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Exactly what you come to a Hatchet film for
MoistMovies26 January 2018
I dont write long reviews. Its simply put a good comedy horror film. Campy and stupid when it should be, gorey when it should be. A very fun film Dont go in with high expectations and youll get everything you want from it. Adam green should be given more money to make some high budget comedy horrors. He has a real knack for it
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Victor Crowley: Another enjoyable addition to the franchise
Platypuschow27 April 2019
Adam Green, Parry Shen and Kane Hodder return for this 4th Hatchet outing and like the others it's bloody fun.

Andrew (Parry Shen) the sole survivor of the previous massacre is a pseudo celebrity now and has been offered a large sum of money to do an interview at the site of the murders. On arrival, you know the drill.

With a fantastic cast including horror legends Tiffany Shepis, Felissa Rose (Who is on the best form I've ever seen her) and Tyler "Michael Myers" Mane I was happy with the roster. Also notable were Laura Ortiz and Dave "Deputy Doofy" Sheridan.

Less predictable than you'd expect, mindless gory slasher content and a great script loaded with some fantastic comedy. Sure the Hatchet movies are hardly groundbreaking but they're enjoyable throwbacks and I appreciate that.

Without any spoilers I have to say based on the post credits scene my desire for a 5th movie has risen, make it happen Mr Green!

If you liked the original movies then you'll get a kick out of this, if splatterhouse type movies aren't your thing then best avoid.

The Good:

Looks great

Follows on from the previous movies well

Decent cast

Neat cameo appearance

The Bad:

One scene was needlessly grim

Ultimately it is just more of the same
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Great Cheesefest!!!!
brantleyrock1 May 2018
Classic hatchet style. Fun to watch with friends. Do not take it seriously. It's a cheesefest but worth checking out. Gory kills and fun times!!!
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Let it die, please
Linda197312 February 2018
Loved the first one. 2nd was so-so. 3rd got back on track. Then there's this...

Total mess of a movie. I know it's supposed to be over the top and silly, so don't say "she just doesn't get it." I know fully well what it's supposed to be. That doesn't excuse the mess that it is. Some of the acting was fine, but jeeeeezzzeee...tone it down some. At least make some characters likable. Everyone was so obnoxious that you seriously couldn't wait for them to die, and all were embarrassing stereotypes. Thank God the movie was only about 80 minutes long...I couldn't suffer through much more. And obviously no budget...the entire movie was obviously on a stage and setting half of the thing inside a crashed plane didn't help matters. Put Victor to bed and let him rest in peace.
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Victor Crowley ... lives
kosmasp2 February 2018
Not that we'd expect something different. But yeah if you have been watching the other movies (that's Hatchet 1-3) you should know that it did seem like the Crowley Saga was over. But low and behold, we get another one. And Adam Green is coming back to take the reigns and continue the legacy he created. It's also almost a miracle he kept the making of this movie a secret. So while almost everyone was expecting to see the original Hatchet movie at a Festival I was attending, surprise surprise ... it's Hatchet 4.

