The Night Stalker (1986) Poster

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On the stalk
In one sense, watching The Night Stalker, is kind of like watching Roots of Evil that kind of bares similarities. They're both sleazy, straight to video flicks, and that sleazy cop Vic, in this, whose mouth is like a gutter, reminded me of the killer in Roots Of Evil in looks and voice. But in this psycho thriller, where boozing cop Napier is thankfully the lead, we're battling an unstoppable evil, a maniac cop sort, where fired bullets don't work, but just put holes in this faceless being of incredible human strength. Is this guy human. Yes? It almost stretches the reality factor, kind of making us think, may'be this is possible, plausible. Napier makes a meal of his starring lead, carrying this film, out to catch this maniac, who's been disposing of a few prostitutes. J.J (Napier) is in love with such a woman, a pro, who of course, is losing a couple of her close pro friends/lovelies, even a younger Joan Chen, to this psychopath. They have, what you could say, is a love hate relationship. There are a lot of things to this film that are fun: 1- Napier fixing a dude and his mate who try to get smart at a hot dog stand, ruining his morning coffee. His partner watches on amused, saying to Napier, in aid of some help with one big guy, "Oh, you own him". 2) Napier blacking out on a rooftop where his partner almost thinks Napier's gone, then when he revives, he gives him a piece of his mind. 3) Vic giving a younger cop, Joey Gian (Death Before Dishonor) some rookie advice about falling for the younger sister of Napier's woman. Gian retaliates verbally, then storms out of the car, with Vic, saying "Sensitive little, ain't he". And 4) Vic then makes out with a woman who's not a woman, and he's caught with his pants down by Napier and co, such a figure of mortification. What was great about the film, though was the cool talking pimp, Julius, who wraps up his words in riddles. This black pimp is Napier's nemeses, and with such a cool and slick demeanor, I almost feel, Napier's gum chewing partner, envies Julius. He even smooth talks Gian's love interest, in joining his stable when he drops in on her sixteenth birthday, Napier, making sure this won't happen when telling the older sister straight, later at the party, the song "On The Edge Of Love" playing off, nearby at muffled volume. He then makes a joke about Julius, that is indeed, in bad taste. Julius and his mates even try to take on The Night Stalker. Guess how that works out. Whatever your fancy, to all you b grade lovers out there, this isn't a bad pick, and The Night Stalker isn't a dude who'll go down easily. Adequate flick, with somewhat of a uninviting cover, like the freak himself.
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Charles Napier is the reason to see this ........
merklekranz20 May 2012
Charles Napier gives a good performance as boozing detective J.J.Stryker, pursuing a call girl killer. If you demand realism as part of your movie experience, then I suggest skipping "The Night Stalker", because the killer is practically immortal, and bullets do not even phase him. It is this killer that cannot die angle which requires complete suspension of disbelief by the viewer. What you wind up with is yet another "Dirty Harry" clone, with a psycho villain and a cop who finds trouble wherever he goes. Stryker stops for breakfast and gets hassled into a fistfight. Stryker stops for a beer and interrupts a robbery in progress. You get the picture. - MERK
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Before he was "Maniac Cop", he was ... just a random Maniac!
Coventry11 May 2023
"The Night Stalker", not to be confused with the far superior occult made-for-television thriller and subsequent series, is one of those ideal mid-80s horror/action movies that you can watch with a bunch of friends and play a game of cliché-bingo to! Do you know the rules?

Each participant writes down 10-12 genre clichés on a piece of paper prior to starting the film. Then, while watching, you tick off the clichés when they appear on screen, and the first participant who sees all his/her clichés featuring in the film, wins. This largely (and righteously) forgotten 80s flick is a nearly inexhaustible source of clichés! The invincible serial killer; check. Practicing some sort of voodoo ritual; check. Preying on big city prostitutes because they are "disposable" victims; check. The heavily drinking, chain-smoking, unorthodox, and practically always suspended homicide officer; check. The mandatory liquor store robbery and overlong chasing of the culprits over rooftops; check. The good-hearted prostitute and her love-hate relationship with the homicide inspector; check. The constantly joking but loyal partner who dies halfway through the film; check. The arrogant police inspector nobody likes gets caught with a prostitute who turns out to be a transvestite; check. And, of course, there's plenty of more...

