iMurders (2008) Poster


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B-class low-budget "action" almost-movie :-(
Seehank4 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Guys, I am really not sure if any of the other people commenting this actually saw this movie. It really is very poor. The camera is poor the cast is poor, the acting is poor. This is just a bad movie, you will only waste your time watching it. The plot is really lame and really, I do not mean this as an insult, but really there is nothing innovative in that movie. Naming it iMovie with the "i" is just not enough to make it innovative at all. The conclusion and the finding-out-who-the-killer-is scene is simply an insult to every movies fan. It looks like:"Hey everybody, lets give this movie a conclusion and finally some logic in one minute! And hey! How about using the conclusion I have seen in a million other cheaply movies? Must work now if it worked 40 years ago!"

Let us face it folks, this is a really bad movie not worth any time spent. I am giving it 3/10 because I have seen worse (believe it or not)...
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Funny For All The Wrong Reasons
chicagopoetry23 January 2010
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Don't get me wrong. I don't mind movies that feature elderly actors. Gran Tarino was cool with an age old Clint Eastwood playing a bad-ass. Harry Brown was okay with Michael Cain playing a vigilante who ends up having a heart attack. And I appreciated Venus with Peter O'Toole playing an old man trying to get laid before he croaks. But, come on, iMurders has really emptied the old folks home with this one. William Forsythe is completely ridiculous as a gross, 55 year old, pony tail wearing professor who somehow, despite his total lack of personality, has all the young chicks lusting after him. And 73 year old Billy Dee Williams, who was at his height with his appearance in Star Wars in 1980, pops his head in for a minute or two. But the real kicker is 87 year old Charles Durning, who can barely keep his eyes open and who is obviously propped up with sticks and who probably has someone pushing on his chest to get his lines out of his mouth. It's funny but it is also agonizing to watch. Why these famous actors would want what could possibly be their final role in film history to be this two bit, not scary, predictable and unoriginal attempt at the horror genre is beyond me. Is there no dignity left in the world?
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Utter trash
digink6 October 2009
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Where do I start? Usually you can tell within the intro of a movie whether or not it is going to be even remotely decent. This movie failed that test. After you see the opening credits you watch some botch scene about two people having sex and being walked in on, after that you see some HORRID cut scene of blood and you are shot BACK into the opening credits.. Now the only place you usually see that is on TV series, not movies. So that is already an epic fail right off the bat.

Most of the acting in the movie is so terrible you'll be asking yourself why you didn't just watch a porn instead, at least with a porno you'd have a better climax.

The story has been done before and has nothing new, the cast for the most part adds absolutely nothing to the movie but takes away from it, and the production quality is just horrible.

I wouldn't even waste my time renting this movie, if it ever makes it onto some terrible TV network and you have nothing better to do I guess you can check it out.. but I'd advise you to take a nap instead.
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DJMonline6 October 2009
I was intrigued to watch this film due to some of the cast members and though the synopsis sounded average and the title has the too often used construction these days (the "i") I went into watching this with a positive view. However I quickly saw dull stereotype characters with mediocre dialogue acted by people that should know how to do better. It became blatantly obvious from the first 5 minutes who the "bad person" was going to be (amongst other tired virtues) as it was a completely superfluous character with too much screen time along with the poor attempt at "misdirection dialogue" from the other characters. Poorattempt at the genre which made it very disappointing to sit through.
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thebe123-484-4883276 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I gave this two stars because I actually watched it to the end. No atmosphere, too many holes, and the characters were all horrible. Poor character development.

I was going to stop watching within the first fifteen minutes. I was tired and just didn't feel like looking for something else. So, I'm writing this to warn anyone who likes movies with some decent acting or suspenseful buildup or character development to not waste your time here.

B-movies don't bother me and I like a lot of movies that may be low budget, but this movies was just ridiculous. Very unsatisfying.
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iHated this
big-balls5 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Well where do I start? The lovely German who gave this 10 must have added a comment to the WRONG move,this film was awful. The plot was full of holes, the cast were really wooden and the script, oh my god.

Not sure if I missed anthing but the "game" didn't really have a point. And what was going on with the professor? How would a man with a 1 inch ponytail even have a wife let alone a bit on the side? The charisma between those 2 was so good it was like they were having an affair with a brick wall.

