Happy Birthday to Me (1981) Poster

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R.S.V.P or die!
Boggman23 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Poor Ginny. All she has ever wanted was to be popular. She tried to have a party once, but that didn't turn out so well. She invited the "Top 10", her academies richest and most sought after click to her party, only to be sorely denied. Ya see... one of the other "Top 10" girls was also having a party, so the rest just naturally followed. Ginny's hard boozing Momma didn't like that too much. Not only did she storm over to the girls house with daughter in tow, but she managed to get them both into a nasty little car accident that not only ended her life, but severely messed up her daughters life as well.

Never fear! After some experimental brain surgeries and a few repressed memories, Ginny has emerged years later as a beautiful young woman who managed to get into the "Top 10" after all!!! Hooray! There's just one little catch. Ginny's B-day is coming up again, but her fellow "Top 10" are disappearing one by one. Of course, as the viewer, we realize right away that they are each getting hacked to bits....but who's killing them all?? Could it be that whacko Rudi? Or how about that creepy Alfred? Or is it Ginny herself? "Happy Birthday to Me" emerges from the early 80's genre of horror films as one of the better movies out there. It may not be as gory as some of the others, but it does at least have some character development and some pretty creative death scenes going for it! And that Melissa Sue Anderson...what a looker!! For the DVD release, their has been some drastic change to the original soundtrack. Due to copyright issues, some funky disco music has been added (mostly in the beginning) where there was once only scary music. While many have ranted on and on in previous reviews about how deplorable this is.... for this reviewer it wasn't all that bad. Plus, it's really only in the beginning, which makes it bearable.

In addition, others claim how lame the ending of this movie is. While the ending is "unbelieveable" to say the least- when you have your Jasons, Michael Myers, and Freddy's running around without ever being able to stay put- who can really fault this little gem from its ironic twist of an ending. Sure it's phony, but it's also fun. And most of you will never see it coming. For fans of early 80's style horror, this really is a must see.

If an invitation should happen to present itself, this reviewer would recommend checking this party out!
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The Birthday Party
claudio_carvalho25 December 2014
The teenager Virginia Wainwright (Melissa Sue Anderson) studies in the traditional Crawford Academy and belongs to a group of wealthy friends named The Top Ten. Virginia had a serious car accident a couple of years ago where her mother died. Now she lives with her father and is psychologically treated by the prominent Dr. David Faraday (Glenn Ford). She has also frequent blackouts but she is slowly recovering her memory. When one by one of her friends are murdered and disappears, Virginia starts to believe that she is the killer, but Dr. Faraday does not think so. Who might be the serial-killer?

"Happy Birthday to Me" is a creepy slasher with a good story with many twists. When it seems to have disclosed the killer and the motive, there is one last unexpected twist that surprises the viewer. The conclusion is extremely dark and makes this movie one of the best in the genre. My vote is seven.

Title (Brazil): "Feliz Aniversário para Mim" ("Happy Birthday to Me")

Note: On 30 Jun 2020, I saw this film again.
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Not that bad at all.
funkervogt25 August 1999
Well first things first, It makes me wonder if the creators of scream and I know what you did last summer watched this movie to get ideas. This movie I think is BETTER then those movies, It has way more suprises in the ending thats for sure. And best of all its filmed in Canada! Good shocks, Good death scenes (the dumbell!), and a great plot make this a winner. Just when you think you know the killer it changes again and again Worth the price to rent (I just saw it on movie PIX for free uncut and commerical free) A solid 7/10 Check out my other horror movie reviews click on my name above!
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Nicely done
lrc8123 July 2004
This is the story of Ginny, the aftermath of a car accident she was involved in and that cause her mother's death. It all started going bad before that, divorced parents, living with an abusive mother, Ginny wasn't popular, didn't have any friends, all in all a childhood to forget. Due to the car accident, she undergone extensive brain surgery, the consequence was frequent blackouts. Once at the Crawford Academy, she finally started getting along with the popular kids but not for long because they all started to mysteriously disappear. Who's to blame, are Ginny's blackouts related to this events??

