Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon (TV Series 2003–2004) Poster

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I never thought I'm going to write this, but "PGSM" was excellent
IkuharaKunihiko29 November 2005
In 1992 a very popular anime was released, "Sailor Moon". In 2003, as some sort of a 10 year anniversary, "PGSM", the live action version of the anime, was made. The story is probably known to everyone: Usagi, a normal teenage girl living in Tokyo, meets a talking cat named Luna ( in this version a stuffed puppet ) and gets a mission to transform into Sailor Moon and fight against evil forces of Queen Beryl...

Although the live action is weaker than the anime ( the flaws are plot holes, the lack of spectacle, the mild intensity and the range of the story ) it is much better than it seems. In some other director's hands this could have ended in an catastrophe, but in Ryuta Tazaki's hand "PGSM" turned out to be an excellent show. The wild enthusiasm of the authors and their weird special effects are incredible: Ami's transformation into evil Sailor Mercury is somehow cool. Actually, it's rather got „show-off" written all over it ( when she stomps her boot into the water, and then those dark purple „wings" on her dress ), but it's stylish. Or the Sailor Luna ( a 10 year old girl form of Luna )transformation: it was so hilarious and senseless! You see her shake her butt, then Luna shows up, then there are psychedelic colors in the background, the girl makes some moves as if she is licking her hands as a cat and … presto, she is a sailor senshi too. Rarely will you ever see more kitsch than you get to in that transformation scene. But the authors still did it without a blink of the eye, and you have to give them credit for such courage.


Miyuu Sawai is absolutely fantastic as Usagi. It's almost impossible not to like her. She is wonderful in many of the comical situations ( when she has a huge fight with her mom a frightened Shingo is hiding under the table and eating his breakfast ) and later proves to be equally effective in drama ( her mourning all day long in bed after finding out Mamoru is already engaged ). The weird part of the story had Minako being a famous rock star, but even that worked. "PGSM" is a sight to behold. In their mix of camp and art, the authors bravely turned the impossible things of the anime into reality ( the costumes, demons, flashing rays )and got away with it. I counted all the grades of all the Act's and the show's average grade is 8.3/10, believe it or not. I don't know how they did it, but they did.

Grade: 8/10
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A must see for true fans
the_real_chibes3 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
The series is amazing...yes there are cheesy monsters, it's a live action. We showed the first episode at our Anime Crew meeting and it created a stir. The first five episodes stink because the directors tried to followed the manga but as soon as they went their own way it was great...

A dark Ami was awesome showed that she could really fight unlike how she is typically depicted in the anime and manga.

Beware the version you get it is better to go to Youtube to see it because the fans sub better then the version that is sold...

Queen Berry? What were they thinking? The live action explains much better how the scouts could run around unhenshi'ed and not be id'ed. Their hair is all black until they transform and that is when their hair gets all prettiful.

Also for a laugh watch Act 0 for Tuxedo Kamen's transformation...I'm slipping the jacket on!

An interesting tidbit all of the members on their have had no previous acting experience except for the woman who plays Queen Beryl, she is a famous Japanese nude model.
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Great Series, Different But Good
KatherinePetersdorf30 June 2013
I actually really enjoyed this series, I found it just as addictive as the anime and I still really want to know how it ends but I have to wait for the DVD to get to me :P

There were somethings about it that were different in a way that upset me, mostly having to do with Sailor Venus, but all the other differences I thought were very great.

The change in the relationship between Usagi and Mamoru was interesting and gave a new level to them that the anime didn't have. I also enjoyed the personality change in Rei Hino, she was more appealing when she wasn't a loud, angry, know it all.

I thought that they had real hair and looks as normal people and wigs as Sailor Scouts was great. I was something the anime should have had, I mean you could actually not know who they were in real life because she didn't have blonde meatballs in both.