This annoyed me so much I signed up to IMDb just to comment. Please don't waste your lives watching this it is NOT good.
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chris-musico27 October 2009
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I always trust Internet Movie Database for user comments and ratings and therefore before I rented this "movie" I read some of them and was like...; cool, this looks like the kind of movie I like and looks like I will enjoy it. Well... What a disappointment, I mean, I know this was gonna be a low budget B grade movie but all the comments in here that claim this movie to be good and that it is a "refreshing thriller", please! Are you serious?

As I sat down with anticipation to watch the movie I was straight away greeted by an horrible group of soap opera actors.

The script was obviously written by a 5 year old child and the whole movie budget was spent on the main actress' huge LCD computer screen.

"Facespace"?! What?! This terrible attempt to rip off internet 2 of the most famous internet social networks shows how good this movie is.

Well... everyone has got their own opinion and taste and mine is that this movie doesn't even deserve 1 star
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Awful! One of the WORST movies I have ever seen!
vinnytman27 October 2009
This is the biggest mess of a movie I think I have ever seen. I love B movies, but this was clearly an F. This was not a horror movie. It wasn't even a thriller. The only redeeming value of this movie is that every scene is completely laughable. The script is horrible. The directing is even even worse. I've watched porn with better acting, writing, and direction than this! I feel sorry for all the actors that were in this. I've seen them in better, but it's their fault for choosing to be in this garbage (unless they didn't even read the script before accepting the roles).

For as little screen time as Tony Todd has, he was the best thing about this movie. I feel sorry for Bill Dee and especially William Forsythe. They were obviously doing this flick for a paycheck. But William is better than this trash.

Avoid this movie at all costs if you're sober -- unless you want to laugh!!! It will be even funnier if you're drunk with a group of friends.

I would give this NO STARS if I could.
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horror movie, really?
zewuok6 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Well, what can I say about iMurders? Nothing good I'm afraid. I'm not a huge fan of horror movies, but I decided to give it a try. The plot about some mysterious game played by a bunch of uninteresting people who later get killed is simply dull. And adding "i" to the title won't help much. The acting was terrible and so was the script. You don't have to be a psychic to guess the ending and who the "bad guy" is after maybe 15 minutes into the movie. The chemistry between the professor and his lover is nonexistent and watching William Forsythe deliver those horrible lines was painful. All the main characters are dull and I really didn't care about them, so even the cutscenes of the killings couldn't change that. I considered turning this disaster off, but I managed to watch it to the oh-so-surprising end so I can honestly say that it was one of the most boring movies I saw this year.
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Kernel Panic
tedg24 January 2010
You know what? This is pretty incompetent in a few ways, but the incompetence works for it.

This is a murder mystery of the old school. You are introduced to characters. Murders are being committed. Clues are placed around. Many suspects and many motives are given.

There is a chatroom angle, but that does not matter. There is a horror genre angle, but that does not matter either.

What matters is that you really are allowed to be the detective. There are none of the detective genre devices that you expect to find. The situation is very chaotic, more nonsensical than the conventions allow. That's what makes it work. Yes, you are a bit surprised at the end. But they play fair, and in the denouement, you have the film flashbacks to attest that the solution was under your nose.

The production values are pretty bad. And the lines are profoundly juvenile. But the mystery itself: cool stuff.

