Aurora (2018) Poster

(IV) (2018)

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Aurora: Pretty, but poor
Platypuschow27 April 2019
Me and the Philippines just don't seem to be on the same page, this is only the third Filipino movie I've seen and despite it only getting a 3/10 it's still the best of the bunch!

It tells the story of a small island community, they're reeling from a ship wreck that is still visible from their shores. They're living in poverty due to the side effects of the disaster but some people are determined to see about locating the dead so they can be laid to rest. But yes this is a horror so ghostly things are afoot.

I liked the premise, it's a pretty movie with interesting characters and I was curious which direction they were going to go with it. Alas it became apparent around the half way mark that the direction wasn't a good one and certainly not an original one.

The movie is dark, bleak but looks great for a movie from the Philippines. Sadly however it's one of those silly supernatural movies that makes the rules up as it goes along and ultimately doesn't make a vast amount of sense.

I get what they were going for, I just think they failed miserably.

Regardless this is still the best movie I've seen the country put out.

The Good:

Some great visuals

Interesting concepts

The Bad:

Falls apart badly

Certain aspects make little to no sense
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Just a little more discipline would have yielded a much better movie.
S_Soma29 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
To reiterate the spoilers flag, this review DEFINITELY contains spoilers and lots of them. Watch out.

For the most part, the plot of AURORA seems to be that of a "regulation" ghost story. An oceangoing ship, heavily laden with passengers, is passing by a Philippine island. On board is the corpse of a man who had suffered from giantism. For some reason, the ghost of this giant is grimly determined never to return home, which is apparently where the ship is heading, and so takes possession of the captain of the ship and causes the ship to pile up on the rocks just off shore of the Philippine island. Where the ship comes to rest, coincidentally, is also directly in front of a waterfront inn run by a local Philippine woman.

Many people are killed in the resulting wreck. Making the situation even worse is the fact that the ship was overloaded with many illicit passengers who were stowed in inappropriate places such as the cargo hold. Greed by the ships owners, operators and officers and many other government officials was the cause of the presence of so many illicit passengers; anyone who could pay was given passage regardless of the implications for the general safety.

The traditional ghost story cause for ghosts "happening" is that a living person experiences some sort of wrongful death and a ghost is the unsettled spirit that results. In this particular story, the wrongful death of so many exploited passengers leads to a giant surfeit of ghosts. You can't sneeze without knocking some down.

Most of the movie relates the experiences of the owner/operator of the waterfront inn trying to cope with the excessive number of ghosts leading, of course, to the public exposure of the widespread corruption/wrongdoing that led to so many unnecessary deaths so that the ghosts can be at peace and the families of the ghosts can achieve closure.

The end.

Ultimately, for any ghost story, there is almost always a single story aspect that determines whether or not the ghost story is going to be any good, and this aspect takes a bit of explanation. Prepare for a digression.

For most fiction stories, the "nature of reality" forms the rocksolid, immutable foundation upon which the story can be built. Generally speaking "everybody" understands reality inasmuch as they are forced to live with it every day of their lives. The laws of physics apply to everyone equally and as humans we've evolved to, more or less, understand the nature of reality intrinsically. Conveniently, evolution expediently takes care of anyone who doesn't get reality, and this leaves the rest of us all pretty much on the same page as far as the nature of reality is concerned.

Because of this, people writing fiction stories and their audiences know the entire collection of rules they have to follow and what to expect, respectively. Everybody arrives to the story with the rules already established. For example, an author of Western stories is always aware that they DON'T have the poetic license to suddenly start making horses fly, and the readers of those Western stories don't have to worry about abruptly and irritatingly encountering such nonsense and trying to figure out what it means.

In short, a common understanding of reality between creators and consumers of fiction constitutes the universal, firm scaffolding upon which upon which fiction stories may be created and enjoyed without confusion or argument.