I suggest you watch it, if love Sailor Moon the anime you'll love this one too!
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A MUST have for Sailor moon fans!
blinkbunny82110 August 2005
I recently purchased the box set part one and I must say WOW! It had me running around the house shouting, " MOON PRISIM POWER, MAKE UP!" I highly enjoyed the episodes...They were completely different from the Anime and seem to stick a little bit more to the manga in a few ways. One thing I seemed to dislike about the set was that the subtitles were not that great, most of the time they are filled with grammatical errors and well sometimes they make no sense. Friends and I noticed that we could understand the show without having to read the subtitles b/c everything seemed to flow and make sense. Sure its a Japanese show so it wont be perfect for us Americans, but for me, and and I'm sure most sailor moon fans, it was everything I wanted it to be. Truly a must have for any Sailor Moon fan!
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Amazing and fun
Fool_On_The_Hill1 December 2003
I have seen the first six episodes of this live action version of Sailor Moon. I think that it's really fun and creative. The girl that they got to play Sailor Moon is Miyu Sawai. She's cute and has the meatball hair. Sailor Mercury is played by Chisaki Hama and she plays Amy with the kindness and intelligence that is so likable in the anime. Mars is Keiko Kitagawa and she plays the mysterious beauty perfectly. Although, she doesn't have the comical arguments with Usagi that are an anime treat. Jupiter is Myuu Azama who plays the strong and lonely Mako-chan. Ayaka Komatsu is the real life super hero as the series begins Sailor Venus. All in all, the action is very interesting, with a funny and mad energy that is reminiscent of The Banana Splits. The costumes and make up are excellent. And the youma's are really fantastic creatures with wild designs. The transformation and the attacks of the sailor soldiers are colorful and well done. This series of Sailor Pumpkins gets two thumbs up and I hope they have a long running series.
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don't knock it 'till you've tried it
favorite-328 March 2007
I was a huge fan of sailor moon when I was little until I realized how disgustingly cheesy the US versions were when I was about 13. A few weeks ago I discovered PGSM and fell in love with it.

Yes, it does still have the cheese factors. The fighting is bad, the effects are bad. But this show has way more depth than the anime ever had. These girls seem REAL. They're dealing with broken hearts and jealousy and every day things while also battling the Dark Kingdom. I love the way this series seems focused half on the girls' lives as senshi and the other half on the girls just as (semi) normal teenagers trying to make it.

And I'd like to rebut the crappy music's true that not a lot of music is used in the series, but if you pick up the soundtrack or any of the character cd singles, the music is FANTASTIC for anyone who loves a little jpop/jrock I don't think you need to be a die-hard sailor moon fan to enjoy PGSM. In fact, I hated it for almost 9 years before I saw PGSM and now appreciate it in a new way... so just give it a try!
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Fun and addicting
SHB_735 March 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Having already reviewed the Anime version of "Sailor Moon" I came across episodes of the live action Japanese version which ran from 2003 to 2004. I have to admit I couldn't stop until I watched all 50 episodes. Lets get one thing out of the way, the special effects are bad and there are times you are watching a power ranger fight, but the similarities end there, because the show has a real good storyline and characters you actually care about, plots such as Rei (Sailor Mars) trying to patch things up with her estranged father who wasn't there when her mother died and Minako (Sailor Venus) who fights despite having a life threatening illness. The actors are all perfectly cast as well: Miyuu Sawai who plays Usagi/Sailor Moon is not as whiny as her anime counterpart but she is just as sweet and bubbly, Chisaki Hama (Sailor Mercury) is the same brainy girl we all know and love. Keiko Kitagawa's Sailor Mars is not as tough or mean as her anime counterpart and comes off softer, but still stern. The big difference is Sailor Venus (Japanese pop star Ayaka Komatsu) who is nothing like the anime but her background story is touching and is wonderfully acted.Sailor Jupiter(Myuu Azama)is still the same tomboyish girl we all love, rounding out the cast is Jyoji Shibue who plays Tuxedo Mask,who is very good in the role. I highly recommend "Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon". I personally feel if this was dubbed in English it would as big a hit here as it was in Japan. Bad effects and all.
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PGSM - Good in it's own shoes and better than it's repuation tag
ddongjjiper17 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
As with any show, there are inevitable flaws in the show PGSM, but all in all the flaws that do exist are often over exaggerated. While the special effects are pretty bad, and the fighting scenes have a cheesy touch; the show is surprisingly addictive and well made in general.