And if you liked the first Hatchet and the second one, you can see the similarities. The humor is back and what some may call bad acting, is deliberate and over the top. That doesn't mean you have to like it ... just be aware of it and don't confuse it. If silly floats your boat (no pun intended), you can give this a try
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Really disappointed.
zanemartin2 March 2018
I love both the 1st and 2nd film, the 3rd was ok but the high kill count and gore made up for it. I made an account just to review this movie. There is sooooo much talking in this movie. Too much arguing with unlikable characters and not counting the intro, it takes too long to get to a kill.(Seriously, like 45 minutes in!!). The gore is great but it needed way more kills and better pacing. You'll be begging for more Victor screen time because it takes forever between kills. Victor Crowley was badass and that's about it. Hopefully the 5th film(if it happens) will be better paced, have less annoying characters, and please, a higher god damn kill count!
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this movie is good
californication-hit27 January 2018
Before watching this movie, i looked at imdb to see if there was any helpful reviews about it and i found only one , so i thought that this might be garbage and i didnt have high expectations going into this, but i was completely wrong. this is a low budget movie; the dead bodies looks fake, however it has a decent storyline, good acting, goery and in addition to all this its hilarious, so i recommend it to anyone who hesitate before going watching it and i think that this movie deserve more reviews and ratings.
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Like really ???
intorchard-1012 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I was so pumped for non stop gore like the second and third one but no this movie. 45 minutes of talking with a little gore at the beginning and then 20 mins of gore near the end. The editing sucked, the score was way too loins and u couldn't even hear the actors. You could even hear the rustling of the mic's wow. I love Adam Green but yeah , this movie was not the best.
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The fourth in the Hatchet franchise has not lost the edge
Usually the sequel to a film, with rare exception, is nowhere near as good as the original. For those chosen few franchises that get to a third film, it's usually a shadow of the original and often barely tolerable. If lucky enough to make it to a fourth, it's usually under the control of a 2nd or 3rd director & laughable...and not in a comical way. In the case of Victor Crowley- also known as Hatchet IV- this pattern does not fit the mold. It's probably not quite as good as its predecessors, but it's still a good watch.

***No spoilers, and a short and sweet write-up***

The synopses speaks for itself, so I'm assuming folks reading this aren't looking for a paraphrased version of the flick; just a quick rundown of the particulars.

First, VC is a bit more schlocky than the preceding three movies. This is not a bad thing, as the inclusion of some indirect horror comedy made for an enjoyable addition. While it did come off as a bit cheesy at times, I rather enjoyed these little incidents. That said, the schlocky parts contributed to the decline when compared to the previous flicks. More than anything, I think this has to do with the acting in this particular ensemble than anything.

Speaking of acting and the ensemble, it was AWESOME to see Brian Quinn (of Impractical Jokers fame) part of the crew. He's always a riot, just by being himself. As a whole, I thought this ensemble would be better, but it turned out to be the only downside. They just never felt least not compared to the previous films. The lead character is probably the most wooden of the group; he is the only repeater from part 3, aside from Crowley. He wasn't terrible, but he was a just so blah.

Aside from that little bit of bummer, the rest of the film held up fairly well. Again, remembering that it wasn't quite as good as the others, the direction was on par, the production & post was good, as were the editing and music, and the special fx were equal to the others. The gore was probably greater in this than the others, which I found appealing, since that's why any of us watched the series to begin with, I think.

Some notes on parental content:
  • There is a fair amount of profanity. Not gratuitous, but fair to moderate.
  • Scary and intense situations are kind of what made this franchise is about. While I wouldn't call it scary, there are several scenes that some would call intense.
  • There are no sexual scenes in the movie. One female is shown undressed from behind, and there is some sexual banter, but otherwise this is not a major facet of the movie.
  • There is a large amount of violence, blood, and gore! This is certainly not for the squeamish. While some of the blood is over the top, there are some fairly gnarly scenes. This movie will appeal to the gorehounds out there, and the fx are prettt well done.

In all, I enjoyed the flick. Not a lot of new movies out there are what I would call "gorefests,"'but this one is pretty close. If you're just an average horror fan this is likely not for you. This movie will appeal to those who like blood, violence & gore - some over the top, some prettt realistic. Both are enjoyable.
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Awful, Tedius, Disappointing fourth Hatchet movie.
CuttingEdgeReviews7 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I was looking forward to this movie. I am a huge Hatchet fan, I loved Hatchet 1 and 2 (Hatchet 3 not so much). I love the old school, 80s slasher style with silly but fun characters and gore.

Then I watched this movie. The story is that Andrew Yong survived the attack of Victor Crowley ten years ago, wrote a book, went on a talk show with his mean and hateful ex-wife who is the talk show host, then went on a book signing tour with his manager, played by the wonderful Felissa Rose. Shortly after his manager tells him he can make great money by going back to the swamp and filming a movie or documentary about it.

The main part of the move is a group of unlikeable, argumentative characters fly on a small airplane to the swamp, until they crash land in (surprise) Victor Crowley's swamp, who is unintentionally resurrected. Victor Crowley begins killing one obnoxious character after another, while the survivors endlessly argue with each other.

