What Happened, Brittany Murphy? (TV Mini Series 2021– ) Poster

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Interesting but PLEASE get rid of You Tube "influencers" as commentators in documentaries
thealeciathomas16 October 2021
I found parts of this to be pretty interesting and a long overdue salute to one of the most charming and underrated modern actresses but I HAVE to dock it points for the absolutely HORRENDOUS "commentary" by you tube makeup tutorial "influencers" they did NOT know Brittney or anyone associated with her. Kindly stick to people who know what they are talking about if you want your film to be taken seriously please! So tired of social media as a source of anything!! Besides I thought it was determined that she died from mold spores that had a toxic reaction in her lungs to a body already weakened by prescription drugs and excessive dieting. The addition of the mom and brother of the husband show what a con artist her husband was for sure though.
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didn't need to add the "social media influencer" bottom feeders
matt-233-49789916 October 2021
I didn't know much about Brittany Murphy other than remembering that when she died I thought it was incredibly tragic because she seemed like a legitimately sweet person, a good actor, and way too young. One thing that bothered me was that they twice showed texts of list of drugs and I'm not sure if they were ACTUALLY from an autopsy report or just random lists of drugs shown for sensationalism because they really ignored the possible overdose that would be all but guaranteed if they were found in her system. And the fact that they spent so much time airing random social media conspiracy "influencers" talking while doing makeup tutorials really makes me wonder how accurate the documentary is. It definitely made it feel trashy. Maybe if people were more responsible about what they baselessly say, people like Murphy wouldn't be driven to things like eating disorders, drugs, and desperation. Her last few years were quite a tragedy.
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Who the hell are these bloggers?!!!
jdejesus76453 December 2021
I can't understand why these make up bloggers are here??? I liked this for what little details I provided, however, you can totally tell the writers already had their minds made up. The fact that this will never be proven just makes this that much more BS. I enjoyed the reflection on her career and how she was as a person. I can't agree with the narrative they're going for.
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Disgustingly exploitive, adds nothing to this young woman's story
random-7077814 October 2021
I am sorry but Brittany Murphy was not some great talent. She was a very good young comedic actress, and an attractive one at that, that Hollywood chewed up and spat out at a young age, as Hollywood has done 10,000 times.

We know how she died. She had lethal or close to lethal amount of prescription hydrocodone exacerbated by antihistamines, which can double the effect of hydrocodone. In fact persons addicted to hydrocode take antihistamines at the same time to double the opioid effect of the drug. Hydrocodone has gone from class III to class II in the US and been banned in much of Europe. Her friends had noticed that she was exhibiting a drug habit several years before this with severe loss of weight, slurring speech etc.

This woman's story is she was VERY talented. After age 30, when Hollywood tosses out most talented your women actresses, she ended up like most -- severely declining film and TV offers. All evidence is she turned to prescription opioids.

This film decides to use the techniques of the cowardly makers, rather than make direct assertions of every stupid conspiracy theory, dodge responsibility and have anonymous persons, YouTube nuts and gossip mavens make the lurid and conspiracy theory based claims. That is a cheap shot and a cowardly one at that.

Do yourself a favor and stream one of this talented person's works. That is their legacy. Their legacy is not the nonsense in this exploitive "documentary."
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parkerposeytso23 October 2021
Loved Brittany Murphy and my FAVORITE movie she was in was not one of the "go to" films like clueless, etc I absolutely LOVED her performance in "Riding in Cars with Boys" alongside Drew Barrymore, just a fantastic performance by both of them.
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What a Sad but Fascinating Story
rolbyh200226 July 2022
Brittany Murphy really was a bright talent and shining personality. This documentary shows how physical and psychological manipulation can really harm a person. The story itself is very sad but also fascinating. The documentary production was just okay though with too many interviews with outsiders (who cares what a paparazzi vulture thinks??). The best interviews were with people who were truly close to Brittany.
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Interesting watch
mosskillnz23 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I've wanted to know more about what happened to Brittany Murphy for years. How did she go from top actress to dead so quickly..? So when I saw this documentary was coming I was well interested. The story, however, is not as complex or outlandish as you may think. I think that's the thing the film makers were trying to get across. This is an everyday story of girl meets boy, boy turns out to be a lying manipulative scum bag, the end. Or it is in normal life. In Hollywood you add prescription drugs and it's a recipe for disaster. It was shocking to learn some more about her husband. What a complete tool. But there are loads of them out there... I'm come across a few in my life so far so I feel like this doco works well as a cautionary tale. Also... her mother was totally taken advantage of too; so I don't feel like any blame can fall there. Terrible story and a perfect storm.
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A Cautionary Tale....
Erik-Movie-Reviews16 October 2021
This Documentary had a slow start and agree with the other Comments about the use of the Youtube Commenters. The Crocodile Tears from D-List Hollywood Types and Hangers On didn't help either. But keep watching.