Changes are made so that avid sailor moon fans may either love it or fiercely dislike it; changes like Luna being a plush toy and Aino Minako being a pop idol. In general the storyline follows up the manga more so than the anime, but in it's own respect PGSM has set up a strong emphasis on the senshi's civilian forms and a dramatic touch to each episode to create it's own unique story arch. Unfortunately this is often overlooked and show is pinned as awful.

Fighting scenes have a power ranger-esquire feel to them, and while the youmas are dressed in pretty bad monster outfits, and the physical fighting looks more like bad ballet, there are moments when the cheesy aspect of the battle scenes become something quite endearing to the show. People often also overlook the fact that the show was not a high budget show - which should be obvious from the quality of show props and cg.

Even so, the best aspect of the show was probably the actresses/actors and how they fit into their roles. Sawai Miyuu played a very good Usagi-an endearing one that kept characteristics of ditzy Usagi chan without the things that most people dislike in Takeuchi's original heronine: the tendency to be a cry baby, klutz and weakling. Hama Chisaki was a great shy, reserved, and caring Ami-chan whose transformation to Darkury represented her good acting. The sweet smile of Ami changing into a scary smirk really embodied a true villain and appealed to many fans, though everyone was glad to see her return as a "good guy". Keiko Kitagawa was gorgeous and impressive as fierce Rei Hino - reluctant in doing normal things like singing, but loyal and serious to her duties as a senshi. And Azama Myuu BECAME Makoto - strong and masculine but feminine on the inside and displaying a great Mako-chan that you cheered on whenever you saw Motoki. You just had to admit that was a great pairing. While Minako was quite different from manga and story; her character becomes more understood as the series goes on and becomes a new Minako chan that makes sense and fits along without having to reference to the originals.

But whether people think so or not has to do with personal preference. If drama and humor between the sailor senshi appeal to you, watching PGSM doesn't hurt - and have a good laugh at the bad battle scenes while you're at it. It's like jumping back to the days of power rangers and beetle borgs with more romance and more sailor moon. The characters become quite endearing in the end, and it's worth it (though the addictiveness can distract you from your priorities in real life, lol)
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Bad, hilarious, addictive.
anapaulavc25 February 2021
Plane cheap special effects, terrible acting... definitely just for hardcore fans. If you are one (like me), you will love this!!!
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x_goddessoffire_x30 January 2007
What I find absolutely hilarious is that in the anime their legs are so long, and their bodies so short, yet in real life it's the other way round, so when they're in their senshi costumes they are so out of proportion it's funny! I laugh every time I see them.

I think it's interesting seeing a live action series of Sailor Moon made. I'm still trying to come to terms with the fact that their hair is all black and dark brown in real life, and only changes when they transform...that is odd but understandable...

I also love the way that Luna is portrayed as a stuffed toy, and also the way that they can take photographs of models and transform into them. Wish I could do that!
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All I can say is that even people like Noboru Iguchi and Yoshihiro Nishimura would find this turd embarazzing
TooKakkoiiforYou_3219 March 2022
The acting sucks, the effects are terrible, the changes in regards to the Sailor V manga/anime series are completely unnecessary (Minako now is an Idol wearing a cowboy outfit that was never mentioned because...because?!) and ridicolous (they didn't have enough money to give to the women acting in this a blonde Hair dye?), the action is cringeworthy and hamfisted, not gonna bother the precious time of 53 episodes for this dreck. If you want a good live-action based on a manga/anime, check out The Cutie Honey live action from this same period and avoid this at all costs. Not worthy of even licking the boots of its masterful animated predecessor by a mile.
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Better than the anime
maskedman6618 April 2005
First let me say that I am a great fan of the anime; in fact, my wife and I have been re-watching it recently. But somehow depicting characters in three dimensions makes them more "real" to the viewers.

Everyone in the show is perfectly cast, even if the characters are not portrayed in ways that newcomers who have only seen the anime might expect!

Usagi Tsukino is much the same, actually, except that she doesn't cry at the drop of a hat. She whines and gripes, but she only really turns on the waterworks when there's a good reason to. Miyuu Sawai, who plays her, does an excellent job of portraying the many moods of Usagi/Sailor Moon, the sweetness and naiveté of Princess Serenity, and the coldness of the porcelain-faced Princess Sailor Moon, an uncomfortable and ultra-powerful amalgamation of Serenity and Sailor Moon.

