Marmaduke (2022) Poster


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Marmaduke is given the film treatment once again and is even worse than the previous attempt (ironically making it more watchable, in the same way as a trainwreck or car crash
IonicBreezeMachine7 May 2022
When rambunctious great dane Marmaduke's (Pete Davidson) latest escapade of causing a tidal wave at a birthday party goes viral on social media, both Marmaduke and his family The Winslows are made infamous internet sensations with many labeling Maramduke as "untrainable". Legendary dog trainer Guy Hilton (Brian Hull) approaches the Winslows with an offer to train Marmaduke and turn him into a champion for the dog show circuit with a $1 million prize for the winner which Winslow family patriarch Phil (David Koechner) eagerly accepts. Following an intense training regimen, Marmaduke is ready for the circuit, but reigning champion Zeus (J. K. Simmons) has plans to sabotage Maramduke.

Announced in 2017, Marmaduke is the second adaptation of the newspaper comic strip of the same name by Brad Anderson. The strip was written and drawn by Anderson from 1954 until his death in 2015 and is still syndicated with Brad's son Paul still writing the strip. The first adaptation of Maramduke staring Owen Wilson in the titular role was released to audience indifference as producer John Davis tried and failed to recapture the success of the Bill Murray fronted Garfield films. Having read Marmaduke I never found it particularly funny or endearing with the main schtick of "Dog does something strange/destructive, family reacts" not being all that amusing in the earliest panels and only seemed like it served as space filler at best. The 2010 film that adapted the character was anemic and barebones with lots of unconvincing CGI which was par for the course when accounting for Underdog, Garfield, or various other lowest common denominator talking animal movies. Frankly I didn't expect to see a second attempt at Marmaduke, and unlike the 2010 film which was stupid and bland, the 2022 film goes into full-on trainwreck territory.

The animation in Marmaduke looks absolutely awful. The movie is directed by Mark A. Z. Dippé a former visual effects artist who cut his teeth making the ground breaking effects for the dinosaurs in Jurassic Park and the T-1000 in Terminator 2: Judgement Day before making the transition to film director with 1997's Spawn. Since Spawn Dippe has stuck mainly with children's films and is no stranger to newspaper comic adaptations having directed the trilogy of bottom of the barrel Garfield films Garfield Gets Real (2007), Garfield's Fun Fest (2008), and Garfield's Pet Force (2009). Given his career with visual effects you'd at the very least expect something visually pleasing, but Marmaduke is one of the ugliest and cheapest looking animated films I've seen since Norm of the North. The animation and models feel very plasticky and robotic with movement and flow feeling stilted at best as if frames of the animation are simply missing. The character models range anywhere from bland and uninspired to falling into the uncanny valley with the animation on the dogs talking looking grotesque to put it as nicely as possible. And then there's the effects for things like water or particle effects like smoke, haze, or a fart gas cloud (yes, seriously). Scenes involving any kind of fluid such as water, shampoo, or Maraduke's drool the fluid either clumps together like it's made of saran wrap or it's poorly integrated 2D assets overlayed on 3D assets in a manner that's only slightly less awkward than when Top Cat: The Movie did it.

The writing in Marmaduke is just a mess, credit to the 2010 film: at least it followed a structure (bare bones and banal as it was). Maramduke 2022 however, you could watch this movie and have no idea if you're in the second act, third act, or what because narrative cohesion in this film is more a polite suggestion than a requirement. The movie has TWO third act nadirs with one happening just barely at the 40 minute mark where we get the major setpiece where Marmaduke embarrasses himself by eating too much and using the competition trophy as a bathroom. This is where we get the fart gas sequence featured prominently in the trailer, but the movie takes a dumb joke a step further and makes the scene apocalyptic with an extended freeze frame sequence where screams and anguished cries are heard as we pan over faces frozen in terror and we see a pile of birds who've fallen out of the sky into a pile who seem like they're dead. The last time I saw a gas scene in an animated movie portrayed to this horrifying of a degree, it was in the independently produced animated dog film Sgt. Stubby: An American Hero and that was a serious story that took place during World War I. The movie only gets dumber and more nonsensical from that point forward with Marmaduke somehow running around the world (don't ask), going to an international dog show with participants from around the world including a Chinese rapping martial-artist Shih Tzu who sounds like Confucius and has psychic powers (don't ask, and did I mention China co-production?), and a French Poodle love interest who falls in love with Marmaduke because.....I'll get back to you on that.