Ted's Evaluation -- 2 of 3: Has some interesting elements.
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The worst
pstev10 October 2009
Maybe the worst part of this movie is it isn't so bad as to be unintentionally funny, but it's close.(Charles Durning's psychiatric sessions bring bad acting to a new level). The only suspense in the plot is how some pretty good actors managed to get into this embarrassment of a film. Let's start with William Forsythe, the college professor, who we are suppose to believe much younger attractive women are drawn too. Only in a fat middle aged man's fantasy world could that be true. And this movie. Nothing in this movie is very believable. I feel bad about pointing out just one persons bad acting when there are so many, but Brooke Lewis' performance as the FBI agent is the most frightening thing in the this 'horror' movie. It looks worse next to Tony Todd's performance as her partner who is actually quite good making her look all the worse. The bad plot(you'll know who did it in the first 15 minutes) and acting gets overshadowed by a terrible script. Maybe its a situation where a director falls in love with his own words. Worse dialog you have never heard. Maybe no actor could do a good performance given what they had to work with. So if you are stuck seeing it see it for laughs and maybe you won't feel so bad about wasting two hours of your life.
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Surprised at some of the reviews...I liked this flick
simdek100012 October 2009
Saw this movie at the Big Apple Film Fest - the fact that it even got into this festival was to me a reason to see the film because they are very selective. I was not disappointed, which is why I can't really understand some of these nasty comments. I really liked the story and the twist and it kept me interested with all the subplots. My take on the film is that everyone can be connected in some ways - through the internet - like six degrees of separation kind of thing - thought it was clever. I saw this on the big screen and the other thing that impressed me was that for a low budget film it really looked like a MUCH higher budgeted film - kudos to the director on that one. Also, the fact that Gabriele Anwar is in the film doesn't hurt!
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Better than I thought it would be....
kjackal757 October 2009
went with my wife to a horror festival in chicago to see this film. She loves one of the stars, Terry, who is on a soap she watches - i had no idea who she was, but the wife wanted to go, so i went. for me, i prefer a traditional horror movie, which this isn't - not enough blood - more "thriller" than horror. i wasn't sure what to expect from a low budget indie film as i tend to like lots of FX...(btw - the bloody scenes this movie did have were actually pretty cool). i liked the story - thought it had a good twist at the end (last 15minutes very cool)- you definitely had to pay attention b/c there are lots of characters and it jumps back and forth. would actually probably see this again when it comes out on DVD just to see what i missed the first time.
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Wow, neither the cop or the FBI had any eye for detail!
theoneis6 October 2009
Detail is what seems to be missing from this type of film. If it has the detail then it's so good, but if it doesn't have detail as is the case of this film, I spend my time looking for faults that the writers missed.

When the cop is asked what kind of car was driven and he says I don't remember. My first thought was, "Now what cop misses big details like that?".

Film is just bad. I've seen William Forsythe do a much better job of acting, but given he was following a directors direction with a crap script his lack of performance is understandable.

For the most part Terri Colombino is one of the players that given what she had to work with did a pretty good job. I guess that the biggest disappointment was that the fake land lady never did do a nude scene in the film. I looked like she had the rack to set a world record!
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Scarecrow-8818 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
iMurders concerns a string of "chat room murders" where a psychopath is terminating members of a "Facespace" chat room, seemingly able to move across the country and be at several places at once(..if you believe the far-fetched twist, that is)in order to do so. iMurders has several stories ongoing, quite over-plotted, focusing on those members of the chat room, their lives. Gabrielle Anwar is a Hollywood actress whose face was scarred after an accident in a gym. Billy Dee Williams is Anwar's lawyer, negotiating a settlement on her behalf and may just be behind the murder of a beautiful woman who was part of the Facespace chat room. Terri Colombino just moved into a New Jersey apartment and makes friends with a worrisome, nosy landlord, played by Joanne Baron. Miranda Kwok is communicating to her psychiatrist Charles Durning(..who seems worse for wear, his age starting to interfere with his abilities to perform)about her angry, malevolent thoughts towards the one responsible for the death of her lover, April. William Forsythe's storyline is given a great deal of screen time, as he portrays a professor carrying on an affair with his secretary; he is an active participant in the chat room, often shooing his wife away(Margaret Colin)when she seeks quality time with him. Forsythe is eyeing a dean's position, and juggling his affair as well. Frank Grillo is an ex-cop haunted by the ritualistic slaying of his detective brother, and who falls in love with Colombino, his neighbor. Grillo's sister is an FBI agent, Brooke Lewis, out to catch the one responsible for her brother's homicide as well as the chat room killer. Tony Todd is Lewis' partner. The plot suggests Colombino might be the killer because she's a traveling corporate event planner, her frequent flier miles offering up the likelihood that she might be able to be in those places where the murders transpired.

As I mentioned earlier, "iMurders" has a hell of a lot going on so there are bound to be loose ends or story lines which are never quite satisfactorily settled. I'm not sure why "iMurders" devotes so much time to Forsythe's scandalous story as it never really relates to the psycho plot thread..he's merely a member of the chat room, with little else attaching him to the thriller plot.

Billy Dee Williams and Anwar's plot is uninspired, injected here and there into the film(..there's a stabbing to the chest that's mentioned almost in passing, although such a development would be more interesting visualized on screen instead of treated as a mere afterthought)as if they were included because of their names might carry weight when mentioned on the DVD box. The meat of the film is Colombino and Grillo's romance and how it is tested by the chat room murders and his psychological hangups.