Uniquely, stories of the supernatural, and particularly ghost stories, are peculiar in that they must function WITHOUT benefit of this common understanding of reality. Wild departures from reality, after all, is the very core of what a ghost story IS. To make an analogy, writing a coherent ghost story is somewhat like trying to play a legitimate game of baseball with no rules. Writing a decent story in the context of no common understanding of reality between storyteller and audience borders on the impossible. How do you coherently address the issue of what can and cannot happen within the story (what are the limitations and rules that must be followed). The answer is that somehow, and this is very difficult to do, a ghost story has to not only tell it's story, but it must also make clear the rules it is following. Or, put another way, which particular rules of reality it's breaking in order to tell its story.

Every ghost story teeters perpetually on the edge of random balderdash that pushes audiences past what they're willing to accept, and often this results in audiences reflexively rejecting ghost stories as unenjoyable nonsense. Audiences may not even realize the fine nuances of what's making them reject a story, but a ghost story that descends into undisciplined randomness will lose audiences almost every time. Just because it's a ghost story doesn't furnish carte blanche to throw anything at the audience.

And so it is, in my opinion, with AURORA. And if the other user reviews around here are any indication, so it is with a lot of other AURORA audience members. While there are many elements to recommend AURORA, ultimately it expresses a poorly crafted and nonsensical story that wanders far into complete incoherency. And no matter how good the technical elements of a movie may be, if it doesn't have a well-crafted story to tell, it's not a good movie.

Because of this, I recommend taking a pass on AURORA.
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Flawed premise, poor storytelling and waste of money!
filmreviewph27 December 2018
Aurora definitely is a big budget film. But it failed big time. In the fb posts that i have read, it says critics do not like the film Aurora. But i would like to correct that critics and the ordinary audience share the same sentiments, reactions and comments, the pacing utterly moves like a turtle, the story development is stalled by the unknown and the script is flawed. All of these things have contributed in the poor storytelling of the director.

Would you take a job of finding dead bodies for 50,000 pesos? At an instant, yes! Especially for Leana who only expressed her problems with money only once in the film. There was no pattern to really establish money concerns or any threat that they are facing (with her sister Rita). More so, it is unthinkable for anyone to be a scavenger of decomposing corpses, who does not have the tools and gears to do it. So, Leana ended up asking for help from Eddie (Allan Paule), a fisherman who is more convincing to be poor and needs money. The more logical people to do the rescue (or scavenging) are the Coast Guards, who have the gear and tools, which by the way were accused of being the accomplice in the overloaded Aurora ship. That only shows Coast Guards have more reasons to to clean up their mess before anyone finds it.

The funny part was when Eddie and Ricky found a corpse and was placed in a boat hut. All three of them (Leana, Eddie and Ricky) gathered around decomposing body who seem to be experts like Coroners and were not moved by the stink, gross appearance. And the succeeding sequence shows them vomiting and seemingly took them a while to react to the corpse.

In the many PR articles, it says Aurora is not the typical jump scare film. It is pegged as a Hollywood horror film like 'The Others', which was directed well and leaves no confusion. And the big difference is Aurora was not creepy or will not even give you the feeling of paranoia. But I would like to credit the music score, which in itself is excellent. However, I get the the impression that the music was very exhausted in trying to help the film develop and build up.

Among other confusing points was the intercutting sequences between their house and the Aurora ship that shows the people in the ships's engine room. Was it the imagination of Leana? Was it a storm surge? How did they get into the ship? Or was it a Hollywood signature that give the audience confusion?

Definitely, Aurora is not a horror film.

I gave 3 stars because there are only 3 elements that are good in the film Aurora; Actors, Cinematography and Production design.
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sophiahwright4 May 2019
This was the most drawn out life wasting experience of my life. What's also sad is, this could've been a tone better. I should've known from the beginning credits that something was WAY OFF. You'll know what I mean 😂
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Sobrang pangit!
clardow4 May 2019
Napaka pangit na pelikula. Gin de Mesa please po wag na kayong gumawa ng pelikula. Please please please po. Zero 🌟
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It could have been a good film
emuids5 May 2019
Kudos to the cinematography, but the plot, characters, theme and type of conflict are frustrating. The movie lacked a unique story line that did not take advantage of the setting.
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This movie made me sad in the wrong way
fatimalauradg1 May 2019
I didn't really enjoy the movie, but in case the people that worked in it are reading these, I'm going to write first about the one thing I really enjoyed about the movie: It managed to scare and make me feel uneasy WITHOUT JUMPSCARES. This is a massive accomplishment, given that nowadays most horror movies relly on them.

