his/her superhero capability to the extent necessary to provide for the general safety, you can end up having them forcibly removed via some process that's never made clear.

One of the aging superheroes and residents, arguably the, *ahem*, "hero" of the picture, one Maximum Justice, catches on to the fact that superhero residents are being relieved of their superpowers by some evildoers to be used for some obviously nefarious purpose.

And so a small group of wrinkly superheroes don their superhero outfits one last time to investigate the criminal mystery, confront the forces of evil, and bring the guilty to justice. And stuff like that.

Ostensibly, this is supposed to be a comedy. And it is... to a certain extent. On the one hand, the writing just isn't that sharp or witty enough to produce that many laughs. There is, for example, a running gag about a superhero who repeatedly forgets to put his pants on and we get to look at him in his diapers, and they look a little iffy if you know what I mean. Maybe, MAYBE funny once, but not multiple times.

Truthfully, laughing at old folks because they're falling apart, mentally and physically, as a foundation for humor just isn't that funny to begin with. And if you don't get why that might be right now, just hold that thought for a few decades until you find yourself in that situation and then you'll get it. Trust me.

There's also a running gag where, because of some sort of facility security system at the old folks home, owls are regularly shot down with laser beams. Okay. I have no particular love for owls one way or the other. But why is that funny? Or why is that funny enough to show multiple times?

It's an okay movie and there are a few mild laughs. Watching the old duffer slowly roll forward in his wheelchair by virtue of a rocket powered fart, flames and all, was giggle-worthy mostly because of the obvious charge the old fellow was getting from it.

But SUPERVIZED was clearly going for hysterical, rollicking laugh-riot and it just ain't. It's a movie that you watch to kill time, not because you really are hoping to see something hysterically funny.

The climactic defeat of the villain at the end was particularly weak and disappointingly un-amusing. And if you watch the movie, the truth is that our superheroes actually didn't defeat the villain at all. They simply lost hands down and the villain was fortuitously and accidentally undone by a side effect of too many superpowers concentrated in a single person.

Give it a watch if you're starving for a comedy. It does have several namebrand actors in it, but they're definitely not used to their best effect.
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A broad comedy (yes, it has to be, it's not a tragedy) on the aging Superhero's retirement
dennishermanson24 August 2019
OK, everybody, if you're young and serious about Superhero movies, then this is like Monty Python... it simply cannot be taken seriously. If you're a hipster older person, with a somewhat crude or random sense of humor, then this is a fun flick and well worth the rent.

Failing "SUPERPOWERS" is what we all face after a certain age, which might be now... say, 70. Hell, I worked to the age of 67. Lucky for me, I still had a job. Now, imagine if you ARE/WERE a SUPERHERO.

The director Steve Barron directed the films Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Coneheads and The Adventures of Pinocchio, This movie is along those lines, which broadly might be "fish out of water" genre films. Kinda.

The script is funny, perserse and crude, and hey, again, it's not going to be as actually involving as say, Cocoon (1985)... isn't meant to be. I also felt the special effects were actually quite well done (funny for the scenes and "believable" for the characters).

This might not be as big a big budget film (on what?), but shows skills and real fun in giving us "of a certain age, with a kid's sense of humor" a ckeeky carnival of life ride, in a nursing home with Irish exteriors.

Sorry if I just re-wrote ops-52535, but I want to add the "stars" in the film did a good job with the broad material, and I must be a rake, but I thought both Fiona Glascott and Fionnula Flanagan were hotties.
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Great to see some fine actors still having some fun! But..
dagallop6 March 2022
As many others rightly pointed out, this is a great concept for a movie, and frankly, given the right funding and some attention to detail, it would have been a great watch, but it really wasn't and therefore it isn't a 'great watch'!

There isn't much to say about the first half of the movie other than there are a few laughs, as well as the absolute minimum character building. Then it goes rapidly downhill with some ultra corny scenes and finally concludes with a blast of nothingness! The special effects are okay sometimes and should serve as a reminder that skimping on costs for CGI can do more harm than good.

The primary cast were, and still are, great actors but their efforts couldn't make up for the rest of the cast, I don't want to use the word mediocre for some of them because that would be too generous. Although, in any actors defense comes the inevitable script and direction, so who knows if they were really that bad or were just forced to be that bad.

Synopsis: Having watched it all the way through I have to state that I am not sorry that I stuck with it, there was enough entertainment in it to warrant giving it a full view. There are some punchy lines and for the most part it is watchable.
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Laughed so many times.
benprichardsdotcom21 July 2019
It's better than a lot of the crap we've watched recently such as: The Shape of Water, Jurassic Park: The Lost Kingdom (or whatever) The Latest X-Men. Etcetera.
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Super Fun to Watch
samcguire-9335021 July 2019
Just enough action to keep me entertained and so much fun to watch actors I like. Thanks.
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fun popcorn movie
joeyford-5534219 August 2019
Some special effects and laughs, not Avengers but good for a small budget
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A bit predictable but fun and entertaining
jenkinscammy15 February 2021
I'd probably rate this a 6.5 or so, deserves to be rounded up, though.

The special effects are a bit rudimentary in some scenes, but it's a lot of fun to see some of the familiar faces in this. There's a lot of acting talent here, even some A-list starpower from yesteryear.

It's supposed to be a fun, tongue-in-cheek look at superheroes in retirement -and it hits the mark!
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Mildly humorous
denig70514 March 2021
Even bad it's good, because it's fun to watch the old dudes.
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Underestimated comedy and film
marko939857 May 2020
I don't know what people expect from a film with a theme like this. Most of the superhero movies that are popular are worse than this movie. It's better than almost all superhero comedies. Great idea, great acting of all actors. Haters, look at marvel and dc trash.
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