I consider this to be a very good slasher movie. The cast is as good as it gets in this genre. The killings are original and imaginative. The death of Dr. David Faraday (Glenn Ford) is particularly bloody and Ginny's brain surgery is also pretty graphic and worth watching. The only negative aspect is the exaggerated amount of "twists", it is a good plot but taken a little to far in my opinion. Still a must watch slasher.
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A Good Time
kayrannells1 November 2020
A nearly 2 hour excuse to showcase some grisly deaths and silly plot twists, but that's not a bad thing. I did sometimes wonder if the film's content really supported the run time, but the pacing isn't terrible, so you don't spend most of the movie checking your watch. It's nice to see Melissa Sue Anderson in something other than Little House on the Prairie and she's really likable in this as the birthday girl with memory problems whose friends keep disappearing and she might be the one responsible. The finale is one of the silliest and most entertaining conclusions I've ever seen.
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Reasonable slasher with a silly finalé that takes the cake!
BA_Harrison4 December 2008
With seasoned pro J. Lee Thompson behind the camera, well known TV actress Melissa Sue Anderson in the lead role (hoping to make the transition from the small screen star to movie star), and veteran actor Glenn Ford giving able support, Canadian slasher Happy Birthday To Me is a far more competently made film than many of its contemporaries: the direction, cinematography, editing, lighting and acting are all top notch.

Unfortunately, it is this very slickness, along with the rather convoluted plot, lack of gore, and very silly finalé, that prevented this from being as enjoyable as I had hoped; I guess I just prefer my 80s slashers to be simpler, cheaper, nastier, and just a little more willing to shock!

Anderson plays Virginia Wainwright, newest member of the 'Top Ten', a clique of rich kids at exclusive private school, The Crawford Academy. After a game of chicken almost results in a terrible accident, Virginia begins to have flashbacks to a similar incident which claimed the life of her mother and left her with terrible injuries to her brain. When a gloved killer starts to stalk and kill the 'Top Ten', Virginia begins to wonder if she is the person responsible for the grisly murders...

Thompson, the director of highly regarded classic Cape Fear, puts his obvious skills to use, making the most of the silly script and delivering some well executed scenes of mayhem: the road race at the beginning wouldn't have looked out of place in a modern action movie, whilst the first death is worthy of an Argento giallo. However, the plot is so silly that even a skilled director like Thompson, with over thirty years experience, struggles to hold things together. The film eventually becomes a mess of disappointing gore-less deaths (the MPAA apparently cut some of the bloodier moments before its original release) and silly red herrings, and at times it also feels rather restrained (there is no nudity, despite there being the obligatory shower scene).

Thankfully, there is a sufficiently twisted ending, with the manky murder victims assembled around a table to take part in a macabre birthday party, although the final revelation is so daft that any suspense or terror is quickly dissipated.

After Happy Birthday To Me, Anderson returned to TV, Ford was given flack from critics for his appearance, and Thompson's career went downhill (King Solomon's Mines, anyone?); despite all this, the film isn't THAT awful, and should be of some interest to fans of the genre, if only for the infamous shish-kebab scene that featured on the excellent poster.

5.5 out of 10, rounded up to 6 for IMDb.
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Happy isn't quite the best word...
thesar-216 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
When I first popped in Happy Birthday to Me, I checked the timer to see how long the film was. I was amazed at the length. Both animated and horror films share a common ground: attention span of the selected audience and that should be at or right around 90 minutes. Anything more, and you'll lose the bulk of your audience.

This 110 minutes, or 20 minutes past its prime was a huge problem for me. I'd like to say half of this movie could've been edited out, but I would be too generous to say that. Go ahead and watch it and tell me how many scenes could've been edited, even without being a film major.

Regardless of the overstayed visit, the movie was below mediocre. It spent all of its time trying to be this huge mystery on which of the "elite 10" is killing off the remaining friends. For the most part, they not only over-do it, but they zoom in on a face and pretty much say "It's this guy! No! It's this gal!" You'll spend more time with the camera misleading you than actually enjoying the movie. And don't get me started on the acting.

Okay, that got me started. I had to laugh in the beginning trying to remember if Melissa Sue Anderson played the character that went blind on Little House on the Prairie (later, research proved my suspicions correct) because all the way through this movie, she genuinely looked blind. Strange, as an established actress, she should've been the best of the group, but turned out the worst. The rest of the staff, aside from Ann (Bregman) was pretty damn bad, too, but she, uh, took the cake.