This movie is sad but not in a "dramatic movie" way. It's sad because it could have been an awesome horror movie but they, somehow, managed to do everything wrong.

The first hour of the movie is full of drama and sadness, a ship crashes near a small town and suddenly everyone is leaving. The reason is the ship that crashed, but there's not much explaining of that, so I don't know if it was because they thought it was haunted or because the town's economy relied on tourists that would not come because of a shrunken ship. I don't know, and there was plenty of time to explain it, yet they didn't.

Then there's the two sisters' story... At the very beginning I thought they were mother and daughter but then it turns out they're not. Their family story is told in a really brief, out of context flashback, which leaves you confused for a few seconds until you kind of understand what's going on. Yet again, that part of the story was interesting and I would have loved for them to show us more of that, because it gives you the reasons for most of the things the main character, Leanna, does.

There's many other stuff that I think was easy to correct but they somehow missed it, characters that seem to appear and disappear out of nowhere without really adding to the plot, or they add so little that they were just a misuse of budget.

Then, the ending is just so poor and it could have been such a masterpiece. This makes me so sad. It's weird, they tie real life stuff that could be real and awesome with a weird ghost story, extremely poor and undeveloped, the ending is just weird.

The worst thing about the movie was that I spent one hour and 20 minutes waiting for something to happen. It's awful, it's boring. Really if you consider watching this movie, just watch the introduction and then fast forward it to the end, most of the movie is a waste of time.
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azeemnavarro22 September 2019
I refuse to watch this again. I watched this a couple of moths ago and i'm still mad over the fact that two hours of my life were thrown on the garbage because of this giant piece of s... Forget all the other movies I rated 1/10, most of them are masterpieces compared to this. Aurora is easily the worst film of 2018. Why? I don't have words (except insults) to describe how poorly made this film is. Let's do quick math here...what's the result of garbage acting + a script only a monkey could've written + the effects of the Spawn movie? Well, the sum is a 0/10. Seriously, this is one of the worst movies of all time.
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Seems like a blast from the past
shoppsi21 July 2019
I liked it. I thought the main actress was great and she made me care what happened to her and her little sister. The movie seemed very old fashioned to me, like something I would have watched back in the 70's. Maybe it was the music. They kept playing scary music before anything scary was happening, like they used to do to foreshadow scary events coming up back in the day. The music itself was OK but it didn't seem to fit a lot of the early scenes, in my opinion. I did enjoy it though. I like a good old fashioned ghost story.
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Stick to modeling Ms Curtis
daveofid29 April 2019
Your acting is weak and you eat up the entire film budget as evidenced by this film and also buybust. There is NO supporting cast to the weak "lead actress" in both films and she definitely cannot carry a movie. Just stick to modeling thanks!
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nathan_asanias27 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The best part to me is where all of the dead people came to "Leana's" Beachside Inn.

One Problem is, Given that it is a big budget film the ship is to unrealistic.
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Good Ghost Story
Pairic30 April 2019
Aurora: A Philippines horror film involving a ship wreck and ghosts wanting to go home. A coastal village has been visited by death in the form of a shipwreck, the remains of the ship are visible on rocks close to shore. Relatives seek the remains of their loved ones but many bodies are still missing, perhaps trapped in the wreck. The event has cast a dark cloud over the village, fishermen can no longer sell their catch, peope move to the city. Leanna (Anne Curtis) runs an inn, when the relatives of the victims leave she is without customers and links up with fishermen to collect rewards for recovering the missing bodies. But she and her young sister Rita (Phoebe Villamor) catch glimpses of strange characters, hear voices and even seem to make contact with spirits of the missing.