Marmaduke plays like a funhouse mirror regurgitation of every bad animated children's film you've seen over the last 20 years. With all the time I've spent dumping on this movie you'd probably think you should avoid seeing it and if we're talking children's entertainment, yeah there's FAR better movies like this that you can watch (pretty much any Illumination movie is head, shoulders, knees, and even toes above this thing), but I will say Marmaduke is dumb but it's fascinatingly dumb. Every moment of Marmaduke features something stupid or nonsensical but I was never annoyed while watching it and found myself weirdly drawn to finish it to see "how stupid?". If we're talking rubbernecking entertainment, Marmaduke will suffice for your "WTF animated misfire" and you can probably riff it if you're not too ashamed of yourself for viewing it.
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Who animated this and why?
miknazwo7 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
SUCH a silly movie. The animation is awful. Besides the ridiculous looking people, look at the dog- he looks like a mix between Scooby Doo and a horse. I could pick apart so much from this movie. Why did the pool water make the world's biggest, most exaggerated splash and flood the entire neighborhood? Why didn't the water move as the family walked through it in the kitchen? Also, the entire scene where Marmaduke blows up the dog show was a huge "WTF?" moment for me. Who thought that was a good idea? I have so many questions.
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No words for this absurdity
justgroovinyou6 May 2022
Poorly animated, badly scripted, not entertaining or funny (a waste of an SNL cast member) and senseless storyline. This was supposed to be released in 2019, and because of COVID it wasn't. It appears that nobody touched it these three additional years for ANY improvements to the editing, writing or animating. Not worth the time unless you are playing it for a 4 year old, and even THEY might not watch it!
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rallder1911 May 2022
Why did they even make this movie? It's like everyone... the whole cast... the whole crew... everyone came into work with the worst hangover of their life and did the bare minimum to get their 8 hours for the day. If my name were attached to this project I'd pay to get it removed.
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stizout8 May 2022
First off, I hope this was made by high school animation students or the budget was incredibly low. Mouth movements are poor and overall character design is ridiculous.

Then the story... swing and a miss.

Netflix is headed for quantity, not quality.
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The Most Unwatchable Netflix Movie
In a few years of animated movies we would see whether if it's in theaters or on streaming services, we have seen quite a few that are bad but couldn't consider the worst movies ever made. And honestly, I was praying we would have one decade without a disastrous animated movie from Netflix that's any worse than America The Motion Picture. Ladies and gents, we have found what may possibly be the worst animated movie of the decade. The 2022 Marmaduke is not just a disaster, but would probably make the worst animated Netflix movie you can find. Having nightmare fuel animation that makes the movie unwatchable is one thing, but the movie has gone bottom of the barrel of how basing off a comic strip series can go wrong. The story is absolutely broken. The inner hearted message is hammered down. The humor is some of the cringiest I've seen in my life. The characters are all unappealing especially the fact Marmaduke himself is really hard to root for because of how stupid and useless he is. And everything we see from this feels out of place. Please everyone, do yourselves a favor and stay away from this embarrassment. Seriously, I'd rather watch the 2010 film than going back to this. Sure it's terrible, but at least it's a little more watchable than this. Not only would this be possibly the worst movie of the year, but also one dog movie worth putting down using a poison shot.
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"Marmaduke" is best described using the facepalm emoji.
jace_the_film_guy11 January 2023
There are some movies that are so bad, they're good. This is not one of those movies. The fact that Pete Davidson (whose work I generally enjoy) and JK Simmons (whose work I generally love) star in this film is absurd. I wonder if either of them had read the script before showing up to record.

The animation is subpar (the body proportions are creepily . . . Off), the voice acting is rough (sounds like reading the script), and the mouths regularly don't match with the voices. I honestly hope to never watch this movie again.

I usually go with the best, but I have to do the worst for this film:

Worst Character: Phil Worst Scene: The Talent Show Worst Quote: "Bacon. . . B b b . . . Bacon" Worst Song: "The Marmaduke Rap"

Note: "Marmaduke" is best described using the facepalm emoji.
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Oh dear God in heaven make it stop!
gabrielhart-847899 May 2022
Oh God oh God! My eyes!!!

Please make it stop!

Why are you doing this to me?

Please death take me now!

Also has very poor voice acting, voice dubbing, and the animation is low quality for a 2019 film.
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Another Netflix Animation Flop
cpgklein14 May 2022
It's like this movie was made before Toy Story (which is still years ahead of this cr@p). Netflix should fire their whole kids animation team. (Could only be nepotism...)
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Bad dog! Very bad dog!
ryanward-450396 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
That movie's so terrible and has worst CGI effects. The idea of bringing Marmaduke back as an animated film wasn't completely necessary for starts, because the infamous 2010 live action film has already terribly tainted its legacy. Almost all the characters are very annoying, bland and unlikable. It even has horrible animation and that's what I called it absolute piece of dog s***. Overall this a very very bad dog movie and an waste of animation money!