Although slightly longer than necessary, it proved to be a relatively through and balanced investigation of Brittany's last days and Death. The Police Investigators and Coroner were very professional and believable to all but the most extreme Tin Foil Hat Wearers.

It seems likely Brittany's poor degenerate Husband was the primary contributing factor in her Death, and it was very disappointing that his Mother does not seem to be able to acknowledge her son's lifetime of wrong doing even after his Death.

It is sad Brittany Died. She paid a very high price for what turned out to be a very short lived Fame.
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What were the filmmakers thinking?
shelleyalevin23 October 2021
Clips of moronic YouTube buffoons speculating on her cause of death while doing makeup tutorials ruins what could have maybe been an interesting insight into BM's psyche, relationships, how she handled her own healthcare concerns, etc. It could've at least been a decent documentary if not a great one...but the inclusion of these hollow influencer wannabes robs the filmmakers and other interviewees of all credibility.
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Compelling interviews of people close to her
manleygurl17 October 2021
I thought this was a great analysis of what was going on in Brittany's world in her final months and weeks. It shows a perfect storm of the meanness of Hollywood, the trauma of childhood stardom, and the greed of a manipulative con man. You could see how talented she was and how kind, and how broken she was.

A lot of her fans want some easy straight forward answer presented with a pretty little bow. That's just another fantasy that people feed into. Not everything is black and white; not everything is wrapped up neatly in a 60 minute episode. The inclusion of social media YouTubers was also poignant. It feeds into obsession as well as how beliefs and feelings are used instead of facts - by some people. Although this tragedy happened over 10 years ago, people still go online - with little or no facts - and find ways to feed their anger.

In the end it's a sad story of a young person in the spotlight who got involved with a terrible person at a very vulnerable time in her life.
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Tons of speculation
rwmappraisal-4512115 October 2021
What's with the clowns doing make up tutorials and commenting on this? That immediate lowers any credibility this "documentary" has. Stop putting random social media contributors in your films.
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Clearer than water
GomezAddams66617 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This is by far one of the best true crime documentaries I have seen in a while, it is made abundantly clear what happened to this young starlet, and who is responsible for it.

It is heart breaking to see how Hollywood took a young woman and sent her to a path from where the odds of her coming out alive were not great.

True crime junkies will enjoy this documentary that not only unmasks the people who took Brittany Murphy from this world, but that also makes society look into a mirror to see how ugly it can be to young women, tearing apart piece by piece their tranquility, their self-confidence, and then look at the unfortunate yet avoidable results that come from it.
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Abysmal. I made an account just to review how awful it is.
nbenjamin-4530025 October 2021
Love a documentary, and I was a fan of a lot of her movies so I was curious when I saw this. But, I couldn't finish. It was awful. I'm not sure why the people who made this documentary, with all the research and effort they made and the attempts to get the people who were close to her to interview (and even the doctor who did the autopsy) felt the need to put these idiotic video bloggers in there, as if they are some sort of authority. As soon as I saw the one who was doing her makeup, I thought, "What kind of joke is this?" They have zero expertise, and just talk nonsense and conspiracy theories. I don't need a video blogger to talk about how weird it is for her widow and mom to cuddle in the same bed together - I can come to that conclusion on my own. And, if you're going to get a video blogger to opine, perhaps get one that does not talk as if they are a stoned 16 year old girl. "Like, seriously? That is not cool, who does that?!" Thank you so much for your opinion, video blogger. You can go back to doing your makeup now, I'm turning something else on.
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An important conversation-piece....
mattjkozak17 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Two items really stood out for me in this mini-docu-series: First and foremost was the commenter in the film who briefly mentioned (as kind of a passing reference) Brittany Murphy being the "It-Girl" (a'la the famous actress Clara Bow) of the early 2000s period, for her own respective movie era that is to say.

Which if you look at Murphy's filmography from Girl Interrupted (1999) on thru 2005, this really is apt in her case...She did a little bit of everything as far as movies go (pretty amazing really)!!

The second item that struck me hard, was the testimony of Ms. Elizabeth Ragsdale. How terribly that woman was treated by this guy, and how courageous of her to share her story of what sounds like a total creeper and Creepshow in her life. God bless that woman.

Another commentator in the documentary (towards the end of the second-part) says, regarding Monjack's involvement in Brittany's life: "It ultimately is a very banal story. It just - really isn't a huge mystery. It's just very simple, a predator targeting someone at their most vulnerable..."

I think that really says it all best, in terms of the darker elements the documentary covers. A shame too... because Ms. Murphy was at a point in her career where, if she still had-had some more positive influences in her inner-career-circle...She most certainly would have secured one or two more iconic roles for herself, either on-screen or on-stage, most probably at some point up the road.