Undoubtedly the most interesting aspect about "The Night Stalker" is the cast. Charles Napier isn't known for playing the lead hero, and he's visibly uncomfortable. He usually stars in the supportive cast, as a sleazy corps detective or a corrupt authority figure, so he can't handle the responsibility of carrying a film. I wouldn't be surprised if Napier requested himself to turn his character into an alcoholic who's passed out half of the time. The stunningly beautiful Lydie Denier depicts the first victim, and the first person to discover that the maniac cannot be killed easily with bullets. Speaking of which, the prowler is none other than Robert Z'Dar! He would become somewhat of an 80s horror movie icon two years later, as Matt Cordell in William Lustig's "Maniac Cop". Z'Dar already does here what he would repeat throughout his entire further career, namely talk as little as possible and look menacing thanks to his impressive posture and unnaturally large jawbone.
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Somewhat pedestrian, yet commendable effort, fresh from the Ramirez case.
rixrex3 July 2005
First, to set things straight, the film's copyright date is 1986, year of release, but video release is 1987. If you are lucky enough to find a VHS copy, there was only one release, and not on DVD yet, and you can find it for just a few dollars, and you're a genre fan, get it. This was given the go ahead right after the Richard Ramirez murder spree as the Night Stalker in Los Angeles in the summer of 1985, to capitalize on that wave of fear that ran through the city, well-fed by a hysterical news media. It actually has a seemingly unstoppable serial killer preying on mostly street-walkers late at night, whereas Ramirez slipped into homes and killed those in their sleep, a much more frightening premise. The similarity with Ramirez is in name, location, satanic style influences, and that's about it. Otherwise, the film plays very much like an episode of the TV series, Kolchak, the Night Stalker, with it's supernatural elements, invincible killer, and TV-movie style of production, plus some cheesy lines, some over-acting, and several good character actors, but without the great Kolchak himself. Charles Napier is an adequate lead, and Robert Z'Dar is a spooky serial killer, check out his photo here on IMDb and you'll see why. For genre fans who are a little forgiving of the silly moments, it won't be a waste of time.
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Don't waste your time
dgih8u17 November 2001
This movie is junk, it isn't scary or even entertaining to watch.

i actually paid seven dollars for this tape, in the hopes it would be a cool slasher flick, boy, was I wrong. In case your interested, this movie is about a serial killer who preys on woman, killing them so he can gain some sort of supernatural strength from their deaths, with each kill he grows stronger. Charles napier fresh off of RAMBO FIRST BLOOD 2, is the detective(JJ Striker) who is assigned the case to unravel the night stalker's identity, played by John Goff (THE BUDDY HOLLY STORY). This movie is noteworthy for the appearance of Ola Ray the girl who played Michael Jackson's girlfriend in the THRILLER music video, one of only 5 0r 6 movies that she has appeared in.
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The Night Stalker
Scarecrow-8831 August 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Chain-smoking, liquor-swilling homicide detective Sergeant JJ Striker(Charlies Napier)and his loyal street-wise tough partner Charlie Garrett(Robert Viharo)are after a massive, nearly unstoppable serial killer(Maniac Cop's Robert Z'Dar), whose Asian ritualistic practices(..chanting gibberish, snapping victims necks and painting the faces white, inscribing ancient symbols on their bodies with black ink)render his body impervious to bullets. This psycho, Chuck Sommers, is an unhinged ex-mercenary, forgoing proper psychiatric methods, opting for "self-healing" and it seems that when he kills, he gains a power over death! Striker's alcoholism is a major problem that continually plagues him throughout the film. After his partner is killed by Chuck when happening upon a fresh crime scene involving a recently murdered hooker he's checking on, a more sober, determined Striker pursues his adversary. Michelle Reese stars as Striker's long-suffering, ridiculously dependable lover, Rene(..once a call-girl gone straight)and the absolutely beautiful Katherine Kelly Lang(..a veteran soap opera actress)is her "surrogate daughter" Denise, who he will not, come hell or high water, let sink into the business of prostitution no matter what proposals sleazy pimp Julius(James Watkins)offers her way. Just guess who Chuck will eventually target? You bet, Rene and, especially, Denise. It'll be up to Striker and the police to somehow stop this killer or else his murder spree may never end as long as his power continues to progress.