A slow moving film which might have benefited from a 15 minute cut in it's running time. However it was massive success in the Philippines, made for P$3 million, it took in P$100 million at the box-office. The ghosts are well imagined and appear to be seeking closure just as much as their relatives are. While not malevolent they will seize on to divers who approach the wreck. Ghosts appear in windows and flashbacks of the grounding of the ship are related through stories and visions. A cover-up may have taken place and the real cause of the shipwreck turns out to be even more frightening than any conspiracy could hope to conceal. Director/co-writer Yam Laranas delivers an engaging Ghost Story. 7/10. On Netflix.
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jpb_designmerge14 July 2020
The main character should always be the key to solve a mystery. not just a tool of the solution. this movie is like the story solved itself. the character just went to a horror train and after seeing all the ghost, then the story ends.

poor CGI.

i watched it till the end. i didn't enjoy
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Too boring to finish
ayameofazuma15 October 2020
Most of my one star reviews are the movies so bad I can't finish sitting through them. This is one of them. It's so slow paced and boring I just couldn't sit through any more of it.
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jsarahina13 January 2021
Watched this with my family because I don't want them watching Vice ganda film during MMFF season. I wanna commend the cinematography and the moody tone of the movie but the story line, a big waste of our family's experience. It's in the same "such a waste of money" level with Kuwaresma (starring Sharon Cuneta).

If they want us to support Filipino movie, they should have at least produce quality films.
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Watcher2812 June 2019
Horrible script. Horrible acting. Horrible effects. Horrible storyline.
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The worst pacing I ever since so far
gesotigershark2 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The movie had a promising plot with a promising cast with good acting.

However the good acting did not save the movie from its terrible direction and pacing. There are several plot holes coming out at the scenes and the supposed climax one after another which none of it made sense. The main character gets tugged into the climactic scene too suddenly and she ends the climax without letting us translate what the climax was even telling us but a vision inside the ship.

The movie even makes us think there were 2 reasons why the plot even happened which is the overloaded ship and the dead giant being in the ship but even if the giant wasnt in the ship, the boat would have sank anyways cuz of the overload and the captains mistake and cannot excuse a poor reason as bad luck as to why the ship sank.

Plus the movie had one audio defect among one of the actresses where her voice is muffled.

Regardless it's one of the worst movies I seen in the Filipino movie industry so far with a terrible pacing and terrible climactic direction and usually I always try finding the good parts of the movie. Sadly the bad parts was more than the good
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joanamarie_lim23 September 2020
This movie will literally waste your time I didn't finish it since the story and the movie effects is not really appealing and interesting.The Ship is a big joke all their effects from graphics to sounds is so uglyyyyyyy!!!!! 👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻
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A bit chaotic but interesting nonetheless
NocturneAeros23 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I understand why some people didn't like the movie, while interesting, the plot is a bit all over the place (like, I don't think the giant story line adds much to the story overall ?) and the CGI is sometimes unnecessary.

However, Aurora has some beautiful yet nightmarish scenes and interesting ideas. I really liked the plot of Leana being quested by the grieving families to bring back the bodies of their loved ones and how she discovers what really happened on that ship in the process. It's not something I have seen often in the kind of horror movies I watch. The looming presence of said ship in the distance was also very much anxiety inducing.

On the chapter of powerful but SPOILERY scenes: . . . . Philip's description of what happened on board and the explanation as to why the ghosts are desperately trying to reach the hotel.

Leana having to walk over dozens of little girls dead bodies in the corridors of her own house to find her sister, then both of them reliving the trauma of the dead by ending up stuck on the sinking ship every times they try to escape their house that is being flooded, in the most literal sense, with ghosts.

The ending, with all the families finding the bodies of their loved ones thrown all around the hotel floor. . . . . . End of the SPOILERS.