Compared to the previous Hatchet movies, this movie lacks the fun and humor. It was nice to see Tiffany Shepis, but her talent was wasted. The gore and special effects are very few likeable characters in this movie.

This is a terrible, tedius, obnoxious movie. It's also rather short. Soooo disappointed. Kane Hodder as Victor Crowley and Felissa Rose as Kathleen are the only bright spots in an otherwise boring, obnoxious third sequel that is not even in the same league as Hatchet 1 or 2.

I miss Tony Todd as Rev. Zombie. :(
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Brutal creative deaths n plenty of laughs. Fans of the series will love this.
Fella_shibby4 March 2018
Saw this on a rented dvd. Waiting to buy a copy of it. Have all the 3 parts in my dvd collection. Fans of the series will definitely enjoy this but those who havnt seen the series will also enjoy this as it has plenty of laughs, brutal n bloody deaths n claustrophobic atmosphere. Adam Green shud be applauded for making such an entertaining brutal slasher n considering its low budget, he did a mighty fine job. There is something sinister about horror films set in the bayou, especially Louisiana n Green made full use of the settings. I had complained in my review of the first part about the no usage of crocodiles in such settings. If only there was some short crocodile terror in this installment, i wud have loved it even more. Watch out for Dave Sheridan. His comic timing is very good n his character was a perfect sigh of relief in a very tensed n gory slasher.
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Just What I Expected
WankerReviews28 May 2018
I love this movie series! The only horror movie series where all the sequels are just as good as the original. I can understand why some fans might not like it, because it does take awhile for the multiple kills to start, in the second half. But I personally didn't mind. To me the characters were likeable and funny to watch, so it was never boring. The kills are just as gruesome, and kept me wincing in my seat. A nice mixture of wanting to see gore, but wanting the characters to survive. I can't wait for part 5!
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Victor Crowley Rules - This Film Doesn't...
P3n-E-W1s33 April 2018
Oh, Dear what can the matter be? Victor Crowley is back on my TV!!!

Now, I don't have anything against Crowley (Hodder) as horror film monsters go, he's climbing up there. It's actually Green's story and direction which irked me the most about this film.

Firstly, the story is pretty much non-existent. Ten years after the first attack, the sole survivor, Andrew (Shen) is doing the rounds pushing his book on how he survived Crowley's attack. This puts him on his ex's TV show Sabrina (Brown). She's over antagonistic and bullies him in the interview. She later cons him into another interview, this time an outside broadcast back in Crowley's swamp. Meanwhile, a film crew accidentally resurrect Crowley and his killing spree starts up once again...

The major problem with the writing is the characters, particularly that of Sabrina and her relationship with Andrew. Supposedly they were a loving couple, though there's no evidence of it here. You're not even given a reason for why she treats Andrew so vehemently. This is unrealistic and unbelievable. It's also so obvious that their relationship is there as a comedic element. However, it's more annoying than funny. To be truthful, though labelled as a comedy there are very little laughs in the film. Not once did I smile at a joke, let alone laugh. Had this been played as a straight horror then it would be a stronger film. Another thing is Green relies on characters to add humour, such as Dillon (Sheridan). The trouble is we've seen this type of character so many times so you need to add something new to make it funny. There's nothing new in any of the characters. Though I have to say that Sheridan does put his heart and soul into his portrayal of the character, which was nice to see as other actors are less enthusiastic.

This could come down to direction as Brown, who plays Sabrina, is too shouty and angry. This needed to be toned down a little. As it stands, the handling of the character is part of the reason she comes off so badly. Then there's the scene at the shed. This is meant to be funny, but it's telegraphed too early so you know what's coming and you're waiting for it to happen. So when it does eventually come the comedy has been rendered unfunny. This is the case with a lot of the sight gags. As for the direction of the rest of the film, it's standard and dull, especially the scenes within the plane, of which there are too many.