I believe the film does itself in because it attempts to cover way too much ground in 90+'s nearly impossible to feature so many characters and sub-plots in such a limited amount of time and do them proper justice. An opening scenario involving a husband having an affair, caught by his wife with a mistress, resulting in a tragic suicide, plays an important role in the chat room murders.

Billy Dee Williams has a role of substantial worth in regards to how his character affects the lives of certain individuals( it contributes to twists in the film), but it's mostly mentioned rather than shown( if he was only paid for a certain amount of days, with the filmmakers forced into adopting creative ways to include his character in the plot without actually having the actor available). To be honest, the twist involving the identity and motive of the clever psycho, is a load of hogwash that seemed to be whipped up on the fly.
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Why did this make it to video release?
haney6327 July 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Luckily, I did not pay to rent this movie. In fact, the time spent watching it was not worth losing. I am a fan of lower budget movies, especially in the horror genre, but, there has to be some substance to make the movie viable. I looked at the cast, and it seemed respectable enough. I noticed that it "won" some awards, and saw a number of IMDb fans had given it enough clout to pull it above a 4.0 rating, so, why not watch? Wow....The only award I could possibly see it winning is the Razzie for "Worst movie of the year." i Murders was all about poor writing and plot holes, enough to fill a number of really bad horror movies. The acting was "sub-parr", at best. The editing would have not gotten a passing grade in a community college movie making class. Character development was to the point that even caring about who was killed or who killed whom wasn't even something to be considered. Anyone giving this flick a rating above 3 would have to be either a member of the cast and crew, or a relative. In short, what a waste of media, time, and movie please!
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aqos-14 November 2009
I only gave this movie a 4 because it had Tony Todd in it. This story was beyond predictable to anyone that is a fan of this genre. William Forsythe took a role that was beneath him and his poor acting showed it, otherwise the established actors in this movie did a great job. That can't be said for the rest of the cast. It was a poorly done story that did not give finality to some some people and no decent background to others. The relationships in the movie were unrealistic for the most part. They chose to do a close-up shot on an actress with yellow teeth, which grossed me out. Whoever made this movie, kudos for getting the established actors, shame on you for casting William Forsythe in a role he is not suited for and go back to school to learn about making a good movie and telling a story well.
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Reminiscent of Manos the Hands of Fate.
griff_consortium12 October 2009
1. There is a suspense scene in the movie that stutters like watching Manos the Hands of Fate. 2. The few "big" name actors must be long out of work, makes you feel like your watching Bela Lugosi in Plan 9 from outerspace. 3. The Shills in the message boards for this flick that are reviewing it with a rating of "10" makes it that much worse. Over 50 votes for a rating of "10" if this movie compares to The Godfather. You will see what I mean by "SHILL" when you look at the reviewers who have posted comments on only this movie AND just so happen to registered just before the movie was released. 4. Please don't take my word for it, don't rent it just borrow it from you library where you need no support poorly made movies. I want everyone to see the movie and rate this how they see fit. Maybe soon it will surpass Manos. Maybe it could get improved by Mystery Science Theater 3000. I think this movie could become a new Meme online, something in blogs and chatrooms, when someone irks you, you could warn them of iMurders...
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Good cast so what went wrong?
Pete97512 March 2010
I saw the cast list and that really was the main draw to this film.

I think it is definitely the script which lets this film down badly There are three plots in this film. While one sub-plot certainly did a nice job of setting up a red herring and lots of soft-core T&A, the third plot was off on its own little island with almost no connection to the events in the main plot. It only slowed the film right down and destroyed any tension being built up in the main plot. The main plot itself was not very original done but if more of the film was spent with it would definitely have been a better film to watch Many scenes appeared to have no connection to any part of the story at all. Most of the acting was competent but the male lead while pretty enough was just not very convincing. While Forsythe certainly acted better and got more screen time unfortunately this was all part of the irrelevant sub-plot. Actually both leads were boring sketches of characters and the more interesting supporting cast were all sidelined in favour of the nice, young, white couple. Perhaps this film did make more sense at one time but someone butchered it
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Cyber Junk
billcr1220 June 2012
Imurders uses the popularity of Facebook and other chatting networks as the basis of a murder mystery. Eight members of the site are killed off one by one. Hollywood casting places the usual stereotypes as the victims.

