Story about social structure of right and wrong
24 February 2019
Straight to the point, "What makes this story special?" The answer lies in the fact that over the time human's conscience has started questioning the rights and wrongs of our society. There is no absolute right or wrong in our lifetime here. This law is applicable to every scenario we face in this world. The one consistent thing we shall ensure to have a peaceful lifetime is to make sure we embrace love close to our heart. And this idea makes the story special! Director Madhu C Narayanan is largely successful in displaying this thought at the same time incorporating all the good and not so good elements of our society. The story is soft and light hearted while exploring the emotions of every characters but the BGM plays crucial role in evoking the feeling of viewers. Every character has put their heart out while playing their part especially Soubin Shahir with his acting skills has made eyes wet at many instances. Fahad Fasil once again proves his immense talent with character Shammy who is grey shaded but leaves a strong impression. The cinematography, art direction, location selection and BGM have been accurate. The narrative is new and refreshing which takes time for us to get immersed to their lives almost till end of first half but story turns unkind and leaves us guessing what's up next in second half. The strong point of script is all the character's emotions are well connected to their past and secondly the movie is really funny and unpredictable at times. The only weak point of the movie is that at many instance the audibility falls below par and leaves the audience guessing.

Viewer rating: 5/5 Critic point of view: 4/5
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