This One is Hard to Find The Gold
14 December 2022
Where does my Disney+ subscription go?

This is low budget, with obviously cheap visual FX, low grade camera work and really bad cheesy plot devices. It's totally B grade. I think it's aimed at an adolescent demographic, so they think they can just get away without trying too hard just because it's aimed at kids.

I really wanted to give this a go but the production value is so poor and the story so cheesy that I just found myself cringing about every 5 seconds at yet another poor aesthetic. And honestly, I normally don't give up on something so quickly as I always try to find the gold in things.

Why bother to produce something like this? Is it just a filler to block out another slot and pretend like Disney+ are producing their own (quality) content?

(Also beware of reviews where the profile was created the same time that the review was created, where there are no other reviews on the profile, and the review has nothing bad or critical to say whatsoever - I realise the irony here, in reverse, except my profile is years old and I've many varied reviews)
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