We begin with Sandra Wilson, a yuppie with a mysterious background, and the lead suspect. A professor named Uberoth(did the writer lose a bet?), a scared model, Lindsay(Gabrielle Anwar), a phone sex operator, Meltnurmouth(how creative), and a special effects guy, Mark. The only thing missing is the butler. FBI agents Otis and Lori investigate the case. A decent cast is wasted with a predictable and the characters are wooden. This belongs on the Lifetime Channel. Do not waste your valuable time on Imurders.
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tankfreak29 January 2021
I'm just going to preface this with, I generally like B movies. I think they're fun and entertaining and I rarely give scores under 4 or 5 as long as there was some effort and/or creativity and the movie is entertaining in some way. This one is just bad though. Honestly, I'm only giving it a 2 for the cast and I will spend the rest of the day wondering how this movie even got half these actors. But otherwise there's just nothing redeemable here, no reason to watch. The story isn't compelling or even vaguely original, the killer is obvious from the second they're introduced, none of the performances or dialogue stands out, cinematography and editing are film student 101 grade, even the score is bad. If it weren't for "Facespace" and a character having a Blackberry, I'd have been convinced the movie was made in 1998 rather than 2008, and actually the movie as a whole reminds me of late night junky Showtime/Cinemax movies of the 80s. Seriously, save yourself the 98mins of absolute boredom.
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Great Indie Thriller
doughero15 October 2009
I first heard about iMurders about a year ago when I saw the poster image. Which is awesome, very eye catching. I instantly added the film to my myspace and facebook fan list (funny since the plot of the movie revolves around "facespace"). I met the director at Project Twenty1's Film a thon in Philly, he is a great guy and very supportive of other's independent films.

The film is filled with talented not quite A list actors (some used to be A list). The cast did a great job and you really got to know the full set of characters.

I enjoyed the thriller and horror aspects of the film. It is really tough to bring suspense into the feel of a film, especially on a low indie style budget. I was pulled into the story and was waiting for what happened next. I have seen many indie thriller and horror films, most are laughable at best. This film really stands out compared to other indie thrillers. I hope the filmmakers are noticed from this film and have the chance to keep making great films.

Check out the film and give some support to the indie filmmakers.
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nogodnomasters9 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This is a murder mystery. You attempt to figure out the killer from the sketchy clues. The movie cuts the scene before it gives you the information one would need to solve the mystery. This technique is used in many such films, but in this one it was overdone and too obvious, as it appears to be a tool substituted for a lack of writing skills.

We know the beginning is a clue. A man is having an affair. The computer in the room is turned on and his wife comes home and catches them. The typical argument ensues followed by a gun shot. Who were these people? Who got killed? Who did the killing? We never find out until the end as knowing the relationship between the people in the story might make solving the mystery easier. The movie deliberately plants clues to lead one astray from the real killer.

Movie contains sexual situations, brief nudity, girl/girl action, violence, blood, and slight gore.
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iMurders (2008)
SashaDarko8 March 2018
A mess, but an interesting one. Deliberately confuses you all the time right until the end, which looks quite cumbersome and unnecessary, because some plot lines seem to be existing just for the sake of it. The motivations are extremely weak, the events make barely any sense. But it also has that 2007-2008 DVD atmosphere (especially with its Facebook clone, chats and and mobile texting) and somewhat engaging to watch. It probably shouldn't work, but it does.

Previously called "Scroll Down" (as revealed in the credits), but seems the name was changed due to the uprising of IPhones of the time.
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Texas Loves iMurders
HarrietLovesHorror13 October 2009
The Texas ladies from Texas Frightmare Weekend want to wish iMurders congratulations on the DVD release. We were fortunate enough to watch the film in May and we loved it and have been following you ever since. We love the cast of this film and our favorite roles were the detectives played by Tony Todd and Brooke Lewis. They made such a cute team and acted very well together. We were lucky to get to talk to Brooke Lewis for a bit and were pleased to see that she is just as sweet as she is pretty. We welcome you back to Texas soon and please bring Billy Dee Williams with you next time. Good luck and we are headed out to get the DVD. -Harriet
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