I personally really appreciate the approach this documentary took. Seemingly what the film-team attempted to do was take a 'true-crime' approach, juxtaposing thoughtful and insightful interviews and comments from people who actually knew Brittany as a person - as opposed to speculative half-opinions from people on YouTube who didn't really know her at all...Was my interpretation anyway.

I think 'film-history' will treat Ms. Brittany Murphy well overtime.... Regardless of people's personal opinion of her as an actor/artist, she performed in some roles that are Cultural-Linchpins for the era of movies in which she Came-Up as an Artist:

Clueless, Girl-Interrupted, 8-Mile, Sin City, Happy-Feet... Not to mention King of the Hill -- one of the most loved animated T. V shows of the late 90s/early-2000s. (Shout-Out to "Aunt Peggy", interviewed quite prominently as a close-personal-friend of Brittany Murphy's throughout both episodes!!)

These movies, projects, cultural-character-commentaries will stand the test of time as long as People still care and talk about them going forward As-Well.

Woulda been great to see her do more **Work** but she definitely already made her mark as an Actor&Artist.

I'm not saying this documentary was perfect (what documentary is!?), but I personally appreciate the approach taken by the documentarian film-crew to attempt to put to rest a lot of the 'hacky' conspiracy-theory items surrounding all of this, in an attempt to put a lot of that part of all this to rest .... So people can focus more on what a Wonder-Full Artist&Person Brittany Murphy actually is, and appreciate all the great work she's already done.

As a sidenote: All people of course are entitled to their own opinions, and we're all human, so we all make mistakes here and there, but I must say it is hard for me to take any comment seriously about this subject or the Actor/Artist in any comment where her name is constantly mis-spelled...It's "Brittany" not "Britney"...Anyone can say what one wants about this documentary for ill or For-Good, but at least the documentary got that right. Lol!

Rest in Peace Ms. Brittany Murphy.
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Who made this??
tlharrison-5954619 January 2022
This documentary was horrible. Brittany Murphy was in a ton of movies and clips from those movies definitely should have been included to show her talent and range but the way the clips were used in this documentary was just horribly tacky, trying to align specific scenes in her movies to what she was experiencing in life. It felt like a grade school attempt at making a movie, and horribly disrespectful. The inclusion of YouTube vloggers offering their uninformed opinions... WHY? HBO Max is a paid streaming service. If anyone wants to see what amateur internet sleuths have to say about the death of Brittany Murphy, then they can easily get that information themselves... for free. Not worth watching.
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vfultonk22 October 2021
Was surprised to see a lot of similar comments expressing outrage around using social media clips.. it's almost like they missed the point of why they were used? There was a lot of speculation around how this could have happened. The documentary's focus was on "what happened", so they painted a narrative using the speculation throughout media, her close friends, and the professionals that were involved in her autopsy. I think it really captured an interesting story which made you think on how something like this could happen to a young star. "It was benal", said the reporter, as to why it happened. Meaning it lacked in originality. Meaning that it wasn't some elaborate scheme or diabolical planned death, it was just a girl who was vulnerable and fell into the hands of unsavoury environment/people (person). A tale often told which is what makes it so sad and tragic.

The 2 part series highlighted who she was; expressed by her close friends and co workers whom spoke so highly of her, which was also made obvious throughout the clips shown. Was a good job done. Honestly.
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Potential wasted
embmw17 October 2021
Using random vloggers as a means to propel the narrative offsets any credibility this mediocre film gains from its few substantive interviews. Mostly, it's just two hours of people offering unqualified opinions. It'd be easier and quicker to learn about this case via a web search. Even as a true crime fan I thought this one was a waste of time.

On the plus side there was some good photography, and the music was quite good. I was never a fan but I came away liking her a bit more after seeing this. Sadly, we hear more from airheads applying their makeup whilst vlogging than we hear about Brittany herself. A wasted effort, and and not worthy of your time unless you're a rabid fan seeking confirmation that Monjack was a bad guy.

5 stars, with two removed for the use of the vloggers.
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Love it!!!
vincentlagana2 November 2021
I didn't really know to much about Brittany's death before, How sad. Sad story overall. I liked it. I wonder about her Mom till this day. Rest In Peace Brittany.
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Tabloidy, Overly Long, and Short on Conclusions
caramia200220 November 2021
TLDR: Nothing to see here, folks, in this terrible, clickbait "doc". It tells less than what you can find online and there is no big revelation here. Just photo after photo of skeletal Brittany.

I have always respected HBO docs, but this is a real tabloid "doc" (the Max part?). The only redeeming factor is that it interviews many of those close to her (except the mother). But there are way too many YouTube floggers to count and they are all speculation and promoting baseless conspiracy theories, and talking about her death while doing makeup tutorials, which is the worst bad taste I can think of.

