Narration horrible, tonns of pseudoscientific whooo
20 November 2020
The first Apple TV+ documentary I didn't finish. The Narration (watched it in German) is hideous, monotone and his pronunciation is overall very weird. Never liked this Narrators style but here it destroys every little piece if credibility the movie has left. It seams stretched at point where we are shown scenes from deep impact or the Last days of the dinosaurs, when at other points the narrator tells us, that what followed was so complicated, that they wont torture us with it.

That has to be the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard in a documentary. A format dedicated to advance knowledge and share information.

Instead of experts, we are confronted with jazz musicians tht kinda hunt for meteor dust as a hobby. It's filled with religious nonsense much more than it is filled with actual, scientific research and findings.

The topic could have been amazing and I was excited when I saw it, as I'm a big fan of cosmology and meteorites are fascinating to me. Having watched Tiny Worlds and Elephant queen, I expected way more from this and was absolutely crushed by what was shown to me. I would award it 1 Star, wouldn't it be for some brief momenta of actual scientific information and beatiful images from Antarctica.

I wouldn't recommend this to any one with prior knwoledge or interest in the field and would encourage everyone else to take the message in this documentary with a grain of salt. There are other documentaries that do a far better job than this, which is unfortunate.

And please, never have us sit through this narrator again. It's definitely not a skill he has.
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