The movie begins with a group of ten friends, and one's immediately killed off. Barely anyone thinks twice of this "dear" friend's disappearance, so they continue on their merry way. Slowly, then more rapidly, there are revelations about Virginia's (Anderson), the main character, past and her psychologist, who's a tad bit more personal (AND ON CALL 24/7, apparently) than most shrinks. All the while, more and more deaths occur.

What's funny is, just as the first "disappearance," the more "best buds" vanish, the less the rest care. Sure, they give a few seconds of air time to say "Wow, (that person) just wouldn't run off" etc, but then they're back to their sexual ways. And speaking of which, it's probably due to the horrid script, or maybe it was I who was losing interest at minute 30, but it was really hard to keep up with who liked who of the group as they all seemed to be sexual partners of the next or someone would either be freaked out to the MAX by another and best friends the next scene. SEE: the creepy guy that kept a mouse/rat in his pocket – literally – and was the most obvious suspect. I'm giving the film too much credit (and time,) but how he became part of the "elite 10" I'll never know.

But, I digress, there's a mystery here. Why are these kids targets? Why is Virginia thinking she's killed someone, when it was never proved ('till the end) that any of them actually has been slaughtered? And why would the trailer and poster claim these killings to be "Six of the most bizarre murders you will ever see"? Hell, even for 1981, most of these had been shown in any of the first two Friday the 13th films – coincidentally enough, Friday the 13th Part 2 was released 2 weeks to the day of Happy Birthday to Me. Perhaps, they're speaking of when they filmed it months prior, but were late to the, well, party.

When the "secrets" are revealed, trust me, you'll have to rewind 3-4x to actually get the laughable and incoherent motives, and even then, put the subtitles on to get all the mumbling victim/killer's words. Even if you get the first time, it's an unbelievably outrageous and hilarious finale. It's almost worth watching the whole movie again, but as a drinking game.

This birthday gathering should be avoided. It's a horrible and illogical first draft script – please, please know it takes multiple rewrites before the cameras role, it contains either way under acting or extreme over acting and it's 100% unrealistic on how people react in extraordinary circumstances.

Side Note: When I was a kid, or say 10-11 years old, I loved horror films. (Still do, oddly. Definite guilty pleasures, but they are getting harder and harder to watch as years pass.) We got our first VCR, and I taped as many horror films off network (or, EDITED VERSIONS) TV. All I remember of Happy Birthday to Me is getting the last 10 minutes on tape, which scared me to death – and obviously gave away the big mystery on who the killer was. Even though I have seen other clips of this movie, I think this is the first full-length viewing I've had. Thankfully, this awful movie didn't wound me as a child. I am older now, and I can take this trash. But never again.

Side Note 2: That said, that crazy "Happy Birthday to Me" song played in the end credits (and as a score throughout) still creeps me out tremendously. I guess, this movie (or last few minutes,) did have an influence on my childhood. Shame on you, Melissa Sue Anderson!
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A Party Worth Attending
glenmatisse30 June 2020
I enjoyed this movie, but I'm pretty sure a few trims wouldn't hurt it. There are a few plot lines that seem to go nowhere and the whole thing is a bit too convoluted for its own good. It's nice to see Melissa Sue Anderson as a bad girl and slasher movie final girl all in one and the makeup effects are great. That ending is completely ridiculous and I loved every second of it.
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Good in parts but gets confusing
Tikkin27 March 2006
Happy Birthday To Me started off looking promising, with a girl getting her throat slit, and the pace moving along nicely. But then things started to get confusing, as the girl has flashbacks, and you're left trying to figure out how this fits into the storyline. At the end of the film it starts making a little more sense, but then suddenly things take an unexpected twist (a twist too far if you ask me) and the film gets too far fetched, resulting in a spoilt film. If they had of left the twist as it was rather than adding the ridiculous second twist, it would have been a much better film. However, there are many good scenes which get points from me such as the flashback of the car falling off the bridge - it's very well done and we get to see the car falling in at different angles. The acting from Virginia's mother is also superb for her brief appearance. There are some unusual death scenes too although I must have seen the cut version because I didn't get to see much of them.