Not to mention the inclusion of that parasite, Perez Hilton. He is very complicit in her demise, and has had a negative effect on other celebs as well. He seems to be contrite and that could be a whole other doc but this one doesn't delve into his so-called regrets at all. His justifications are just tasteless.

The ONE question the doc never, ever asks is why her mother didn't do something, get her to a doctor, protect her daughter? How can a crush on a con man trump the welfare of your only child? She was living in the house the whole time this developed. Why the doc doesn't investigate this is bizarre. They are hyper focused on the husband's role. I guess easier to speculate about the dead than the living for the filmmakers. Of course Simon, the husband, picked his marks well. Two naive women at a weak time in their lives who were dying for a strong man to protect them and take charge. But that doesn't excuse the mother or anyone else who didn't at least call the city and ask for a welfare check. Esp when she was pretty much a prisoner. How can you call those people "friends"? I will think twice before putting money into their pockets anytime soon.

So strange that the coroners they interview gloss over the drugs of abuse in her, and her husband's, toxicology reports. 2 kinds of Vicodin (hydrocodone, a popular opiate), amphetamines, benzos, and much more, saying that they were "prescription". Yeah, no one ever abused or OD'd from those... Just Vicodin and benzos are enough to stop you breathing; it's why drs can't prescribe both now in most states. Perhaps there weren't enough of these drugs for cause of death but her Wiki says that they were definitely a factor. Yet the doc omits this important information, so they can clickbait viewers to keep watching. Even after the investigator said it appeared that the couple had been doctor shopping and using an alias for Brittany so she could evade detection. Inexcusable reporting.

It never fails to amaze me how time after time, death after death, no one does anything about obviously sick or troubled celebs. The sad thing is that it's often the people closest to them (Amy Winehouse's father, etc) who are culpable. But I've seen it close up. People are so enamored with a celeb that, you know, anything is excused and they are given more of whatever is killing them. Or there is too much money to be made to take any action. Even at the highest levels of a huge record label producer or film producers and directors. It's the sad truth of the music and film biz since their inception, over 100yrs now.

One thing that is striking, and I don't trust the "doc", but this seems to be so, is that there was no big usual investigation into Brittany's death, yet there was into the husband's, Simon. Police are usually extremely suspicious of spouses, and bring them in for questioning or even arrest them, but none of that here. What made the con man, n'er do well husband worthy of a serious investigation and talented, famous Brittany not? There are many of these questions the film might have tried to answer, but doesn't.
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soulistic17 October 2021
I have always been a BIG fan of Brittany Murphy. Watching her in early 90s sitcoms and shows was just amazing childhood memories.

I remember when I heard the news and I couldn't believe it. It's NICE that they are keeping her memory alive... I don't think the generations now would have ANY understanding who Brittany Murphy is/was.

I read the other comments and I understand what is happening...however... these TRUE CRIME things are just....too much.

Rest in Peace.
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tlwgvlle18 October 2021
I wasn't aware that the National Enquirer was into filmmaking. The gossipy information and opinions of the various vloggers was so enlightening, not to mention their helpful makeup tips.

Brittany Murphy deserves better.
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I had never watched Brittany's story, Until I saw this
vincentlagana18 November 2021
Brittany Murphy was an American Tragedy. That poor girl needed some guidance when she was going through it all, But Simon was just there to be a sick human to her and make things worse. Brittany Murphy you are loved and will always be missed!! RIP darling.
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Really, chics doing their makeup are part of this?!
RaeGal-4461116 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
So HBO has resorted to using Youtube chics doing their makeup as the opinions of the public or experts on a celebrity death.... What happened to investigated journalism? This so called "documentary" is so disrespectful and just like something you would find on YT or social media fodder. I felt like I was watching random influencers earning clicks for cash. But maybe HBO has just gone completely downhill. I don't know.

But this episode totally shows you how the media and networks are today and I'm sad for the future....

I was so distracted by the use of current ignorant influencers opinions and biases of others for this, I totally missed any meaningful information shared about her death thus far.....kudos for missing the mark...
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Stop using random YouTubers in documentaries!!!
ullasea22 October 2021
This documentary has some high end contributors. Amy heckerling, Kathy najimy, reporters from people but THEN they use random YouTubers . Also these are the most awkward people that they use. Ones that no one would take seriously if they walked up next to them and started talking yet they give them credibility by putting them in a documentary. Why would these people's opinions matter. WHY?? Hbo documentaries have been on a downward spiral for years but this is bad. Awful.
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karenm-689-24190816 October 2021
Brittany was a beautiful talented actress and to make this documentary of her was so disrespectful. The commentary from YouTube bloggers throughout the series was beyond ludicrous. It appears that everyone came out of the woodwork to be included, most of them barely knew her. Another tale of a young actress that fell for a dangerous man and she paid with her life. Please honor her by watching one of her movies instead of this piece of trash.
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