In fact, the only saving grace to the whole film is Victor Crawley himself and his slaughters. The special effects team have my respect, these are gloriously nasty wet-work. I was just sad to see the turbine kill effect was shot at a sideways angle so there was little viscera. Shame they missed out on the chance for a nasty and grisly ending. If they could have pulled it off it would have gone down in history.

This is not the best in the Hatchet franchise and I'd not recommend it to anyone except those steadfast horror fans who have watched the previous three flicks.
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If this had...
xzaviar4428 January 2020
If this had been the first "Hatchet" movie it would surely have been the only "Hatchet" movie.

I loved "Hatchet" 1,2,3 but this one just seems so low budget, the acting is not on par, the effects are so much less and the humor is minimally "stupid funny".

What happened?
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Creepy, Crowley Snake on a Plane
thesar-224 April 2018
When your franchise is long-over dead, try just naming your latest installment the main character's name! Let's see, it worked for: Jigsaw, Hannibal, Leatherface, Chucky, Jason, heck - even Jason Bourne and now Victor Crowley!

Actually, technically, the Hatchet series is one of the most consistent in quality and structure. They even have the gorgeous Parry Shen as a constant element in all four films. And that all said, it's time to hang up those overalls.

I did a marathon of the four Hatchet films and that's really the way to go with these. Each one, with the exception of today's delightment of derangement, takes place the exact second the previous left off and makes sense to do so. Parts 1-3 take place over a consecutive couple of days. Only one issue.

Well, more than one. The horrible move from the fantastic final girl of Amara Zaragoza in part 1 to the Halloween regular, Danielle Harris, was a severe downgrade in part 2. Like the Friday the 13th franchise this humbly plays homage to, they killed off the bad guy in #3 and a nice/complete conclusion to the series. No need to contin...damnit. They fooled me.

In further homage, they once again brought back their utterly unlikable villain to the kill count because, yep, another homage to the Jason Voorhees series. Clever girl (or boy?)

In a lot that absolutely mirrors today's social issues, the movie opens with a book tour from the dude in each one of these, my favorite character - because of his humor throughout the films and because of those damn good looks, played by Parry Shen. The opening is hilarious, as are all the Hatchet movies - mostly with Parry, but also a wonderful 50's style homage with MST3k's Jonah Ray.

And speaking of Ray, I heard him in an interview talking about how they actually almost killed him because they refused to let him wear his glasses or contacts for the scenes he ran around the swamp. He is almost completely blind without the aid of his contacts/glasses, but this didn't seem to bother the crew filming him run with sharp branches and hatchets around him in the dark...

I digress. Even though Part III was a funny Aliens knockoff, this one went back to Aliens again getting Part III's only survivor back into arm's length of the creature he was lucky enough to escape many years prior. God, now I wanna stop writing and go watch Aliens again.

Man, Aliens is such a good movie. I just love how Ripley saves her friends and nothing at all could possibly go wrong for her newly saved friends in any sort of follow-up to Aliens...

So. Victor Crowley was good and worth seeing, but it does need to end. While I liked all four movies and will highly recommend the series, they each have progressively gone downhill. Yeah, it's real easy to rank these: 1, 2, 3, VC. Done.

Also, funny enough, especially with this film's title, he's so unlikable. In real life, we're supposed to hate serial killers like Jason, Freddy, Chucky and Leslie Vernon, but they're all so much fun to watch on screen. Victor? Well, he's the most brutal of all modern day monsters. He makes Letherface look like an amateur. But, he's just so, so dark. So mean. And zero charisma. He's not the reason to see these movies.

Fine. If you're here JUST for the gore, Victor would be your reason to see this. To me, that's 5-9% of the features. The majority of the film focuses on humor, homage, inside jokes, references and wonderful cameos. Those are why, well, those plus Parry Shen, I continue to see them.

It's just that, you've made your point. You killed off the baddie, like they did to Jason in Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter. And now you resurrected him like they did in the 6th film: Jason Lives. I really don't think they need to continue, even though they're still pretty creative with how to approach the same outline in each installment.