Overall, this film could have been a lot better without the elements that make it confusing, but it's still worth seeking out and is better than a lot of slashers out there.
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Happy Birthday to Me: Released too late
Platypuschow13 March 2019
The 80's were rife with generic slasher flicks and sadly this is one of them. I however thought it wouldn't be for two reasons.

For a start Happy Birthday to Me was the most successful Canadian film ever! For a couple of months that is until Porky's took that title.

Second because it was specifically advertised for its 6 shocking kills, each more inventive and brutal than the last. Because "Machetes are boring", in fact this was a prominent title that gets mentioned in relation to the video "Nasties" epidemic of the 80's.

Let me be clear the deaths aren't shocking, they're barely inventive. They're semi-cut away, minimal blood and honestly really tame stuff. How this could have offended anyone is beyond me.

The plot tells the convoluted story of a girl dealing her dark past while her friends systematically begin to go missing. Could there possibly be a connection? *Yawn*.

The plot is cliched and very 80's, it's not very interesting, doesn't come together very well and the finale is pants.

There are so very many movies of this ilk from around this time, and most are better.

The Good:

A couple of great scenes

The Bad:

Some really confusing logic

Dissapointing kills

Entirely muddled
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Much too clever of a slasher film for it's time.
FrightMeter7 March 2002
I may take a lot of grief for saying this, but I firmly believe that Happy Birthday to Me is one of most intelligent and well acted slasher films of the 80's. I think the reason that it never made as much of an impact as films like Friday the 13th and Prom Night, which were released around the same time, is that is was just TOO intelligent for its time. It was released around the time when gore and body count is what made a slasher succeed. HBTM relied on plot twists and character development. This film is comparable to something that would be released and be successful today, where plot twists are what make a "slasher movie." Melissa Sue Anderson gives a excellent performance as Virginia, a member of the elite "Crawford 10" who suffered injuries in a car accident just months before the start of the film. At the approach of her 16th birthday, her fellow classmates begin to get butchered. Yes, a lot of things about this film are very confusing, and the ending can be tricky at best to figure out, but overall it plays out well and provides just enough gore and suspense to satisfy the slasher fans, but also tries to appeal to those who want more than just a bunch of murders on film. Highly recommended. Intelligent, and very well acted by Melissa Sue Anderson. Just remember this film was made in 1981. Way ahead of its time.
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Who wants first slice of the birthday cake!
lost-in-limbo25 February 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Virginia Wainwright is a new student at Crawford Academy and she's part of a wealthy group of close friends that are known as the top 10. There's one secret that these friends don't know about Virginia and that's she survived an accident, which her mother died. After trying resume a normal happy life she starts getting flashbacks of her ordeal and also spells of unconsciousness. While, this is suddenly happening the number of her friends in the group are getter smaller, as they disappear one by one. The authorities are clueless and Virginia starts to suspect herself being involved.

Right-o, what a bluff! Well, now this film does leave you with a lot on mind, I guarantee you. Maybe it was too clever and overdone for it owns good, because I was quite liking up until it came to its dawdling final half-an-hour which gets the better of it by catering an climax that's all bit too silly. Abient it's more than surprising and ominous, but hardly plausible. The sudden, sombre ending was nicely staged, though. But that in mind, "Happy Birthday to Me" is an satisfying and well accomplished slasher that has a lot more going for it than most in its rancid field. Director J. Lee Thompson succeeds in giving the film a magnified touch of slickness, but also amongst the panache is some depth. Sure, it doesn't make sense at times and there are lapses aplenty, but they try for a little more detail around the mystery instead of a simple stalk and slash vehicle. Even the pacing isn't that tedious in the first hour, with enough going on in the sub-plots to keep your interest before the next brutal murder. These nasty murders are shockingly enterprising with a real cruel streak that takes effect in the dying stages of the story. They're rather blood soaked deaths with some red paint here and there. But obviously it's been cut down to brief glimpses, but still it has its unpleasant moments within the decent body count. It may not cop out on the frequent violence, but nudity, there isn't ounce of it.