Contrary to what you may have heard elsewhere, Chisaki Hama is the perfect Ami Mizuno/Sailor Mercury; quiet, shy, insecure, but full of love and compassion, and, once transformed into her Sailor self, bold and confident in battle. Miss Hama also is quite chilling in the story arc which shows Mercury being turned into an agent of evil. Her former sweet smile becomes a frightening leer, and it's quite a relief when she is brought back from the "dark side."

Keiko Kitagawa is the toughest, sternest, most pouty-lipped Rei Hino/Sailor Mars ever seen, and where the Reis of the manga and the anime had a burning ambition to be a pop idol, their live-action counterpart claims vehemently that she even hates karaoke. An amusing love-hate relationship grows up between her and Minako when Mina hoodwinks Rei into becoming-- a pop idol!

Mew Azama IS Makoto Kino/Sailor Jupiter. Of all the girls, she is undoubtedly the best cast. She's tall, built, brown-haired, and pretty. Her character underwent very few changes from the original version; she's strong, loyal, and brave, and also has a very soft, feminine side. It's hilarious when she's revealed to be just as ga-ga over getting to meet Minako as Usagi is-- mind you, she's a little cooler about it.

The person most different from her anime/manga depiction is Minako Aino/Sailor V/Sailor Venus, portrayed by Ayaka Komatsu, who, with her big round eyes, tiny mouth, and slim frame looks just like an anime character brought to life. In the manga and the anime, Minako can be serene and wise, but most often she's a happy, laughing, carefree klutz who can even surpass Usagi in ditziness. In the live-action series, she's a dead serious character who smiles very infrequently, and until very much later in the series, she stands apart from the other Sailors.

Of course, the fact that she has a fatal illness in this version of the story would make her a very different person. A little of the sillier Minako shows through, however, when she plays the occasional joke on her cat guardian Artemis and when she and the other girls take part in a wacky game show which finishes up with them hitting each other with padded clubs and finally falling into a laughing heap of arms, legs, and smiling faces.

The only shortcomings this show has are some of the sillier monster costumes and the seemingly limited availability of locations; certain areas of Tokyo, one office building in particular, crop up a lot as battle sites.

But overall, it's well-produced, brilliantly acted, and tugs very effectively at the heartstrings, the most heartbreaking episode being the one in which Minako finally succumbs to her illness and dies. But of course, in the Sailor Moon-iverse, no good person ever stays dead.

In summation, I believe that "Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon" is one of the best examples of a live-action superhero show ever made.
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Honestly this is one of best anime live action adaption
tanishaabdulrahman5 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I have seen so many bad anime live action adaption like dragon ball z, death note, ghost in the shell etc. Because they dont follow the orginal source from the anime but This is worth a watch if you are fan of 90s anime and the manga not mention they have added different arcs like Sailor Dark Mercury, Sailor Luna this wasn't in 90s or manga but they way its delivered.

Sailor moon fans if you don't like it Insist you give it second chance even though its low budget thats all they had back then not mention it stucked to source material I'm gutted there's isn't outer senshi.
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Japan's answer to Buffy? Could be...with some polishing!
I_wanna_be_famous4 January 2004
This new version of Sailor Moon, as I comment, is only 13 episodes into the first season, and already, I can truthfully say, it has beaten the Anime version.

I have been a big fan of the Anime version of Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon since 1995. I have watched the show go from strength to strength, and have grown up with the characters.

Now, the new version; Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon comes along. Granted, I watch the first episode, and find myself thinking it is quite bizarre, but is deffinately worth watching again. I watch the 2nd episode, the 3rd episode, the 4th episode...I'm addicted.

I found there is much more character development, and a cleaner cut on-going story line (there is yet to be a filler episode, it seems something important happens in every episode). I can associate with the characters in this version much more then I could with the Anime version. I look at the characters, and their personalities, and see my friends aswell.

This version also keeps me guessing. Just when I think 'Oh yeah, in the Anime, this happened next, it'll happen like that here too', I tend to discover they do the complete opposite, and totally change the story arcs. It's a good thing! I never really wanted to see something I've already seen in 2 languages rehashed again.

The actors are very talented, and really do give it their all. I especially love Minako and Rei in this version.