Final thoughts: Despite my criticism above, yeah, I totally recommend this movie. Especially the commentary on people's 15 minutes of fame exploited here. Plus we get a scene where Parry Shen cannot stop staring at another man's junk. He even says he cannot look away from seeing the other man's balls and penis. Had to watch that scene several times....
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Skip this one
samaelluci27 August 2018
Stupid plot, bad acting, really odd pacing, pointless things constantly happen, etc. Hatchet 1 was amazing, this is a heap of cow crap
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The inevitable (but welcome) return of Swamp Thing Crowley!
Coventry17 April 2018
I picked up from the trivia-section that writer/director Adam Green had solemnly planned never to make any further sequels to the "Hatchet" franchise, but that legendary horror directors Wes Craven and George A. Romero both outed themselves as avid fans of the series and encouraged him to make more installments. I don't know if this is truth or just a really good story for Green to tell during interviews or at premieres, especially now that both Craven and Romero passed away before the official release of the film. It's quite possible that the fourth entry simply got produced because another sequel is a guaranteed money-maker. And, quite frankly, I don't really care because personally I'm always willing to watch more "Hatchet" movies. The character of Victor Crowley is the closest thing we've got to a genuine slasher icon since the vanishing of Michael Myers and Jason Voorhees! You have to be a fan of the "Hatchet" series in order to appreciate "Victor Crowley", by the way, since this film is completely over-the-top and slightly obnoxious from all possible viewpoints. The plot is virtually non-existent, all characters are total nitwits (deliberately, I suppose), the gore effects are ridiculously extreme and the humor bounces back and forth between crude, infantile and downright vulgar. Ten years after the infamous Honey Island Massacre, sole survivor Andrew reluctantly accepts an offer to return to the swamp with a TV-crew and shoot a documentary. Their planes crashes and the survivors are violently picked off by local legend Victor Crowley, as he accidentally got resurrected by a YouTube video. Yes, that's exactly how silly the script is. Kane Hodder is having another field day, as Crowley joyously smashes heads, breaks skulls and swings around hatchets. Personally, I would have preferred that Tiffany Shepis' role was slightly more significant and, as I'm a big fan of hers, I really missed Danielle Harris in the cast. As far as I'm concerned, Green can feel free to make another sequel and maybe dedicate it to the memory of Tobe Hooper this time, or something?
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Victor Crowley
RobTheWatcher21 June 2023
Victor Crowley is the latest installment within the Hatchet franchise. In my opinion it was not the best of the series. It needed to be made to continue the franchise but also was just an extreme force. I know these movies and stories are purposely bad and unrealistic but this one took it to another level. Just how this particular group came about and the plane crash and how he was resurrected seemed way too far fetched. I still enjoyed the blood, fore and violence but the story was particularly bad this go around. It does seem like the ending is going to leave us with more so I'll definitely watch them.
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Avoid - first disgusting, then obnoxious, then tedious
Groverdox18 August 2019
Yes, there's another sequel to those Hatchet movies, which for some reason they chose not to name sequentially. They must have known the series was getting crappy, and thus they decided to rebrand it under a different title.

They needn't have bothered. This fourth "Hatchet" is just more of the same, even down to the out-of-nowhere ending. And the lame gore. And the obnoxious a-hole cast that it is entirely impossible to care about.

It opens with a uniquely repulsive scene. Inexplicably a flashback to the '60s, though still set in the swampland locale that was boring by the end of the first Hatchet, and none of the others departed from, we see a man propose to his girlfriend. She responds by bursting into tears. And mucus. But mostly mucus. The man tries to get her to wipe her face but is unsuccessful, and she kisses him. When they break the kiss, strings of mucus join their faces like spiderwebs. The man begins to dry-retch, and I wondered if I might join him in this. Of course, they get offed, in what seems to be a pretty unrealistic fashion.

Then we're back in the present, and the Asian guy from the previous movies, apparently the only survivor, is on a horrible talk show where he is interrogated by a wig-wearing Oprah knockoff, and then goes to sign copies of his book about surviving "Victor Crowley", the titular killer. A woman asks him to sign her breasts, and then an overweight man asks him to sign his penis and testicles.