The story by John Saxon provides enough twists and turns, by throwing the usual red herrings around (which are rather effectively done) and providing some psychological edge (which doesn't always come off). It does play around with idea that the main lead might have more to do with it then she knows with the latter half of the flick filled with meaningful flashbacks and a change in personality that we see, but her friends don't. But really underneath that irregular subtext is just another systematic pattern we see in most slashers with obnoxious teens that fit the same old sitting ducks, ah I mean stereotypes, but here it's handled better. Though, the conclusion is totally bananas with a motive that's pure hokum. You'll think you got it figured and BOOM! There you go. The lead girl might be confused to what's going on but also the viewer is in the same boat too. Also surprisingly the script is efficiently stable with pinch of peculiar humour and the performances are more than adequate. Melissa Sue Anderson shines as Virginia and Glenn Ford adds a touch class as her doctor. On show is a nice looking teen cast too.

Director Thompson orchestrates some well-rounded tension in certain sections and paints a forbidding atmosphere to proceedings. He knows how to work in some great visual jabs and some extensively staged stunt action, but there was some pointless dragging in third act. It became rather laboured where the running time should've been cut down. The feature nearly runs for two hours, but here there wasn't enough in the material to hold for that long. The editing was swift, but it could've done without certain scenes. If so it could have been an incredibly taut piece throughout, rather than in blotches. The compact camera-work has some neat fixes in building on the mood and disorientating nature of it all. Like many of its kind you got the killer cam. Backing it up is a strong soundtrack and a rather haunting theme song. Some recent slashers owe a lot to this flicks format and I reasonably enjoyed this slasher that I would rank it as one of the better ones, especially from the flooded 80s.

Above-average slasher that doesn't set the world on fire, but delivers a ludicrous outing with more depth and style to boot.
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Even with a big clue, I didn't see it coming.
lastliberal4 April 2009
Bernadette (Lesleh Donaldson) is almost strangled and relieved to see someone she knows. But, it is a short relief as she is slashed with a razor. So opens a classic slasher film.

This is Little House on the Prairie's Melissa Sue Anderson's first starring role in a film, and, ignoring Skatetown U.S.A., her first film outside of TV.

Someone upsets Virginia (Anderson) and he is dispatched quickly. By whom? Is it the creepy guy Alfred (Jack Blum) that hangs around the Top Ten? Soon another gets a weight dropped on his balls with disastrous results.

Well, at least we know who the murderer is with a little pruning, a tasty shish kabob, and a quick dip, as we saw who did two of them - or did we? It is certainly a mystery why there are no bodies.

The shower scene was very unsatisfying.
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great post-Halloween slasher
eiffel1988221443-218 February 2002
stars Melissa Sue Anderson, Glenn Ford, Tracey E. Bregman, Jack Blum, Lawrence Dane, and Lesleh Donaldson.

plot: The 'top ten' at Crawford University are disappering one by one, starting with Bernadette (Lesleh Donaldson). Meanwhile, Ginny (Melissa Sue Anderson) begins having flashbacks of an accident and brain surgery during the time she lost her mother. Her psychiatrist and friend David (Glenn Ford) tries to comfort her, but she can't help but think that she is the one doing the killing and then forgetting.

reveiw: This movie is wicked fun to watch! It's very confusing to find out who the killer is. The murders are also very original and very gory. Melissa Sue Anderson is great at playing Ginny. And the revealing of the killer is very surprising!

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Kept me Watching
northernlad5 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Always looking for horror films that I haven't seen. Stumbled onto this one tonight. Melissa Sue Anderson....from Little House on The Prairie? In a horror film?

This movie managed to keep my interest even though some of it is borderline ridiculous. The first scene after the girl had been attacked, she manages to run only 10 feet away and then stop and cry about the experience. Maybe should have ran a little farther after such an incident? Maybe kept running? Along with this was the crazy ending that was practically straight out of a bad soap opera storyline.

Again, I found most of it amusing and it was worth the watch for me. 6 Stars.
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Great Canadian Slasher
laurieanngermann21 December 2021
The Canadians prove once again that they were responsible for some of the most interesting slashers of the early 80's. Happy Birthday To Me has a labyrinthian screenplay with so many characters and subplots that you might find yourself thinking it would function better as a TV miniseries. The twists and turns come fast and furious, sprinkled with some gnarly and gruesome death scenes and styled with old school Hollywood class by veteran director, J. Lee Thompson. Be sure to stay for the absolutely insane final act.
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Classy entry in the 1980s stalk and slash cycle
Rrrobert28 May 2016
Proficiently made psychological thriller with a convoluted story. The troubled Ginny (Melissa Sue Anderson) attends college and hangs with a popular clique, the members of which mysteriously begin disappearing. They are actually being murdered in inventive ways by a gloved killer. This assailant remains unidentified, but it is someone who is known to the victims...