Another thing; this version makes far more sense!! How many school girls do you see walking around the street with their pet cat in their arms? None. But, how many school girls do you see walking around the street with their stuffed-animal toy cat in their arms? Quite a few.

And to add to the sense-making-o-meter: When the senshi morph in this version, their hair totally changes color and style! This will deffinately help to keep their identities secret, as it was painfully obvious in the Anime who their identities were, they had simply changed clothes. In this they look totally different!

Now this series does have 2 low points:

MUSIC - Yes, the music in this series is quite catchy, but not much compared to the back ground music used in the Anime version. Alot of fans are upset over the loss of the original opening theme. That didn't bother me; the fact that we have 1 tune for fighting, 1 for the villains, 1 for the girls at school, 1 for Usagi at home, etc. We only have like 10 tracks, constantly reused. The Anime seemed to have an endless selection of tracks for background music! The live-action version fizzles here.

ACTION - The first episode's action had me confused. It was somewhat slow, and surreal. I didn't know what to make of it. As the season has progressed, I've come to notice there is virtually no action. All the Senshi do is twirl and dance about, while the monster ducks and jumps a bit. :S It looks rather silly, and I was really hoping the Senshi would kick major ass in this series, going by the way alot of people compare it to Sentai/Power Rangers, which is much more action packed.

Overall, I will say though, that Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon is my favourite show at the moment. I cant get enough of it, ad I hope it has many more seasons then the Anime, as it is outdoing it for plot and character development.

Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon has alot of potential. Enough to be Japan's answer to Buffy in fact. It needs alot of polishing before it can get here, but it does have this sort of potential! Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon is fun and enjoyable, and is the ultimate source of entertainment at the moment, in my opinion!

Watch and enjoy!
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starzprincess0981 March 2005
My sister first told me about the Live Action series when she got back from visiting Japan over the summer. She brought me back a sketch book with Live Action Sailor Moon on it. I found it interesting cause I've loved the anime series since like 3rd or 4th grade, so i looked it up on the internet and read a few transcripts and looked at some of the pictures. Next thing I knew I bought all the ep. on DVD over Ebay!! I even got my sister into it!!! It IS addictive!! Like subliminal messages or something!! But it's totally awesome and I liked how it followed more to the manga, and I thought it was neat that their hair changed when they changed as well. Very cool I love it!! Wonder if they'll come out with a S or SuperS version? I want to see what Neptune Uranus, Pluto, Saturn and Chibi-Moon look like!!! I give it a 10 out of 10!!!!
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Honto Genki
burner128 May 2005
I've watched the entire season from episode/Act 00 through the Special DVD aka Act 50...including the two short mini dramas. In the beginning I thought that it was more on the cheesy side but decided to check out the original Manga before I made anymore thoughts and or comments unlike some people here who've pretty much ragged on it after seeing only 30 episodes. Let alone that this is originally a kid's show.

First of all someone said that the acting was horrible and that the girls are untalented. This is very SO not true. They are acting entirely to the Manga series. Usagi being all jumpy and funny, Ami being all monotone and serious about herself, Rei being serious on all levels and "bossy", Makoto being all protective over Usagi and kicking guy's asses across the blacktop, and Venus being extremely stern. If you actually check out the Manga you will see that though the characters are different from today's standards of Sailor Moon to the yesterday's standard of Sailor Senshi, the characters and acting is all the same. They did a GREAT job.

It's true that in the beginning that the special effects were less than "really cool"...but as a pilot the production crew wasn't entirely too sure if it was going to fly well when they made the first 5 episodes before it originally aired. But you will notice that the effects got better and again...the effects followed the Manga effects of boom, pow, and whoosh. And what do you want the kids to see??? BATTLE ROYALE EFFECTS??? I know I wouldn't want that.

I think that the puppets and CGI used to make Luna and Artemis was actually good from a kid's point of view. From an adult's point of view I think it was corny on a professional level. My reason of thought is this. If you make the cat look too real, who in their right mind is going to take the cat seriously...if you can with all the j-pop faces it makes. And I might add that towards the end the cats got better.