It was a thrill to see The Nape in the starring role, even if for a cop action drama with serial killer undertones. Many of the traits associated with cop actioners are in this film. The usual liquor store shoot-out spilling into an exciting chase throughout the streets of gritty Los Angeles. The lead cop's partner being killed. The lead cop seeking revenge, motivated to find justice for his fallen comrade. The film has the usual seedy elements of street prostitution and cop stake-outs looking for the killer. As often is the case in these thrillers, the killer often stays ahead of the police, with a help coming from another source, Chuck's former psychologist. You have the usual friction between Striker and his superiors. And, we see a great number of policemen blown to smithereens in the climactic shoot-out as Striker himself must stop Chuck, who captures Denise prisoner equipped with a machine gun having taken a cop car from the film's department ass, Vic(Gary Crosby)who remains a thorn in our hero's side throughout. But, I was so jazzed about The Nape, intense as ever, squaring off with the menacing Z'Dar that despite the film's very standard presentation, I couldn't help but embrace this thriller. Sometimes it was hard seeing Napier in such a drunken, pathetic state, but when he gets his act together, the film builds up to a action-packed close inside a warehouse. I found the plot, regarding Z'Dar's ability to withstand bullets a bit silly, but he cuts a very monstrous figure, silhouetted in darkness. And, his ferocious attacks on victims, hoisting them in the air, breaking their necks with such a vicious snap, certainly leaves an impression even if these murders aren't gory. But, this is The Nape's show all the way and there is a span of time when the killer isn't even present in the movie as director Max Kleven(..known more for his stunts, which isn't surprising due to the well-choreographed action sequences in this film)focuses in on Striker and his story. The film really seems to build around his relationship with Rene and Denise, his daily consumption with alcohol which hinders his duty as a cop, and the important friendship with partner Garrett(..Nape's camaraderie/chemistry with Viharo is an asset to this film, I felt). A useless sub-plot has Denise growing close with a young pup detective, Buddy Brown(Joseph Gian).
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Decent Enough
saint_brett11 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Not to confuse this movie with the Martinez one, but this has Maniac Cop as the killer. Talk about being miscast. It's a tragedy of justice, just like Kane Hodder being miscast as farm killer Ed Gein.

I'll tell you who Robert Z'Dar would have been well cast as: the Night Slasher in Stallone's "Cobra." By the movie's end, this resembles that very movie.

The calm before the storm begins as the Night Slasher, aka Maniac Cop, pays a hooker what looks like two $1 notes. Oh mama, she strips off and reveals herself to be a 9.

At first, she was the lead singer from The Seekers, but now she's Princess Leia, minus the metallic Jabba bikini. She's worth more than two bucks. If that's Maniac Cop standing there in the dark, then he's dressed like a life member of the Blue Oyster Bar from "Police Academy." Like the old 80s handheld Nintendo game "Octopus," she goes down and tries to bag some treasure, but this offends Maniac Cop, and he gets rough with her.

Suffering from a Matthias Hugh's complex, in the movie "Black Belt," Maniac Cop has flashbacks of his relationship with his own mother, which infuriates him, and for no reason he backhands her to the floor. No chivalry here.

Come on, she's too pretty to be manhandled in this fashion.

More backhands come, and she's pleading already. What the hell? She just pumped five bullets and one defensive bullet into Maniac Cop, and he continued on and snapped her neck like a KitKat? Who is he, Captain America?

A Japanese ritual ensues, in which he paints her face Kabuki style and draws all these Asian symbols all over her body. It's not explained what this Japanese connection is even though he studies in Chinatown with Chinese masters. Hmm.

The eviscerated police officer from "Silence of the Lambs," Lt. Boyle, wakes up in his tighty-whities all sweaty and sporting a buff body like Super Macho Man. He's packing some serious inches.

A fight at a hamburger stand breaks out between Lt. Boyle and Dynamo on his day off from work, and it's only until Miami Vice show up that orderly conduct is restored. Violence against Cynthia Rothrock sees Lt. Boyle bash her over the head with a beach chair.

Dynamo's head is grilled on the hamburger plate and is undercooked, not to my liking. If I'm going to be eating a human head whole, I want it well done.

The dead police officer from "Silence of the Lambs," Lt. Boyle, not only packs some serious inches, but he also packs a Desert Eagle in this movie, and he just blasted some liquor store robbers away with the force of the gun, sending them five yards through the air. Man, it doesn't work like that in real life.

One slippery liquor store robber managed to elude capture until he was chased down, cornered, and shot. He then fell 10 stories onto a blue air mattress, which is clearly visible down below. Hmm.

A long time between drinks sees the Maniac Cop pick up another lady of the night, and he speaks some weird lingo in a light, trebled voice that's not English. The Maniac Cop keeps chanting the following mantra, and I'll do my best to translate it.

"Lee wing Lillian, say water." It's some sort of Zodiac code.

This ain't the Richard Ramirez story.

A lot of politically incorrect moments that go against today's times see an undercover police sting try and snare Maniac Cop, but his time is limited in this movie to make way for a lot of hilarious comedic relief.

Speak of the devil, and he picks up Barbie in a cab.

They're not showing his face for some reason.

An unannounced police officer encounters the third victim and Maniac Cop at the same time, and he's thrown out a five-story window for entering without a warrant.