The complex story generally sustains viewer interest and builds effective levels of intrigue, though the constant heavy handed red herrings through the film soon lose their effectiveness. Ginny's impending birthday, the posse of students and the murder methods firmly place this film in the Halloween-Friday the 13th cycle. This film diverges slightly by being set over several days, by emphasizing several older characters rather than focusing on only the teens, and by slowly revealing the backstory via unfolding flashbacks late in the proceedings rather than in the more common prologue. It is also less bloody than others in the cycle, and doesn't dwell on scenes of terrified teens being pursued and slashed by the assailant.

Some formal reviews complain that despite his billing Glenn Ford appears only briefly in a throwaway role as Ginny's psychiatrist. Actually he probably has the most screen time aside from Anderson and Tracey Bregman (as Ginny's best friend Ann - somewhat a rich bitch), has quite a bit to do, and appears over several scenes. Ford plays his scenes well lending the film some class. Lawrence Dane as Ginny's father likewise does solid work. Sharon Acker does a hair-raising high-camp turn as Ginny's crazed social climbing mother. Her manic performance in the revelatory flashbacks is great fun and fits in perfectly.

The younger characters are also well played and attempts are made to flesh out their characters in their relatively brief scenes. The aforementioned Tracey Bregman stands out among this crowd. Bregman seems to be adding hints of menace to her character of Ann. No wonder she went on to such a successful career in television soap operas.
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A bloody mess...
moonspinner5524 September 2016
Veteran director J. Lee Thompson was unusually fond of stepping into the gutter once in a while, so this gory slasher-flick wasn't just a case of an esteemed filmmaker cashing a paycheck. Thompson gets good work from top-billed Melissa Sue Anderson as a traumatized teen who may or may not be responsible for the elaborate slayings of several of her classmates at an elite academy--but the picture goes on and on for a seat-numbing 110 minutes, and one good performance isn't enough to carry the load. The screenplay by John Saxton, Peter Jobin and Timothy Bond, from Saxton's original story, appears to have been worked over many times by too many writers, and the whole bloody mess collapses under the weight of throat slashings, false scares, brain surgery and a double-twist ending that makes no sense. Glenn Ford's obtuse role as Anderson's doctor is also a puzzler--but no matter, he's trashed right along with most of the cast. Canadian-made thriller has very few thrills, however cinematographer Miklos Lente gives the final scenes an eerie sheen and Thompson stages a suspenseful game of chicken near the beginning. *1/2 from ****
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The best horror-mystery to ever feature a Shish Kebab!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
CinemaAmoreStar7 January 2005
Happy Birthday to Me is an often neglected and seldom viewed 80's cinema gem. It is a damn shame that it has not received the cult status it so solidly deserves. The plot involves cliques, prep schools, and a very weird birthday party, but that is not what is important here. What matters is all the stops director J. Lee Thompson pulled out to make this into a near masterpiece of the slasher genre.

Let's begin with the topnotch cast. Melissa Sue Anderson (of Little House on the Prairie) bravely fills a leading role that is decidedly unclear about whether it is that of a protagonist or antagonist. Whichever way you look at it, Anderson acts with aplomb! Secondly, there is veteran thespian Glenn Ford who, despite what some overzealous critics said, gives a fine performance as the doctor in addition to adding a sense of dignity to the proceedings. Also of note is the luminary Lenore Zann (a multi talented wonder who has sadly never enjoyed the success she deserves). Her enlightened performance is both savvy and sensible and she brings a sense of validity to a character that other actress would have simply let fade away into the background as it seems the misguided script intended. Another unforgettable personality is Sharon Acker. Seen only in flashbacks, she takes the role of the overbearing mother to new heights: a sheer classic in overacting! For those familiar with Sleepaway Camp (another piece of great 80's horror) Acker's whacked out mother just might rival Desiree Gould's Aunt Martha. While these are the players who really stand out, also of note are Lawrence Dane (as the enigmatic father), Frances Hyland (the headmistress), and Lesleh Donaldson (who makes the most out of her '1st victim' cameo).