All in all, Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon is a great show for kids and adults with open minds alike. For one thing there isn't any blood and believe me, my friends and I watch a lot of movies with someone getting their hands, head, arms, legs, and necks blown off. It's nice to see something that is refreshing as PGSM. And one more thing about the acting. It is clear to me that some people just don't get how hard it is to act like the Manga series. Kitagawa Keiko did an awesome performance when a particular incident happened in episode 47. Above all else before you watch PGSM, you need to have an open mind as well as an intelligent one.
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Oddly addictive....
SilhouetteC42 December 2003
Let's get one thing straight: this is by no means a masterwork. In fact, it's flawed in many ways: the special effects are bad, the production doesn't seem much more complicated than a DV home movie shot in various places in Tokyo, the costumes seem recycled from Power Rangers as does the action, and the acting needs a lot of polishing.

That having been said, it's an addictive show to watch, even for those far older than the target audience of... 4 to 7 year old girls?

The actresses, for better or worse, nail their characters. Usagi is a klutzy underachiever with no more ambition than going to the mall and singing karaoke. Ami is a super- genius who feels burdened by expectation. Rei is intense about her Shinto duties and wants nothing to do with anyone else. Makoto is a rough tomboy who hides her femininity and feels as if most people will eventually abandon her. The only one who seems different is Minako, a superstar, but for me I think it's only appropriate. For the most part, the charm of these first time actresses, picked from thousands in rehearsals, far outweighs their neophyte status.

I do understand there are many, many changes that upset some people but you have to understand that stuff that works in manga or anime form may not work in live action.

So, even though the show isn't great, why is it so fun to watch? I think it's mostly because of the charm and the heart of the show. Most people who are aghast about it haven't seen it and aren't interested in "getting it." But that's okay; it's not for everyone, certainly. If you do get it, however, it's a guilty pleasure and a very fun show.
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I love this show!!!
Ileana-327 November 2003
If you're a fan of the Sailor Moon manga or anime you will love this television series. It was a bit cheesy at first and it still is at times but it's so much fun to watch. It really captures the mood of the manga. However, I don't like some of the things they changed. For instance, Luna is now a talking stuffed animal. Thankfully she's not around too much. Crown Arcade is now a karaoke center. Usagi doesn't seem to have a father. And Minako is a popular teen idol. What's with that?! Anyway, I highly recomend it despite those things. You can find fansubbed versions online.
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This version is terrible. Avoid it like the plague!
kcuckoou7 September 2014
I don't normally write IMDb reviews. But this is just so bad, I just had to write a review, and warn innocent people to stay away from this show.

This show is DREADFUL! It only has a 7.5 because people look at the title and confuse it with the (better) anime. How bad is it? I'll tell you. This horrid live action version of the classic anime is so bad that The Asylum would laugh at how terrible it is! There are SciFi Channel original movies that have more convincing FX! The cheapest, most hideous CGI you will ever see; costumes that look like Halloween costumes straight out of Target, the monsters look like rejected Power Rangers monsters. And do I even need to comment on the effects for Luna? Yes, they went to the toy store, bought the cheapest cat plush they could find, drew her face on paper, cut it out, and glued it onto the toy's face! Wow they really went all out! Imagine how starving kids we could have saved with that money! The "special" effects aren't the only thing wrong with this show! The acting is atrocious as well. This is the kind of bad acting that only exists in fairy tales! I bet they got picked on at school as a result of this. I'm sure they're all perfectly nice girls, but after this, they can kiss their acting careers goodbye. Why do I have the feeling they're the daughters of the producers? Also I think it's hilarious how as their alter egos, they're just normal black-haired Japanese girls but as they transform, their hair jarringly changes from black to blonde/brunette/blue. I'm laughing right now just thinking about it.

So really, how/why did this get made? Did we really need a live action version of the show? Was anyone seriously asking for this? Well maybe they just figured the original show has a fan base that will eat up anything with the Sailor Moon name on it, so they'd just go ahead, make this, and get a buck (or yen), regardless of quality. This just doesn't work in live action because it still feels like a cartoon. Things that looked good/convincing in animation just look cheesy here. If you make it live action, have it be...oh, I don't know, ACTUALLY REALISTIC! That's why (good) superhero movies work. If you're gonna make it all cartoon-like, just have it be an anime.