Yes, you read that right. And the movie doesn't neglect to show you the appendages, either. They are apparently real - you can even see the left testicle shrink on exposure to the air. Thanks for providing that close up, filmmakers. It's much appreciated.

What were they thinking?

And then, blah blah blah, yadda yadda yadda, they end up back in the swamp and start getting killed. Who cares? Nothing remotely interesting or unexpected happens for the rest of the movie. The death scenes are tacky and unbelievable. The characters are obnoxious in an uninteresting way. The women aren't particularly attractive. The Asian actor could have made his character someone you might actually root for, but the movie won't let him.

And it ends out of nowhere, leading us to expect they are going to make yet another Hatchet flick - perhaps titled "Victor Crowley 2". God help us.
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A Horror Fan's Delight
mojoguzzi-879-6849811 October 2017
Adam Green is quite possibly the most talented director working in the horror field today. His films are always loads of fun, with subtle touches of humor like the hillbilly in Hatchet 1 drinking from a plastic urinal bottle, offhanded details that are easily missed if you don't pay attention. Of course there's plenty of not so subtle humor as well, especially in the Hatchet films which are Grand Guignol at its most extreme.

Those little touches are just part of the tapestry Green weaves, using every weapon in a film maker's arsenal. VICTOR CROWLEY could serve as a film school model of how to use sound and how to frame a shot for maximum effect.

There isn't a weak role in the script and every actor hits just the right tone. The acting is dead on perfect all around and the casting is sublime. Laura Ortiz is adorable as a feisty little sexpot, Dave Sheridan nails the hungry actor wannabe, Parry Shen shows great range. Too many to name them all, the entire cast is excellent.

Green's directorial skills are matched by his writing. Humor in horror is tricky. If you're making a horror film with humor, as opposed to a horror-themed comedy, it's easy to lose your balance, and too many directors cheapen their films with sophomoric one liners. Victor Crowley is loaded with very smart humor, some of it dark, some character-based.

The cinematography and sets are topnotch. The special efx are fantastic. One in particular is worth the price of admission... I'll say no more than that.

If you can't stomach gory efx, this film is definitely not for you. For fans, it's a gourmet feast.
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pure gore sadly mixed with comedy
trashgang12 February 2018
My God did I liked the Hatched franchise and when rumours came out that the next one was going to be made I was happy and looking forward to see it. Don't know why it isn't called Hatchet IV but hey, Vicor Crowley is alive.

Seen it I still don't know what I have to think about it. Where the franchise was made for the gore this one here do offer gore again but it also has a lot of overacting and stupid humour. And the humour used in the beginning I could dig, the co-pilot thing I really found it funny, but after a while the humour took over from the horror.

Not a thing we expect from this kind of flicks. Still, it do has pure gore just for the gore of it but the stupid situations and humour teared it down. But hey, the worst in the franchise but the open ending makes you want more...

Gore 5/5 Nudity 0,5/5 Effects 4/5 Story 2/5 Comedy 0,5/5
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Annoying Characters and Story
Michael_Elliott10 February 2018
Victor Crowley (2017)

** (out of 4)

Ten years after the event of the first film, survivor Andrew (Parry Shen) is on the talk show circuit talking about his ordeal. His publicist (Felissa Rose) talks him into going back into the swamp and discussing the issue there. Sure enough he agrees and before long they're battling Victor Crowley (Kane Hodder) again.

This here is the fourth film in the HATCHET series and no one knew it was coming. Director Adam Green shocked the horror community when some fans showed up to what they thought was a screening of the first movie but it turned out to be this instead. I must admit that I was really looking forward to this movie but it sadly turned out to be a major disappointment.

There are all sorts of issues with this movie but we'll start with the screenplay. The entire group of characters are just so over-the-top and obnoxious that I really couldn't wait to see them killed off. The characters were extremely annoying and one couldn't help but grow tired of them. Even worse is the fact that there's really not too much that happens. The plane carrying everyone crashes in the swamp and the majority of the movie takes place on the plane with the characters scared to leave it because of who is outside.