But enough about acting, on to the gore! And oh, what a gory movie Happy Birthday to Me is. The film skillfully manages to be bloody and raw, without becoming revolting. In fact, the grisliest scene is not a murder at all, but rather a realistic medical procedure! That's not to say there are no shocking murders, however. There are 6 bizarre murders as the poster promises, with the notorious shish kabob scene remaining one that will always live in infamy. The only thing more delightful than these sadistic killings is, of course, the twist ending! A real twist ending! What a twist! The twist is virtually unpredictable as it comes almost entirely out of left field and scarcely even makes sense! Oh, but it's just terrific! And let's not forget about the theme song that one hears shortly after. As an audience member, one barely has time to compose themselves after the twist when they're treated to one of the eeriest songs ever composed during the end credits.

In short, Happy Birthday to Me delivers on all levels and now that it is easily accessible on DVD, you'd have to be a fool to let this unparalleled work remain unwatched.
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See it to believe it!!
n799046710 July 2001
This has to be the most unintentionally funny film I have ever seen. I cannot believe there is not a goofs list for this film, when it contains the worst bit of Continuity EVER!! Imagine the scene, the young star has a flashback, her and her mother are trapped on an opening bridge. As it opens, the car falls, spins 180 degrees and lands roof first in the water. The Director, Editor, whoever, obviously loved this stunt as we see it 4 times, in slo mo, from 4 different angles, then, as a climax to her flashback we see it one more time, this time, however, the car falls into the water Roof UP!!! Who was editing this thing?? Anyways, its worth a look for its laughs, and has a few decent effects too, including a kebab skewer through the head. Watch it, you may actually like it!!
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A nice present would be the fast forward button.
Zeegrade12 May 2010
Asking slasher fans to kill the plodding 110 minutes of this bland Canuxploitation film is the only bizarre form of murder you'll encounter while watching "Happy Birthday to Me". Dull, slow-paced, and constantly trying to throw the viewer "off scent" as to who the real murderer is which makes the already insipid plot annoyingly repetitive.

Virgina is part of the too cool for school "top ten" clique at a Canadian private school. Right off the bat I would want to knock off these annoying punks without any provocation whatsoever. Secondly, besides Melissa Sue Anderson, whose character is supposed to be turning eighteen, most of the other students look old enough to be teaching the classes rather than attending them. One of the ten is murdered at the beginning of the film yet the others don't seem too concerned when her character just disappears. Guess the "top ten" ain't that close. A series of confusing relationships exist between the ten, especially Virginia and a couple of the male members, that there is no coherency as to a motive for the murder. It doesn't help things that Virginia, who has blackouts stemming from a serious car crash that killed her mother, consorts with men who at certain moments act like homicidal murderers. One such gentleman sneaks into her home just to steal her panties. Another takes her to a church belfry where he decides to approach her menacingly with a knife. If that isn't enough a glasses wearing dork with a pet rat (how did he get in the top ten?) pretends that he decapitated the girl who was murdered at the beginning. Why would you hang around these jerks? Eventually Virgina begins to believe that she is responsible for the disappearance of her friends which she confides in her psychologist Dr. Faraday (Glenn Ford who should be in something better). If you happen to stay awake until the ending you're in for one of the most confusing explanations in movie history. At this point I couldn't have cared less.

As for the bizarre murders, you'll be sorely disappointed as there is nothing memorable about any of them. A shish-ka-bob skewer to the throat? Yawn. A brain surgery scene is shown for no other reason then to try and up the gore factor which skimps out in major parts. Dr. Farady's death is a prime example of this as the room is covered in blood like someone shot it out of a hose and yet the actual death scene is not entirely shown. With its little gore, no nudity, cardboard cutout characters and asinine story this could have easily been edited into a Lifetime Channel movie of the week which I think is one of the worse possible things to say about a horror movie ever.
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Happy birthday to slasher fans
Nightman8524 July 2005
Happy Birthday to Me is simply one of the best "body count" movies to pop up after the massive success of Halloween (1978).