Body's start to fall thick and fast, and this is definitely the work of Cordell, as bullets do nothing to phase him.

Cordell, cornered in the end, goes all Rambo and is pursued by a whole precinct of officers.

Everyone must be using blanks, as he's now been hit more than twenty times.

He's some sort of T-1 million Terminator.

It takes a flare gun to dispose of him in the end. Isn't this where the Night Slasher perished as well? I really thought Cordell would come back one last time at the end there. They always do. Not this time though. I could just see him jumping out of that fire pit and trying his hand one last time.

I had to rewatch the start of this movie again to see the first victim's body. Her name is Lydie Denier.

Some French invader who was in a bunch of other crap that doesn't look too appealing.

She was born in 1964, so that would make her a dinosaur today.

She was yummy in 1986 but I'll fold today.

I guess you could say that Lt. Boyle was a poster boy for senior citizens back in the day and put some sizzle into their mundane lives with his Desert Eagle package?
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A nifty 80's cop action outing
Woodyanders10 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Gruff booze-sodden Sergeant J.J. Stryker (Charles Napier in top rough'n'tumble form) and his sarcastic partner Charlie Garrett (an excellent and engaging performance by Robert Viharo) go after a vicious crazed psycho (a supremely creepy portrayal by the hulking Robert Z'Dar of "Maniac Cop" fame) who's ritualistically murdering prostitutes in order to acquire great power and immortality. Director Max Kleven, working from a familiar, but still serviceable script by John Goff and Don Edmonds, relates the absorbing story at a snappy pace, maintains a tough gritty tone throughout, makes good use of grimy urban locations, and sprinkles in a little tasty female nudity for added sleaze value. The shoot-outs and fisticuffs are staged with skill and gusto, with the fierce climactic confrontation between the nutjob and the police in a warehouse rating as the definite exciting highlight. With his brawny physique, extraordinary feats of superhuman strength, and his constant spooky chanting, Z'Dar's lunatic cuts quite an imposing and menacing figure. Moreover, it's a real treat to see crusty character actor Napier scowl and growl his way through a rare juicy lead role. This movie further benefits from sound contributions from Michelle Reese as J.J.'s sassy ex-hooker girlfriend Rene, Gary Crosy as insensitive jerk Vic Gallagher, Katherine Kelly Long as the sweet Denise, James Watkins as mean pimp Julius, Joey Gian as nice guy Detective Buddy Brown, and Goff as the no-nonsense police captain. Popping up in neat bits are delectable redhead Lydie Denier as the killer's first victim and the ubiquitous George "Buck" Flower in one of his trademark seedy bum roles. The sharp cinematography by Don Burgess provides a cool glittery neon look. The pulsating score by David Kitay, Sam Winans, and Richard Kosinski hits the stirring spot. A fun little flick.
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A decent Z'Dar slasher flick.
jax-080769 May 2024
Just finished this film recently, and I'll have to say I was quite impressed with the quality of this film. Knowing this had a lower rating on IMDB, I expected something within "so bad it's good" territory, but instead I got a fairly decent crime thriller / slasher that embodies the cheese of the mid 80s.

To put the plot simply, recognizable actor Charles Napier (from First Blood, Hard Justice) plays a grizzled, alcoholic detective who pursues the mad killer Chuck Sommers (played by the man, Robert Z'Dar), who preys on prostitutes. Following this are iconic scenes of dialogue, and some decent action scenes as well. To add, asian actors George Cheung and Eric Lee make apprearances in this as well.

