Overwhelming experience.A Gem of telugu cinema.
10 September 2018
I was having a lot of positive thoughts and expectations on this film, since it looked fresh and with rana backing it up and also my short film friend did a small role in this. I was excited, staying in mumbai it's hard for telugu films to release or release in wide scale , had a person who was willing to come , so it became easy and watching movie , the first 10 min itself i was mesmerized by the naturality and realistic way of taking.Movie is fully emotional, it makes you laugh and cry and finally leave you astonished at the end. You'll remember the characters all along the way back home, even now Iam not able to get through the movie's hangover. It has been 2 days , but it will be long before it to fade away. My final word is , this is a never before and never again kind of movie, so don't miss out in theatres. Proud time for telugu Cinema.
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