It seems that this film was shot with an even smaller budget than the previous three movies and perhaps this was why so much of the action (or non-action if you will) takes place on the plane. Another thing that really hampers this one is some truly awful CGI effects. Just take a look at the first murder and it looks like you're watching a movie that was produced for YouTube. Yes, the CGI effects are that embarrassing. The actual practical effects are a lot better and thankfully there is some rather gory violence thrown throughout the film but certainly not enough to save it.

VICTOR CROWLEY is a really disappointing movie that really doesn't work on any level. While you're watching it you stick with it in hopes that it finally kicks into high gear but before you know it the film is over. When looking back on the film it's even more disappointing.
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They should have done 1 movie that's it
kaefab7 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Well like 2-3 this one brings nothing to the table and reminds me a lot of Friday the 13th 6 when Jason is brought back to life by an electric rod into is heart during a electric storm, this movie was amazing but also made in the 80.

Hatchet the first movie was nothing new a mutant disfigured monster that kills people in gory ways, and that repeat itself in all the movies. In this one he is brought back to life by some voodoo incantation we only see some bubbles and that's it he is back.

A part from some cameo and some horror legends that have small parts the movie brings nothing new to the franchise. Maybe its time they stop doing them to milk the cow.
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The Weakest Entry In The Hatchet Films
vengeance201 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Haven't seen this film in over 4 years & the other 3 in nearly 10, but, had a Halloween Marathon Film Night with the Hatchet Films & re-watched them including this one. I'm sure I review this one on here, but for some reason haven't...

The film sees the remaining survivor from the Victor Crowley attacks in 2007, Andrew Yong, once again forced to return to Honey Island Swamp where to his horror, Victor Crowley has been resurrected & is thirsty for blood.

I found the film to be overall ok. It's not great & lacks the back to back kills we see in the previous films. There's some gore to be had as well as some action but it's dubbed down with unlikable characters with vile attitudes.

Despite it being 75 minutes long (1 hour & 15 minutes), it does drag & lacks the kills & excitement & we see very little of Victor Crowley, who seems more absent in this entry than ever before. The story itself is weak & the humour is too self parody it's bad.

Saying that, the gore isn't bad, the eye candy is great & the ending wasn't to bad either to be actually fair with you. We get to see the honey, Danielle Harris in the post credits scene, hinting at a possible 5th Hatchet film...

Overall, it's not bad, but the weakest entry out of the Hatchet films for sure. It's more drama & less of the slasher, crashing & thrashing we see from the killing machine which is Victor Crowley. Despite the gore, kills & eye candy we did see, this film lacked.

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"Hatchet" on a plane.
recklesscow18 April 2018
Aside from the fact that I never found the character of Victor Crowley to be frightening in any sense of the word anytime throughout any of the previous three installments, I could get behind the films for their level of comedy and entertaining, over-the-top gore that all congealed to make a fun throwback to 80s slasher franchises that never took themselves too seriously.

So it's unfortunate that this, the fourth installment, is such a turd. Hampered by an obviously sub-par budget that forces the film to utilize mainly one location for the majority of its running time, the film treads water agonizingly before ending at an hour and sixteen minutes. Did I mention that the first five minutes of the film are a prologue? That means we get roughly an hour and ten minutes of actual film, with the great majority of the action taking place on a crashed plane.

You'd think that once the character of Victor Crowley mercifully, finally shows up after what seems an eternity of foreshadowing that the ensuing payoff would be worth the wait. You'd be wrong, however. Crowley is simply "going through the motions" once more, doing what he does best yet failing to offer anything original. The franchise feels, by and large at this point, tired.

What's worse, the jokes are either unfunny or are delivered by actors that manage to make their lines incomprehensible, rendering them flat. The director also deemed it fit to cast an actress with an annoyingly high nasal voice that grates on the nerves throughout.

After the anticlimactic and, typically, abrupt ending, the film falls from the memory, completely failing to make any sort of lasting impression whatsoever. Too bad that a fourth installment in a previously fun, if silly, franchise wound up being without any redeeming qualities whatsoever.
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