Overall I rate this a 6/10 for a flimsy but decently fleshed out story, Z'Dar, and that good old 80s cheese.
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Who the hell is Charles Napier? (SPOILERS)
austin-4511419 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Lead actor who ive never heard of does a pretty good job as the whiskey-and-smokes-three-day-stubble-cop. I would like to see more action movies starring him, but unfortunately, he's already like 58 in this movie, so I dont imagine that there were very many after this. Jive talkin pimp character adds some interest. "ayyy b@#$, don' chu know dat good things can turn to s@#$ reeeeeal quick?!" I like when jazzy fresh jumpity jive hot hustle playas talk cool like that and let me know how stale my own vocabulary is. Lead cop is in love with a hooker young enough to be his daughter and I didnt even question it because he has a badge and therefore, at least 50 bucks a night. What else... oh, and young cadet (trooper? What do you call a first year cop) cop is in love with the big hairsprayed mullet blonde hooker instead of the brunette because this is the 80s and they kiss in the precinct in slow motion like Breakfast Club style and I couldn't tell if I should attribute it to the grainy low quality of the film, or the way the scene was lit, but they looked sweaty, like this was the last kiss of the night and not the first, ya know what i mean? Big evil silent villain stalks in some cool creepy scenes and has a head that is shaped in what I can best describe as Dorito made flesh. Jerky dirty mustache cop receives pleasure from a hooker but then finds out its a guy in a wig. Lead cop Napier shoots a guy so good he flies 50 feet into boxes and walls and stuff and i almost spit out my coffee it was so hilarious. Later, Napier cop barely dodges a bad guy's bullet and then his cop partner runs toward him in slow motion screaming his name and I forgot the character's name so ill just say it sounded like this: "PAAAAAARTNEEEEER COOOOOOP!!!!!!" And dont miss the classic warehouse shootout ending, in which theres a 20 man battle with invincible villain, who has an assault rifle. Somehow Lead Cop has climbed a chain hanging from the ceiling and shoots the villain WITH A FLARE GUN and sizzling him up like bacon. Again, dont watch this movie with food or drink in your mouth. It is slow in some parts, but more often that not, it is action-packed sexy horror awesome.
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Say OOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooodA
matthew-marks2 March 2007
this movie was made in 1985. but the quality especially the DVD that i got from netflix is pretty bad. other than that charles napier character is really ever likable at all. Except maybe a little bit at the end. also the DVD still gallery is pathetic LOL.

the true reason i got this movie is for Robert Z'dar this is I believe his first starring role in a movie. He plays the serial killer and you never see his face until the end just like maniac cop. he breaks peoples neck like maniac cop. and throws people really far like maniac cop. in the interview in the spec edition of maniac cop DVD z'dar states that he instantly got the role for maniac cop because of this movie. Now I'm pretty sure why from the reasons I stated above.

the best part is the ending far superior than any other part of the film. also i enjoy the part when Z'dar says SAY OODA when he kills all the black pimps in the warehouse. there is lightning when he says it.

also there is a great part when z'dar is killing animals.

overall, if you like Z'dar or maniac cop you might want to watch and fast forward as well. this movie isn't really that entertaining at all except for that Z'dar is in it.
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Cop B-film is too predictable
lor_19 April 2023
My review was written in April 1987 after a Manhattan screening.

"The Night Stalker" is a 1985 cop picture that is executed in satisfactory fashion but telegraphs each incident and plot twist with depressing regularity. Only thing here apart from standard chases and shootouts to keep the fans awake is a succession of familiar faces to identify in the supporting cast. Pic has gone through innumerable title changes, including "Painted Dolls", "Striker", "The Slayman and "The Man Who Could Not Be Killed" before final release using the moniker from Darren McGavin's well-remembered supernatural tv series of 15 years ago.

Rugged Charles Napier is well cast as J. J. Striker, a world weary-L. A. cop, gone over to the bottle, who is working on the case of a serial murderer who kills prostitutes and then paints their bodies with Chinese characters. Since Striker's girlfriend is a prostitute (Michelle Reese) and the two of them have been caring for a young woman (Katherine Kelly Lang) who was raised in the prosties' milieu, he has a vested interest in flushing out the killer.

Script by John Goff and Don Edmonds is so routine one easily can pick out each victim of the killer and when it will happen, plus all the haples misadventures of the cops. The killer, played by oversized Robert Zdar, turns out to be impervious to bullets, a supernatural subplot not adequately justified by a quickie exposition scene involving a psychiatrist inserted in the final reel. Napier destroys him anyway with an exploding shell pistol in a slambang finale.

Director Max Kleven, better known as a top second unit director responsible for the excellent second unit action of Andrei Konchalovksy's "Runaway Train"), delivers solid action and stunt work, but allows some very hammy performance, particularly by Robrt Viharo as Napierl's partner and James Louis Watkins as a laughably stereotyped pimp.

Main fun here is spotting so many super starlets in supporting roles as hooker/victims: Ola (Michael Jackson's "Thriller") Ray; beautiful Chuck Vincent discovery Tally Chanel (of "Warrior Queen" and "Sex Appeal", and Chinese star Joan Chen (lead of "Tai-Pan and Bernardo Bertolucci's "The Last Emperor"). Gary Crosby is on hand in the embarrassing role of a cop nobody likes, who has an assignation with a transvestite hooker.

Many of the filmmakers hail from a softcore sexploitation background, where Napier got his start as the square-jawed lead in several Russ Meyer epics before becoming a Jonathan Demme regular and co-starring in "Rambo: First Blood Part II". Producer-co-writer Don Edmonds helmed sexpo epics such as "Wild Honey" and the first two "Ilsa" pics before an ill-fated tenure as production exec at PSO in 1985.
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