Is lovely young Virginia Wainwright the shadowy murderer who is "offing" her elite group of college friends?

Happy Birthday to Me stands head and shoulders above the average slasher film on a number of levels. What starts out as the standard slasher fare builds into to a surprisingly twisted thriller with strong tension! The conclusion of the film may just be one of the most "off-the-wall" endings in horror history! It's an effectively mind-blowing ending to one warped murder mystery. Also worth mentioning are the truly inventive murders in this movie. The gory killings are oddly clever, even to the point of being darkly humorous, yet really shocking. The cast is pretty solid. Beautiful Melissa Sue Anderson makes for a fetching and sympathetic lead. Her co-stars deliver some believable performances. Director Thompson gives this film a wonderfully dark and atmospheric feel. Kudos also go to the composer for a splendidly moody music score (it's a shame the score is completely replaced on the Columbia DVD!!!).

No matter what some critics have said about this film, see it for yourself. Not many slasher films live up to this amusing and off-beat bloody entry.

*** out of ****
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Much ahead of its time. It has a solid car race scene n an insane revenge.
Fella_shibby30 September 2020
I first saw this in the late 80s on a vhs n didn't enjoy it then cos it was not on par with FT13 n Halloween n other slashers of the late 70s n early 80s. (The gore n the killings aint on par). After revisiting it recently, i liked it n found it to be an intelligent n different thriller with a solid revenge theme and much ahead of its time. One of the best part is the car racing scene which is brilliantly done n again much ahead of its time. The end credit song n music is haunting. The twist is good n the finale poignant.

This was one of the very rare 80s slasher to show a teen/victim a bit intelligent. The teen/victim plays dead to catch the killer off-guard....

Some terrible flaws: How was the killer able to clear the heavy gym plates from the barbell n that too very quickly? How was the killer able to dispose the bodies so easily? The convenient method of drugging and all and the even more convenient latex and all is a bit too far fetched.

Can someone explain: What happens to Maggie (Lenore Zann) n her boyfriend? Lets assume they went home aft the dance n never arrived for the birthday of Virginia. Then why Amelia was standing in the rain, clutching a wrapped gift adjacent to the grave of Virginia's mother? Mayb she came for the birthday but got a shock seeing the guest room.
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18 bloodstained candles!
Coventry7 February 2006
In the year 1981 the horror market was already pretty congested with an overload of dull and uninspired teen-slashers, but this "Happy Birthday To Me" was one of the first movies that at least attempted to bring a little more depth and content. This shouldn't come as a big surprise, since the man in the director's chair was J. Lee Thompson, acclaimed creator of great horror / thrillers such as "Eye of the Devil", "Cape Fear" and a nearly endless amount of Charles Bronson action vehicles. With J. Lee Thompson in charge, the tension is built up more atmospherically and the inexperienced young cast members are definitely kept on a short leash. Still, "Happy Birthday To Me" doesn't deserve too much praise as it remains an ordinary bloodbath in which teenagers you don't care about are killed off in the most absurd ways by the most unlikely culprit. Pivot character is the cherubic Virginia who just joined the elite clique of the school after recovering from a near-fatal car accident that killed her mother. Someone clearly isn't happy with Virginia's return since the teenagers go missing one by one. Or maybe Virginia herself is still a little sick in the brain?? The first hour is pretty good with an eerie title song, witty dialogs and a couple of very nasty killings (oh yes, the kebab-stabbing!). After that, however, the story becomes tedious and you start hoping that all the characters die a quick and painful death. The famous twist ending is indeed unpredictable, but at the same time very far-fetched and dumb. Considering "Happy Birthday To Me" is a low-budgeted early 80's slasher film, a little bit of naked flesh would have been welcome, too.
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One of the ultimate classics
fanqarm15 January 2004
This was quite different from any other slasher that came out in the 80's. You could tell that they really wanted their death scenes to be set apart from all the other slashers. I mean, who can resist this movie after seeing the cover anyway? I was a little disappointed to see the 'actual' shish kabob scene as opposed to what they have on the movie cover. but hey, thats marketing for you. Although none of the characters were very likeable, the theme of the movie keeps you going. I would have hated the movie if they hadnt thrown in that last twist in the end though.
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