All of those make what I found to be an uneven but all in all interesting experience. I think it is also my first time watching a Filipino movie and it made me curious about Filipino horror.
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Honest_Reviewer3213 August 2019
This film could have been so promising as it had a really good storyline, great acting and casting as well as cinematography but by the time they used the special effects in showing the big giant ghost, it just went all downhill! I guess the ship was already sinking even before the journey began.
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A unique experience
pajadozachary6 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Yes, I enjoyed the movie. But there are some flaws that bothered me. The movie was more of a moving art piece, the shots looked gorgeous and the soundtrack thrilled me but the feeling did not last since the deep bass was played through the whole movie

Here are the problems that hindered the movie (for me). There was not enough character development to really get immersed. Even if the charcters in the movie were facing danger, I didn't feel that they are in such a threat. I did not care about these characters, there was not much scenes in the movie that made me care about them. Another one was the lack of expression Leana (Anne Curtis) had when she encountered the ghosts, I don't if these were intentional or not, but it seems like she knew everything was just her imagination. She just stands there doubting what she is seeing maybe a bit of expression. I think Anne Curtis did the best doing her part as Leana but it didn't work for me

Second, The absolute reason I didn't take the movie as seriously as it should be. Was the reason the boat sank and the main antagonist of the film, a giant. That did not satisfy my needs it felt like it was just forced to be there. The whole movie would be much better without the giant. I found it very goofy when he walks and contradicted the tone of the movie. I get it he is a giant which will hinder him to walk like a normal person. But all of this could be avoided by changing the reason of the crash. A much better option would be sticking to the captain and him intentionally crashing the ship. Maybe his daughter he lost came to him and asked him to crash it. That's all I found other mistakes but these are the only ones worth addressing. I would not recommend these to people who expects a psychological horror. It's a movie for a good scare but would be forgotten an hour or so after you watch the film
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A Sad Thriller More than Horror
SyoKennex3 May 2019
I stumbled across this by chance when I was browsing Netflix. Catching up on some Western horror films I'd missed that were recommended to me, Aurora popped up as a suggestion for me. I originally skipped past it before realising it was Filipino and I went back to it to watch the trailer. I've been looking to have my first films and dramas in each country on MDL so I decided to go ahead with Aurora being my fist Filo film after clarifying it was Filipino.

My Twitter friends said that it was hyped up in the Philippines but it was commonly held as a bit of a flop within the horror genre.

Now, Aurora is made and is meant to be a horror film. I went into it expecting to be a little spooked, not to a high degree because of the reviews I had heard said it was pretty bad. The few CGI effects to give this the horror theme completely tanked for me, and I won't lie - the horror is pretty bad. It doesn't hold its own as a horror film in any form.

However, the acting in this, the story behind it are intriguing. It kept me hooked in, it kept me rooted in my seat in pure curiosity. This is definitely a much more sad thriller than a horror film. I finished this feeling devastated, with tears in my eyes after the credits began to roll. The acting in this made this utterly amazing, the cast truly brought the feelings in this to life. It felt like this was currently happening in Asia, watching these families go through their loss and watching Leanna and her younger sister was going through hell. The music in this was as well amazing, it fits the film perfectly; there wasn't a single score in this that didn't help my emotions lift or drop alongside the story.

I think the best way to go into this film is to not expect a good horror film. Expect a sad, chilling thriller that is similar to many real-life occurrences around the world. Not as good as it could have been as a horror film, but definitely give this a try if you like sad films.
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Visually, a beautiful film but falls flat
vmalast30 April 2019
The cinematography is beautiful and sets the mood and tone for the film. The story in itself is intriguing. It reminded me of the setting of the movie, Cold Skin. Everything else is inconsistent. the CGI goes from incredibly amateurish to good. Some of the "ghost" scenes would have come across much better and a bit more frightening with makeup alone. The acting vacillates between good and again, amateurish. I wont say skip it, because it is beautiful to look at. I just cant give this a higher rating. Its really a 3.5 film.
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Mediocre film
jjzrrga30 December 2018
They could've done better with the plot and musical scoring.
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Main character
candysai9 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
At first,it was breathtaking..i can sense some "the lighthouse" vibes but the scary music is un/necessary for some scenes.. i was left hanging thru the part where they were taken back at the time/place where it screen obvious..scary ghost face seems jumpscares and such..just uhm..too much for a few..
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