Bottom line: this show is the skeleton in Sailor Moon's closet. It feels more like an SNL/College Humor parody than an actual show. Laughable production values, terrible writing, beyond hammy acting, interchangeable characters, and just an overall unnecessary show. You can forget this ever existed. If you want better writing, better characters, better animation, better everything, there's an animated version I think you'll enjoy more. Normally, I'd say no one should ever watch this. But given Sailor Moon's devoted fan base, watch this if you are a die-hard fan of the franchise, or if you simply hate yourself. Otherwise, not recommended. The anime is far superior. Go watch that instead and leave this pile of vomit alone.
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Not as bad as I thought it would be
gatumonibandana1 September 2006
I thought it would be an utter crap, but surprisingly, I found myself liking it a lot. Let's make it clear: It's NOT a mind-boggling masterpiece, the music isn't the best and the action will come across as pathetic and even outrageous for a good action sucker (fortunately, that's not my case), but honestly, do good-action suckers know Sailor Moon (in any on its forms) exists? Another mess-up is the monsters, transformations and CGI effects-- they look sorta cheap and kitschy and very Power Rangers-like. However, the other virtues PGSM has kinda make up for this. Unlike many, I never saw the anime when I was a 6-year-old, and when I started to watch it online, I thought it was very slow-paced and got bored in the third chapter. I thought that the characters were pretty lame (particularly Usagi) and not given much importance and I desperately wanted a new senshi to appear soon, so that something actually happened to the show. However, no senshi appeared till episode 8. Rei appears right after Ami, in the episode 10, but we don't get the slightest glimpse of Makoto, my 2nd favourite senshi (in PGSM and the SM manga; in the anime she is really dumb) till episode 25! I mean, please. The action was supposed to really start once all of the Senshi were joined up, not be almost an entire saga like in the anime! The characters are simply more likable. Rei, Makoto, Usagi and Minako were all dumb, immature, high-pitched boy-crazy bimbos with very slight differences among them in the anime. Ami--or Amy, whatever--was your typical "cool nerd", to call it someway. However, in PGSM, every one of the Senshi has a distinct personality and is much more realistic and convincing than her usually stereotyped anime counterpart. All in all, the better pace and character development of PGSM was what made me like it more than the anime. Besides, the acting is pretty good, specially taking into account it's the first TV role for all the main actresses (the Sailor Senshi, of course) and in fact almost the entire cast.
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Not as Good as the Anime
naia_zifu20 December 2003
It's based more on the manga, which is a minus, since I like the anime better. But if they were following the manga, and had Takeuchi-san involved, why couldn't she write a new story with new villains rather than using the same ones again? It seems they opted to change the characters' personalities rather than the story, so we get things like an ice-queen Rei and a depressed, neurotic Ami (who doesn't even look remotely Ami-like). I like how their Usagi is less of a crybaby, though-- she's cute and funny, and has great scenes with Mamoru! Not a bad show. . . kind of cute. . . but not as good as the anime, and though I adore anime Ami, I hate what passes for an Ami in this show.
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A bit cheesy - for Sailor Moon die hards only
ryu_of_shadowstone31 March 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Of course, I may be poking a fire here, but I don't like PGSM at all.

It's cheesy, annoying and it looks tacky (plus the special effects aren't very good.) What happens? Well, Tsukino Usagi (played by Sawaii Myuu) wakes up and is late for school. She rushes into her mother and starts worriedly jumping around, and then makes her way to school, where a toy from the sky (Luna) lands on her head. She screams and puts it down, and gets to school.

Her friend, Naru tells Usagi about a fashion show her mother is doing, and then they go, and Usagi is visited by Luna, who tells her that Naru is in danger because of a youma. Luna gives Usagi a henshin brooch and a camera phone which lets her turn into whoever she snaps.

Then the fight scene - sorry, but Sawaii Miyuu sounds whiny and annoying when she runs away.
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Don't expect Shakespeare
filmfreund29 January 2004
If you will ever be able to watch this show, watch it at what it is: the live version of a manga. Don't expect the depth of a stage play like "Romeo and Juliet" but something you might enjoy from the right point of view. So, if you enjoyed the manga or the anime version of Sailor Moon give this one a try and check it out.
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