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The greatest masterpiece humanity has ever created
ttommaska24 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Marmaduke is the best movie to ever exist, it's up here with Morbius and Rise of Gru. It might sound crazy perhaps even insane but it's the truth, Marmaduke is a cinematic masterpiece enjoyable for everyone. The character designs are so distinctive and memorable even I could remember the background characters. The voice-acting is perfect, the way they deliver their lines feels realistic, the comedy is the funniest thing ever, when Marmaduke ate everything at the banquet and farded, I laughed for 20 minutes, you can tell effort was put into this movie. It has the most memorable moments like when Marmaduke said "This ain't over" and the banquet scene. I cried during those moments. All of you should watch Marmaduke, it will change your lives. Thank you for reading.
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Best film
lcapp-2885611 May 2022
This is gotta be better than those other shows and movies this show tops Spider-Man no way home, breaking bad, etc. Great show just I wish Kanye was in it.
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Wow, just wow........
owenpont-7080310 June 2022
I have never in my life seen a film more poorly done. Netflix has made fantastic animated movies over the years like Klaus, Over The Moon, Summitt Of The Gods and lots more. How the actual heck did they make this. The acting is so horrible. Arguably the worst acting I have ever seen. The animation is so ugly to look at. It looks like a rough sketch, and I mean rough. Everything about this film is done so stupidly awful it makes me question why they made this in the first place.
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Pete Davidson sucks and so does this movie
brendan_leblanc6 May 2022
I was really hoping this would be an enjoyable movie for my family, unfortunately it is awful. Terrible voice acting, terrible stories, terrible jokes, terrible animations. Just a terrible movie.
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Stop putting Pete Davidson in things
AWall886 May 2022
I sometimes like SNL. The writers are usually pretty apt. Pete Davidson is only funny when there's good writing. He is not good enough to be the thing that makes something worth your time. And worth your time, this movie definitely is not. There was a great family movie right in front of them, and they didn't go with it.
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Equal to an acid trip
Coconut-Tea8 May 2022
The filmmakers must have definitely been on something while making this one. If you want to watch a movie where you don't even know what you watched afterwards and lose some brain cells in the process, thinking 'what the fu-' every few seconds, then you've found the PERFECT movie!
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How did this get made?
ryrymadrid21 May 2022
What a disaster! The animation is horrible, reminds me a lot of food fight, and that's not a good thing. The voice acting is boring and lame. Didn't seem like anyone wanted to be involved. Please don't waste your time or your kids time.
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Started this for My 2 year old..... it's torture for me
belrahk6 May 2022
Characters are terrible and voice acting is even worse. You dont connect at all with any characters. Dont do it. Atleast My daughter seems slightly amused.
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As I am watching
datacdeme9 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Marmaduke ate an entire buffet table for a dog show. He has a fat tummy and bouncing on his fat tummy made land a$$ first on the competition trophy. He ended up farting so egregiously in said trophy, it created a fart cloud which consumed the entire building of the dog show. There was probably more left. Oh and it took two security guards to get it out.

JK Simmons was in this. This was released in 2022.

I understand the downfall of Netflix.
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Like a 2005 movie...
Sammy-geek26 May 2022
ITs terribly animated and I hated every single second of it.

Voice acting is terrible, jokes are so terrible, it doesn't have a consistent story.

At this point Netflix is just producing movies for the quantity.

Don't watch it

Seriously don't...
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ralphiehernandez22 November 2023
Before I watched movie, I was in a really dark place, my father left to get the milk, then my wife and kids left me, my boss fired me for no reason, and couldn't live myself any longer. However when I discovered this work of art by looking at the poster, (which look like the Mona Lisa) I know this movie will change me. When Marmaduke flip on the pool, It had looked like a real live action movie just took place. The character models were the best. This new technique of skinny people makes spider man into the spiderverse models look like absolute garbage and how poorly written spiderverse was. Speaking of which, the story and the voice acting almost made me cry, I've never heard anything so beautiful written and acting in my entire life. I relate to Marmaduke a lot. He inspired to become like him, to be a champion. After I watch the movie, my father came back to tell me that he brought back the milk and he said that he was sorry of abandoned me to get the milk. Then my wife and kids came back to get together again, and I found a really good job that earns a lot of money. This movie really changed my life for the best of me.
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It's Alright
gruffaloslayer8 June 2022
Remember when I said Marmaduke was a skunk? Now Mr. Pirahna became friends with him because they both fart. The animation in this movie is a bit lazy, but the story is OK.
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I can see why Netflix has gone up in price
nkmqcq15 May 2022
I start this review after three days of horrific seafood based food poisoning. Using Marmaduke to entertain my 4yr old who's currently developing her movie taste eg we sat through 'The Hero of Color City' and that was good apparently?! 15mins in I assumed the lack of fluid from the last two days projectile vomiting had me tripping balls until my partner joined us telling me to turn it off and said child critique agreed. Two things I will never do again, eat mussels, and watch Marmaduke. Thank you for attending my Ted Talk.
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Another Pete Davidson Flop.
mindlessmoviemaster25 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
How long till they realize he isn't funny and doesn't have a real fan base, another corporate comic they try to shove down everyone's throat. He not funny, he can't act and how did they give him the voice of marmaduke? Edit: Sad he helped get Netflix Animation department shut down. They really put their whole department on this flop. What was Netflix thinking. Smh. I called it back a year ago.
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YouTuber's first animation?
eurb16 May 2022
This really looks like it was made by a YouTuber for his Beginning Animation YouTube channel. I've never rated a film this low and it's made me question what it is to be a 1/10 or a 2/10. I can't imagine a worse film without it intending to be bad. It awful in so many ways. The voiceover is disconnected. The plot is nonsensical. The animation is YEARS behind it's time. It looks like someone was trying to replicate Puppy Dog Pals style animation. This is also my first IMDB written review because I needed to make sense of what I just tried to watch. It didn't even keep my kids attention. I cannot believe they got JK Simmons to be in this movie.
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